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Emma is six months along now. We finally moved into our new house about a month ago, and we love it.

Grayson and Joey put together the nursery for Emma and I, and let me just say that they have already proven themselves to be good uncles to Baby Jack.

As for the little guy, he's doing pretty good in Emma's belly. Just chillin out, and growing bigger by the second.

Emma's little bump finally made an appearance, and now since she's past the halfway point it seems to get slightly bigger every few days. Emma's super excited about it.

This year my mom and sister flew out to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving, and they're coming here for Christmas too.

My mom is super excited about this baby.

The doctors said that he should be born in late February or early March. I'm kind of hoping he'll be born in late February because I just want to meet my son as soon as healthily possible.

Since it's junior year for Emma and I, we have less classes, but I've also been working at the auto shop for a few hours on the week days.

It's making me a steady amount of money, but I've also been performing some music gigs with a few of my guy friends from college.

Emma comes to watch me perform every time. I always make sure she gets a good seat in the venue.

I always love looking into the crowd and seeing my girl cheering for me. Or smiling at me. I just love how supportive she is. I can't wait to get married.

Even just simply living with her makes me so happy.

I never thought I'd like living with someone other than Grayson, but Emma changed that. In fact, I actually like living with Emma better because Grayson always screams at me.

Emma just politely tells me that I left the toilet seat up again.

Emma and I celebrated our engagement with a fun date night when we first got back to LA in the fall, but I told her that her engagement ring was still being customized and sized.

The truth was that Joey gave me Emma's mother's engagement ring, and I was getting it cleaned and upgrading the stone. It would have a brand new look to it, while also having a very sentimental value to Emma.

She was super close with her mom.

The ring was finished today, so I picked it up on my way home from work. It looked perfect.

I got home and took a quick shower before changing into some clean clothes, and walking over to the couch where Emma was sitting.

I leaned down and pecked her on the lips before I sat down next to her.

"Hey, babes." I said, wrapping my arm around her as she leaned her head on my chest and curled her feet up on the couch. "How you feeling?" I asked.

"Tired." She said. "I missed you."

I leaned down and kissed her hair. "I missed you too, honey. Are you too tired for us to go out for dinner?" I asked.

She smiled up at me. "You wanna go to dinner?"

I smiled back, pecking her lips. "Yeah."

"We can go." She said. "You're extra cute today."

I smiled. "Yeah? Well, you're extra cute everyday."

She giggled, kissing my lips again. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Where do you want to eat?"

"Can we get Chipotle?" She asked.

"Of course." I responded, standing up from the couch and offering my hand to help her up.

We walked out the door and to the car, her hand in mine before I helped her up into the Jeep.

Chipotle was about five minutes from our house, so it wasn't long until she was sitting across the booth from me as we ate our burritos.

"Everyone's at Olivia's right now. Should we stop by?" She asked.

I nodded. "If you're up for it, I wouldn't mind stopping by. I do have a surprise for you though."

"Awe that's so sweet. You do?"

I smiled. "Yeah, baby."

We finished our food before throwing our empty trays away, then going back to the car.

I started driving to Emma's studio, but I didn't tell her where we were going until we got there.

"Wait why are we here?" She said, laughing.

"I told you I have a surprise for you, and I needed a place that is special to our relationship. We've spent a ton of time together here."

"Okay." She said, smiling.

We went inside, Emma turning the lights on. I took her hand and led her to the middle of the room, and getting down on one knee.

"I know we're already engaged, and I love you so much. I can't wait to raise our son with you, and I love living life with you by my side. You're my partner in crime and my best friend. And one hell of an amazing woman. You deserve a real proposal. I love you so much."

I got the ring from my pocket and held it up. "Emma Chamberlain, will you make me the happiest guy ever and let me marry you?"

She smiled. "Of course, baby." I smiled back up at her before I stood up and slid the ring onto her finger. She examined it for a second before she realized which ring it was. "Ethan, is this—"

"Your mother's engagement ring? Joey gave it to me. I had it cleaned and upgraded the stone.

A tear escaped from Emma's eye before she wrapped her arms around my neck. "It's beautiful, Ethan. I love you so much."

I leaned my head down, pressing my lips to hers in a long peck. "I love you too, Emma."

"I can't believe that Joey never told me he had her ring." She said.

"Now everyone will know that you're mine forever." I said, taking her hand in mine and kissing it.

She gave me another hug while pecking my lips, then looking down to her baby bump. "He's kicking." She whispered.

I smiled and placed my hand on her stomach. "Hey, Baby Jack." I said. "I love you."

Emma smiled, putting her hand on top of mine and leaning her head against my chest. "We're gonna take really good care of you, baby boy."

I kissed her forehead, wrapping my other arm around her shoulder. "Man. We're having a baby in a couple of short months."

Emma looked up at me, giving a soft smile. "He's gonna be so amazing."

"I know, baby. I can't wait to meet this little guy."

"Me too." She said.

I love living this life with her. She's my everything, and now she's giving me a whole new little world.

We'll get to raise this little boy and see life through a new lens. His lens.

I can't wait.

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