Fighting (headcanon)

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-you almost never fight.

-only when Gilbert gets jelly™

-you both get sad and basically don't leave the house until you make up.

-even when you're fighting you're still a cute couple.

-Gilbert complains to Bash about how much he misses you.

-you talk to Anne about it, she tells you Gilbert is stupid anyway. you get mad because she isn't allowed to say that about ur bby.

-you avoid eachother most of the time but keep glancing over at one another.

-missing eachother like crazy, but still getting annoyed when you see eachother.

-both your friends and Gilbert's hate it when you two are fighting, because it's obvious y'all get sad because of it.

-feeling guilty the whole time, but holding a grudge anyway.

-Gilbert apologizing about a million times, but getting jealous again a week later, doing exactly the same.
"I'm sorry, love, it won't happen again."
"you said that last time."

-you can't stay mad at him for very long. especially with his adorable attempts of making things right.

-when you finally make up, you go back to endless cuddling, making up for the time you were apart.

-Gilbert keeps apologizing, even when you already forgave him.

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