Episode XI

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"Get to your ships!" Padmé cried, her blaster firing.

The pilots and their trusty droids darted across the hanger to their fighter crafts. Anakin ducked  behind a cargo box with Gonk and marvelled as a pilot hopped into the ship next to them.

"Better find a new hiding place," the pilot said. "I'm taking this ship."

Gonk and Anakin scuttled aside as the ship started to take off. Battle droids were firing rapidly, shots bounced around the hanger. Gonk squealed. Gonk decided Gonk didn't like fighting one bit.

"Come on!" Anakin called to Gonk as he climbed into a second ship.

"Gonk," Gonk said. Gonk couldn't climb into the ship.

A battle droid darted in their direction and Gonk ran as fast as Gonk's little legs would take Gonk. Thankfully, Qui-Gon Jinn was not far away.

Qui-Gon saw the droid and used his saber to cut it down. "Find a place to hide," he told Gonk as he finished off another droid.


"What's the matter, little droid?"


"He can't find a place to hide, Master," Obi-Wan said, fighting his way over to them.

"Gonk," Gonk sighed.

As Gonk ducked around the shots from the battle droids, Padmé led a final assault on the remaining foes. Captain Panaka and his troops hurried into the hanger and helped to defeat the battle droids.

"My guess is the Viceroy is in the throne room," Padmé said.

"I don't sense anything," Qui-Gon answered.

Obi-Wan spun to face them, his face a flushed. "Gonk, you must find a place to hide until this is over."

"Gonk. Gonk?" Gonk did think the safest place for Gonk to be was with the Jedi, but Obi-Wan didn't seem keen on the idea. 

He shook his head. "No. You must hide."


Padmé and her fellow Naboo citizen were heading for the exit and the two Jedi moved to follow. Gonk, dazed and confused, toddled at Obi-Wan's heels.

Nice boots, Gonk thought. Gonk hoped when Gonk became a Jedi Gonk got a pair just like them.

"Hey," Anakin called.

"No, Annie," Qui-Gon said, making Gonk wonder why he did not have a nic-name. "Stay there."


"Stay in that cockpit." Qui-Gon looked to Gonk. "And you must also find a place to stay, my droid friend."

"Gonk," Gonk said. Gonk would have blushed if Gonk could have.

Gonk moved to follow Gonk's friends and Obi-Wan sighed.

"No," he said, "somewhere in here. Hide with Anakin."


"Calm down, Gonk. It'll only be for a short while."


Obi-Wan planted a hand on his face as he thought. "I suppose no one would bother you. Alight, but be quiet. Master Qui-Gon wouldn't take to kindly if you keep gonking."

Gonk nodded silently.

They turned to find the rest of their party had scattered. The open doors to the hanger were open, revealing the frightening figure that Qui-Gon had fought on Tatooine. Darth Maul stood with his legs far apart and his yellow eyes narrowed.

"Gonk," Gonk said, forgetting all about the deal Gonk had made with the Jedi padawan.

"Yes," Obi-Wan sighed. "I do have a bad feeling about this."

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