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Emma's POV

I woke up around 3 am because it was way too hot in our room. The heat of the Florida weather combined with being pregnant was making me feel overheated, and Ethan's body heat surrounding me only added to the temperature I was feeling.

I slowly ran my hand up his arm trying to wake him up.

"Ethan." I whispered. "Wake up."

He stirred, but he didn't wake up.

"Ethan." I whispered, a little bit louder.

"You okay?" He mumbled, his eyes still closed.

"It's really hot in here."

"Do you want a glass of water? I can get you one."

"Will you please?"

"Of course." He said, getting out of bed. He turned the fan on as he walked out, and a couple of minutes later, he came back with a glass of ice water.

He sat down next to me, handed the glass of water to me, and I guzzled half of it in one sip.

"Ugh. Thank you, Ethan. I was getting overheated."

He leaned down and lifted my shirt a little bit, kissing my stomach.

"Baby, stop giving your mama hot flashes."

I started playing with Ethan's hair as he laid his head in my lap, him stroking his thumb back and forth on my stomach.

"E, that's really the first thing you're saying to our child?"

"He's the size of a pecan right now. Probably can't hear me."

I scoffed. "You mean she."

"That's where you're mistaken. He's going to be a boy."

"How do you know?" I asked.

Ethan smiled up at me. "I just know. Father's intuition."

"I'm wide awake now."

"Me too. Wanna make out?" Ethan said, a huge goofy grin on his face."

I rolled my eyes, ruffling Ethan's hair.

"It's too hard to stop, Ethan."

"Hey, you know what the doctor said."

I laughed. "Ethan we don't want to wake anybody up right now. I'm too tired anyway."

He made a smoochie face at me, and I quickly leaned down and kissed his lips.

"There. You happy?" I asked. Ethan just made a pouty face.

"No. I want your tongue in my mouth."

"Ugh. Come here then." I said. He sat up, and I cupped his cheek before attaching my lips to his, granting his wish.

His lips moved slowly against mine, and as I opened my mouth for air, he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

Our tongues danced together for a few minutes, and Ethan pulled away, starting to leave kisses down my neck.

I hummed when he found a tender spot on my neck, nipping and sucking on it.

Luckily it was a spot that could be easily hidden by my hair—there would likely be a small purple mark in the morning.

Ethan's lips found mine again, softly moving against mine until we both needed air.

I grabbed my glass of water and drank the rest of it, chewing on a piece of ice once the water was gone.

all too well | ethmaWhere stories live. Discover now