Twenty Two

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Two Months Later

"Emma! Get in here. You have to see this!"

I put my toothbrush down, spitting out the toothpaste and quickly wiping my mouth with a towel before I ran out into the living room.

Ethan was sitting on the floor, Jack laying down in front of him.

"What is it?" I asked. Ethan smiled at me.

"Just sit down and watch."

So, I sat down next to Ethan, watching Jack.

Ethan leaned down, making a funny face at him, and Jack gave him a huge smile.

"There it is! That's my boy." Ethan said. Jack smiled even bigger.

"Are you gonna smile for mommy too?" I asked, leaning down and lightly squeezing his chubby little cheeks as he smiled. "Awe. There it is. How cute are you? So cute."

Jack cooed, still smiling at me. Ethan leaned over to me, putting his arms around my stomach and happily pressing a kiss to my cheek. "I love you."

I smiled, pressing a quick kiss to Ethan's lips, then leaning my head on his shoulder. "I love you too."

"What if we went away for a weekend?" He asked.

"With the baby?"

"No. Just us." He whispered, pecking my lips.

"Who's gonna watch him?"

Ethan smiled. "You silly. You keep forgetting that my mom moved to California."

He was right. Lisa's job allowed her to transfer to California for a little while. She wanted to be close to Ethan and Grayson, and now Jack.

Leaning my head back onto Ethan's shoulder, I looked at Jack who was smiling at Ethan. Even as a two month old, he looked up to Ethan. I loved that about him. I loved that about babies in general. They only see the best in people, and I loved the bond between Ethan and Jack. They were best buds.

"I don't know if I'm ready to spend time without him, E. We've never been apart from him overnight before."

"What if we just went somewhere for one night?" Ethan asked.

"I guess I can handle one night. But it has to be close to LA."

Ethan kissed me on the cheek. "Now you're talking, babe."

Jack cooed, and Ethan scooped him up, kissing him on the forehead. "Good morning, mister sunshine." I said. Jack smiled at me, his hazel eyes looking just like Ethan's.

I looked up, and Ethan was already smiling at me.

"You're doing such a great job, Emma."

"You too, E. Jack sees you as his hero, and I love that." I leaned my head onto Ethan's shoulder again, glancing at Jack, who was making his mid-poop face. "You got this, Jack-Jack. Come on. Give it all you've got, buddy."

"Good job, little guy." Ethan said. Jack relaxed, his Dolan-hazel eyes focusing on me.

"Let's get you cleaned up." I said. So, I changed his diaper and put him in a different outfit. It was still early in the morning, but Jack always woke up by 6, Ethan and I got our days going pretty early since Jack was born.

Ethan somehow convinced me that Friday to go stay the night in a hotel somewhere an hour away from LA for two nights. I have no idea how he convinced me to leave Jack for almost the whole weekend, but here Ethan and I were ordering room service in our silk bathrobes that we bought when Jack was born. They're so comfy, and perfect for lounging around the hotel room.

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