Chapter 10

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Light knew he should reply to L, he just couldn't bring himself to do so as he felt his phone vibrate whenever he got a new message from his husband. He knew L well enough that he would come and find him when he didn't answer, and even though he wanted to be alone, he wanted his husband even more. Not that Light would ever admit that to L's face, he was to proud for that. Light heard the sound of familiar footsteps approaching him – he didn't need to look up, he knew it was L. After living with the man for years Light had easier learnt the difference between L and Beyond's, B stomped around Wammy's whilst L sort of dragged his feet.

"Did you know, I use to play in this park when I was young before my father became obsessed with my grades and forced me to study every waking hour" Light said, he could still picture playing on the swings or going down the slide when he was five, doing something a normal child would do during their normal childhood. Light knew he was clever than everyone else when he was five, he could see it in people eyes as he did things normal five years wouldn't even dream of, but that didn't stop him from being a child, from having fun.

"I have my suspicions you were from Japan before you told me your last name. Your accent, Asian appearance and of course you were fluent in the language however, I never pried too deep into your life before you came to Wammy's in fear that you would shut me out. Kira was the only person who seemed to understand me who wasn't my own brother, even as a child I knew that you were too precious to lose. Your argument with Chief Yagami was something, I've never seen you lose your cool like that for a while now, I have my suspicious to why you acted the way you did but I also understand if you don't want to tell me" L said sitting beside Light on the bench, for once L decided to sit normally, it was his way of telling Light that he was serious without having to actually express the emotion.

"Tell me" Light said, he knew L knew but he still wanted to hear it come from his husband's mouth.

"Well there is only really one sort of explanation however, there is a chance I have read the whole situation completely wrong and what I think it is, it is in fact something completely different. If I had to put a percentage to it, I would say I'm 86% sure but that still leaves an 14% room for error. And if I am wrong, I have no idea how you may react, there is at least a 6% chance you will punch me, a 57% chance that you will laugh and 37% chance that you will have an entirely different reaction" L said. Light couldn't believe what he was hearing, L was rambling, well his version of it. Spouting out percentages without actually saying what they are meant to back up. Light lent forward and pressed his lips on L's to shut him up before pulling away.

"L, I'm not going to punch you. Just tell me" Light said.

"Before the Merikh case there was no opportunity that you could have met Chief Yagami, just from watching, you can tell that the relationship between you is already strained so something which happened before the Merikh case. Also, we can't exclude that before marriage your last name was Yagami. The only logical conclusion is that Chief Yagami is your father and the reason you ran away from home" L deduced, Light didn't say anything instead he rested his head on L's shoulder and entangled his fingers with L's. It was confirmation enough that L was in fact right.

"... when I left, the only thing on my mind was getting as far away from him as possible, I didn't even consider what I would be leaving behind. My father only cared about my grades and how it made him look good because he had a smart son. I was forced at an early age to spend hours on end studying and if it didn't live up to his perfect vision then he would punish me, at the age of five nearly six I was being forced to go without meals and to just study. Sometimes I would be forced to stay in my room others he would force me to study whilst my mother and he had their food. My mother never said anything, I think she was scared that my father would start doing that to Sayu and she was only two" Light finally said after debating in his mind whether it was worth explaining what he had gone through, it was. L deserved to know everything about Light. Light opened his mouth to continue when he noticed something – someone.

"What is it?" L asked when Light suddenly stood up.

"That's Sayu" Light said pointing at a girl who was walking past the park with her friends, Light might have ran away from his family, but it didn't mean he didn't check up on his little sister every once in a while to make sure she was alright. Light really wasn't bellow kidnapping his own sister if she was being forced through the same predicament as he had. But for what Light had seen, Sayu was normal, living a normal life with normal grades. Maybe his father had learnt from his failure, maybe his mother had put her foot down after losing one child or his father had just become so consumed with work that he never came home as regularly enough to force Sayu into studying.

"Would you want to reconnect with your family. I understand if you want to stay away from your father but Sayu and your mother, you could see them again" L said and Light stayed quiet for a bit, thinking. Did he want to be apart of the Yagami family again or was it better if he kept his distance.

"I don't know. On one hand yes, I would. I hate that I missed so much of my sister's life but on the other hand I'm scared" Light confessed, he refused to look at L. He didn't want to see what expression L's eyes were making. "I don't know how they will react to me suddenly reappearing; will they be happy; will they hate me for leaving. They will want answers which I can't give. I'm scared that they will try and force me to stay with them, that they will try and keep me away from you, Near, Mello, B and Matt. I don't want to gain one family but being forced to give up another".

L stood up behind Light and wrapped his arms around Light's waist and pulled his husband into a tight embrace.

"I'm positive that your mother won't try that and if she did, do you really think Near, Matt and Mello are going to let you go that easily. If it wasn't for you, Near would have never opened up to anyone at Wammy's, he really sees you as a mother figure and I don't think he would ever want to lose you. Mello is the same, you understand him, you've supported him through times when I know Mello's just wanted to give up. And you should know that neither I nor Beyond would ever let you go. If you want to meet with you family then I will be with you every step of the way but if you decide to keep your distance then I will support you with that. Now let go back to the hotel, I have the whole floor rented out so we don't have to got back to the task force yet, Watari can relay any information between us and them if need be. I won't force you to be in the same room as Chief Yagami if you don't want to be" L said before pressing a kiss to Light's cheek. He felt the tension leave his husband's body.

"Okay, let's go back".

L and Light walked back to the hotel in silence, their fingers entangled together. It made Light feel normal, walking down the street with his husband like any normal couple would. Expect Light and L were far from normal, both with extremely high intelligence, they spent most of their lives working as the first and second greatest detectives whilst managing their education and looking after children at Wammy's who equally have high intelligence. Their lives were far from normal yet, in this moment Light could pretend that it was. Going grocery shopping together, arguing over what they wanted or having a date night where they went to the movies or out to a restaurant, things which Light could never do because they had to maintain the secrecy of L and Kira's identities. Then Light stopped when he heard a familiar voice.

"Wait L is that Naomi Misora?" Light said looking at the NPA reception desk where a young black-haired woman stood demanding to speak with someone from the Merikh task force. L looked over at the woman then at Light. They both recognised that voice, it was indeed ex-FBI Agent Naomi Misora.

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