Chapter 25

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Light groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the bright light flooding through the open window. His head ached as he tried to move, to stand up only to find his movement restricted to a small shuffle. His arms and legs are tightly bound to a chair. Whoever his kidnappers are, they weren't interested in money as his expensive watch L bought him for his birthday last year. He can feel his wallet pressing into his leg. Whoever took him, wanted him for something or else they would've killed him by now. When Light blacked out earlier, he would've never woken up again. Light didn't have any enemies who knew his face. They hated the persona he hid behind when solving cases; they hated Kira, not Light Lawliet. It is impossible for someone to figure out his identity because had there been a breach of Wammy's network. Matt would've discovered the breach and informed Watari who would've never let Light leave.

Light's eyes trailed around the place he's being kept hostage, it's a cabin probably hidden somewhere remote, might not even belong to his kidnapper. The cabin is mostly empty, apart from the chair he's tied to and a small table shoved in the corner. The windows had small holes in them, and the ceiling corners are covered in spiderwebs. For many years, the cabin has been abandoned, only recently used if the thick layers of dust are anything to go from. For the first ten minutes since Light regained consciousness, he spent it alone, trying to free himself from the rope to no avail. Who would've thought growing up Wammy's needed to teach the orphans how to escape being tied to a chair? Maybe after all this is over Light needs to get L to tie him up so he can learn to free himself and this will never happen again.

The cabin door squeaked as his kidnapper forced it open, stepping inside before shutting it behind him. Light looked at him, the man he spent hours staring at a photograph of searching for any information they can find and use against him when the time to arrest him came. He isn't surprised that Higuchi is standing in front of him. Merikh is the only option for his kidnapper's identity. The only photograph that people can access of Light which was taken and uploaded online is when he assisted in the arrest of the second Merikh in Aoyama. Merikh is risking being discovered so that he can get rid of L.

"It's useless; you'll never get out unless you give me information on L," Higuchi said. Light had to stop himself from snorting. It's obvious Higuchi does not know what he's doing. He's a businessman; he has no experience in making people talk and considering he doesn't know Light actual name then he can't use the death note to force Light to give up any information on L. Had Higuchi known Light's real name then he wouldn't be standing here asking him questions. "I have nothing against you, L is my enemy, and if you cooperate with me, then I won't kill you."

"I have nothing to say to you", Light said. Merikh stupid if he thinks threatening Light's life will force him to reveal L's identity or location, he'd happily die to protect his husband.

"You don't get it! I can kill you in the most excruciating way possible that you'll be begging me to end your life. All I need is L's name, and I won't kill you," Higuchi shouted, and Light laughed. This man's pathetic if he thinks Light will roll over and give him what he wants.

"Go to hell!" Light spat. Higuchi's lips snarled as he clenched his fist and punched Light in the face. The sudden momentum sent the chair he's attached to toppling back. Light let out a pained hiss as the back of his hand smashed against the hard floor. Higuchi moved around the chair looking down at Light, his eyes filled with anger.

"Tell me L's name" Higuchi roared. Stomping his foot down repeatedly on Light's stomach, winding him each time, but instead of letting Higuchi see his pain. He refused to let anyone see him weak; only L can see Light at his worse, no one else, especially not some wannabe god with anger issues.

"What makes you think I know where L is hiding, let alone his name? That paranoid bastard refused to work with any of us face-to-face and sent an old codger instead. Constantly undermining us and thought he's better than everyone else." Light lied, "So, why would I know their name? Who knows if L is even human? He doesn't seem like it."

"I can find out if you're lying when my partner gets here, we'll find out", Higuchi said. If Teru is on his way, that means he's the one with the death note. From what happened at the court, Teru currently doesn't have the Shinigami Eyes. It's doubtful either of them has worked out who he really is: Light Yagami or Kira. If Light can distract them from making a deal with their Shinigami long enough until L and Beyond can find him, then it's all he can do.

"You're going to use the death note on me," Light laughed, "You're more stupid than I first thought. I saw the rules in the second Merikh's death note. If you write that, I tell you L's identity in the death note; it won't work. I don't know L's name; I don't know where he is. What will happen Merikh is I'll die in sixty seconds of a heart attack, and you'll never find L. I'm happy to die if it means my death will cause your downfall."

"Shut it; you bitch" Higuchi snapped, kicking Light in the face before storming out the cabin. He stared at the door for a few minutes, waiting for either Higuchi or Teru to return. He's doing his part, all he can do is trust L and hope he'll find him in time before one of the Merikh snaps.

L couldn't stop typing, searching for any little piece of evidence which would tell him where Teru and Higuchi took Light. Something, anything, a flash of one of the many cars Higuchi owns or an item of clothing Light wore dumped in a bin. Something which would link Light being taken from outside the Yagami household to a secondary location. He's scrubbed through countless documentation looking for secondary properties belonging to either Teru or Higuchi, but he can't find anything. It's like... they've disappeared from the face of the earth.

"L, Near, Matt and Mello are coming to Japan," Watari said through the intercom. L expected this; there is no way Near will sit at Wammy's whilst Light is missing, he'd tear this earth apart looking for the man he calls mum. Not that L is any different, he's the world greatest detective, and like hell, he will let Merikh keep him away from his husband. L would happily burn the world down if it meant getting his Light back.

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