Chapter 21

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Matsuda took in a much-needed deep breath as his right hand rested on the handle to the courthouse door. He wasn't sure how he could go barging in and demand to see B before the trial starts without being chucked out straight away for being a disturbance. He wants to be a real help to the task force; he knows that he's not that bright unlike the others and he gets confused more often than not, but he didn't become a detective to sit around and watch others do his job. Matsuda wants to help; he wants to make a difference, and if that means dressing up in tight skinny jeans and a fitted blue button-up shirt, then he'll do it. He took in another deep breath as he closed his eyes and mentally counting down from ten. Once he reached one, Matsuda opened his eyes, threw the courthouse door open and stormed inside. His eyes are setting on the young receptionist.

'Good' Matsuda thought to himself. If the receptionist is young, it's highly likely that they're new and easily manipulated. Whilst an older person would throw him out without a second thought.
Matsuda narrowed his eyes as he stomped over to the reception desk. Slamming his hands down on the counter and said, "I demand to see my boyfriend – Ryuzaki Rue, I hear you're holding him unlawfully here".

"Um... I-I'm sorry sir, but w-we can't permit visitors to see any defendant until after the trial has f-finished. And a v-verdict or g-guilty or not g-guilty has been decided" the receptionist stuttered visibly shrinking back into himself when Matsuda's glare intensified. Matsuda leant over the desk, grabbing hold of the receptionist's tie, yanking him forward until his face is only a few centimetres from Matsuda's own.

"Listen here; you have no idea how much power I have over you. One word from me to your boss, and you'll be out of a job for the rest of your miserable existence. Do you have any idea who I am? I work with famous people like the model Misa Amane, you know who she is or are you that incompetent. Now I will say this once more. I demand to see my boyfriend Ryuzaki Rue," Matsuda said in a low voice. Only letting go of the receptionist's tie when he'd finished speaking, taking a step back but his eyes never left the others.

"I-I'll g-go see w-what I can do" the receptionist stuttered, darting out from the behind the desk and down the corridor.

"Wow, Matsuda, I'm impressed. If being a detective doesn't work out in the long run, then you'll make an amazing actor" Kira's voice wafted into his ear. Matsuda's felt his cheeks slowly heat up. He'd completely forgot that they'd given him a comm before leaving so the task force could listen in on what's happening to him. Still, Matsuda couldn't respond without making himself look suspicious to Merikh or anyone else who might see him talking to himself. So, Matsuda waited for the receptionist to return, leaning with his back against the desk, his eyes staring down the corridor, scanning everyone who walked past him. Soon, the receptionist reappeared with Naomi following behind him.

"Ah, you must be Matsui, Rue has said so much about you," Naomi said, holding her hand out for Matsuda to shake, "I'm Shoko Maki, Rue's lawyer,".

"Nice to meet you. Miss Maki, can you explain why my boyfriend has been dragged here against his will?" Matsuda said, shaking Naomi's hand before letting it go and followed behind her as they walked down the corridor, climbing up a flight of stairs before stopping outside a room.

"Of course, Rue is the prime suspect of a murder investigation where he's believed to have gruesomely killed three victims. Rue's inside being watched over by one guard. Rue has been told that you are here, but his trial starts in approximately ten minutes, so you're going to need to make this quick. The first part of the trial will last for around two hours; if you need to slip out briefly, there will be a guard stationed by the door. If you need to leave, please do so quietly as not to disturb the court," Naomi explained. Right, he couldn't drop his act if he wanted others to believe that he and B were dating. Which also means he should probably attend at least the beginning of the trial before slipping out to find this death note.

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