Chapter Three: Setting Off

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Silver and I walked through the route together, trying to keep our Pokémon from running off.
Wooper seemed enamored by all of the local wild Pokémon but fortunately, he hadn't gotten into any battles.

We were approaching Cherrygrove City after a short trek through the grassy path. I could see the red roof of the Pokémon Center between some of the high trees.

"This is a big deal, Gold!" Silver told me. "We're about to finish our first Route!"

I nodded, keeping my eyes on Chikorita and Wooper as we walked. "It's a shame we haven't found any trainers though."

Silver shrugged. "If I had to guess they're all taking on the gyms and stuff. Why would anybody be out here anyway? Not like there's a gym in New Bark."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," I said.

Totodile came to a stop and picked up a shiny stone. He turned around to face his trainer and held it up. Silver grabbed the small stone from his Pokémon's hand and inspected it. "Woah, I think this is a Nugget!"

"That's so cool!" I awed, staring at the golden ball.

Silver kneeled down and pat his Pokémon on the head. "Great work Totodile!" His Pokémon grinned proudly as it was congratulated.

Chikorita watched the interaction take place and started scanning the ground. I chuckled at her effort. "Aw, Chikorita's trying to find one too!"

Chikorita stopped searching and looked at me hopelessly. "Chika..." she whimpered.

I got down on my knees and scratched my Pokémon's neck. "Hey, it's alright! You don't need to find me anything!" I comforted the Pokémon.

Chikorita's face lit up and it nuzzled against me. I got back up and looked around for Wooper.

Wooper had run all the way into Cherrygrove City and was beelining towards the large body of water at the edge of Cherrygrove.

We followed him and entered the town. Red flowers surrounded the entrance and a few houses dotted the small town.

The Pokémon Center and Poké Mart were stationed at the entrance of the town. We strolled past the two buildings and walked over to the beach that led out into the ocean.

A man was fishing next to us and Wooper was splashing about in the water. Totodile ran into the water to join him with a wide smile on its face.

"I guess we can take a short break before we continue," I said, watching the two Pokémon play in the water. Chikorita poked around in the sand but didn't drift too far from my side.

"Hello there, trainers!" A familiar voice said from behind.

Silver and I turned around to see an elderly man smiling at us. I immediately recognized him as Mr. Gent.

"Heya, Mr. Gent!" I waved at the friendly old man.

Mr. Gent's eyes widened and his smile grew into a toothy one. "Oh, Gold and Silver! I didn't know it was you two! You've finally started your journey, eh?"

Silver nodded. "Mhm! Gold just turned twelve so we got our Pokémon today and started!"

"My my, you kids have grown up so fast. I remember when your mothers would come through here to buy things at the mart and you youngins couldn't wait to get your own Pokémon." Mr. Gent said wistfully.

The man noticed Chikorita hiding behind my leg and chuckled. "Your Pokémon is a bit shy, Gold." He observed.

I looked down at my grass type. "Yeah, I guess so. You don't have to be scared, Chikorita." I told her but she didn't budge.

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