Episode X

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Gonk was starting to think everything would be alright when they s started running again. They had made it a good way down the hallway and the bridge had to be nearby - Gonk could almost sense it with the Force.

Suddenly Gonk knocked into a bright silver wall. Gonk rebounded, smacking into Master Kenobi's lower legs. "Gonk," Gonk said as the Jedi Master sighed.

"Ray shields!" Anakin declared.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He turned on his former padawan and spared a glance at Gonk. "Wait a minute," he said, "how did this happen? We're smarter than this!"

"Apparently not," Anakin said. "I was distracted."

"So it's my fault?" Obi-Wan shot back.

"You're the Master."

Obi-Wan spread his arms. "I'm open to suggestions."

"Gonk," Gonk said.

"Why don't we call Master Qui-Gon?" Obi-Wan said, frustration clipping his words. "I don't have my communicator. Anakin, you'll have to do it."

"Gonk," Gonk said happily. Qui-Gon would get them out of this!

"I lost mine," Anakin growled. "I must have dropped it in the hangar bay during the commotion."

"Perfect," Obi-Wan sighed. "You always lose everything."

"I've had this lightsaber for years now, Master," Anakin pressed.

"Gonk," Gonk said. Gonk didn't have a communicator either. "Gonk."

"Gonk is right, we will have to think of some other grand idea." Obi-Wan crossed his arms inside his sleeves and raised his chin slightly.

Gonk shifted between Gonk's feet whilst trying to think. Gonk had been looking forward to letting Qui-Gon help them out, but with no way of contacting him it just wouldn't be possible.

Unfortunately, the others seemed just as clueless as Gonk. Palpatine look mortified, his face pale and hair a mess, Obi-Wan's stress levels appeared to have reached a new high, and Anakin was smiling to himself.

"I say patience," Anakin said, breaking the silence.

"That's your plan?" Obi-Wan sighed.

"Gonk." Gonk didn't fully understand Anakin's way of thinking either.

"R2 will come along in a few moments," Anakin explained. "He will release the shields."

"Gonk," Gonk said. R2-D2 might have left the ship with Qui-Gon, DA-R7H, and R4.

"If they have left we will be waiting here a long time," Obi-Wan commented.

Palpatine glanced between them. Suddenly he seemed very concerned about their current standing. "The ship will explode!" he said in disbelief. "Do you really think the Jedi would have left?"

Obi-Wan's expression didn't change. "One cannot guess what Qui-Gon Jinn will do next."

Their conversation was interrupted as R2-D2 came sliding out from one of the side doors. R2 hit against one of the walls and reeled back, whistling as he always did when something had gone wrong.

"See, no problem," Anakin beamed. "R2 would never leave me behind, and I'd never leave him."

"Gonk," Gonk said.

"I sense it too," Obi-Wan said.

Several more doorways opened in the hallway and a stream of battle droids flooded out. Qui-Gon and the other two droids were with them, held at gunpoint. Gonk rejoiced at the sight of Gonk's former Master, then remember it was a bad thing Gonk's friends were still on board a that ship falling apart.

One of the nasty droids kicked R2-D2 and R2 whistled in response.

Obi-Wan uncrossed his arms and turned to Anakin. "Do you have a plan B?" he asked.

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