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It was mid-afternoon the next day, and Emma and I were in the kitchen making lunch.

This is our last week in Florida. This summer flew by.

We were both cutting up pieces of fruit to make a fruit salad.

"Hey, how's Jack-Jack doing in there?" I asked, looking at her belly.

Emma stopped slicing the strawberries and smiled at me. "He's doing mighty fine."

I stopped what I was doing and put my hands on her hips, pulling her back against my chest, and leaning down to her ear.

"If he's Jack-Jack, you know what that makes you and me?" I asked.

She turned her head to look at me, meeting my eyes with hers before they trailed down to my lips, hungrily staring. "I know it makes you Mr. Incredible." She flirted, biting her lip.

I pressed my lips to hers, my hands still on her waist as she turned to face me, putting one hand in the back of my hair, and the other on my face as we kissed.

I leaned down to her ear to whisper, softly pecking at the soft spot behind her ear. "And that makes you Elastigirl. Your little dancer's body is so flexible. I can stretch you out." I said, kissing down her neck.

She laughed as she massaged the back of my hair. "Ethan, not in the kitchen."

I lifted my head and looked behind me. "Bathroom's right there." I said. "How does a quickie sound?" I added, wiggling my eyebrows at Emma. She smiled and raised onto her tiptoes to kiss me, giggling into the kiss as I picked her up, her legs wrapping around my waist as I carried her to the bathroom.

I closed the door with my foot before sitting her on the counter, our lips still devouring each other's.

Emma was eager to unbutton my shorts, pulling them and my boxers down as I kissed down her neck and pulled down her shorts.

She was already soaked with need, so I slowly pushed myself into her entrance, and she softly moaned as I started to move my hips against hers.

My hand was resting on her thigh, and my other hand was on the small of her back as I pounded into her, and she leaned her head back, closing her eyes at the pleasure. As I started to get faster and deeper, her mouth went agape, and she was squeezing my shirt with her hand.

We were both getting out of breath, the pace fast so that we could be done quickly, and we soon reached our highs, sending each other into a complete state of bliss as we came down, slowly coming to a stop.

I pulled out, and Emma adjusted her shorts as I adjusted my own, and then I cupped her cheek with my hand and pecked her lips. "You make me so happy." I whispered.

She kissed me again, this time a longer peck than the last. "I love you so much, E."

"I love you too, baby. This continues tonight, and when we get back to California, I'm gonna take you on a really nice date to finally celebrate our engagement. Just the two of us."

She smiled. "I would love that."

I looked towards the door. "I'll go out first, and then make sure the coast is clear." I said. I knew that Emma didn't like people knowing what we were doing, while we were doing it, so I walked out of the bathroom and made sure that everyone was still outside.

I gestured to Emma for her to come back into the kitchen, and we washed our hands before continuing to make the salad.

Once that was done, we brought the salad outside to the patio, and everyone came back from the dock and the beach to eat some of the delicious fresh fruit.

"Emma, how's the baby doing in there?" Katie asked.

Emma smiled at her stomach, placing her hand on top of it. "He's good."

"Do you guys have a name for him yet?" Olivia asked.

Emma looked at me and smiled, silently asking me to share the name.

"His name is Jack." I said, putting my arm around Emma's shoulder and pulling her closer.

"We call him Jack-Jack like the baby from The Incredibles." She said.

"Awe. How cute." Katie said.

"I see you're continuing the family theme of J names." Joey said.

Emma laughed. "Sure, Joe."


That night was pure fun. We had a bonfire by the beach, and Emma looked so cute in one of my zip up hoodies. It was way oversized on her, and her hair was in an adorable messy bun.

We were standing by the fire, and I sat down on a chair, pulling Emma down to sit on my lap.

She laced her hand with mine as she nuzzled her forehead into the crook of my neck. I was running my other hand up and down her back as she curled up in my lap. "Mmm I could fall asleep like this, E." She sighed.

I kissed her forehead. "Go ahead. I'm not complaining, baby. I love holding you."

She tilted her chin up, leaving a soft kiss on my lips before nuzzling her forehead back into the crook of my neck again.

"You take such good care of me, E." she whispered, tracing her finger down my shirt.

"It's my favorite thing in the world, Emma." I whispered back.

I kept running my fingers up and down her spine, and she eventually fell asleep with her head on my chest, and my other hand playing with her hair.

"Is Emma asleep?" Olivia asked across the fire. She was holding Joey's hand nonchalantly as they stood there. Everyone else was also circled around the fire. It was fun, but also quiet at the same time.

"Yeah. She's asleep." I said, trying not to wake Emma up. She was out like a light.

The fire lasted another two hours, us friends just sitting there talking and laughing. I was surprised that Emma was able to sleep with all of the noise everyone was making, but she didn't even stir.

The only sign of life coming from her was that I could feel her warm breath against my neck. I didn't mind.

Once the fire died down, everyone went inside, and I carried Emma upstairs to our room and tucked her in.

I changed into a pair of shorts and brushed my teeth before climbing into bed with her.

She cuddled up to me, laying her head on my chest as my arm wrapped around her waist. She mumbled a half asleep 'Goodnight' and an 'I love you.', and I told her all the same before kissing her forehead and falling asleep with her.

I didn't mind that she was too tired to continue what went on in the bathroom earlier this afternoon. As long as she was in my arms and happy, I didn't mind at all. We have the rest of our lives to do all of that other stuff.

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