Chapter 22

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Matsuda had less than ten seconds before Teru noticed him. There wasn't anywhere to hide, and if Matsuda made a break for the door, then Teru would suspect that he'd been looking through his belonging and might bolt. But what could he do? It wasn't like the task force had prepared him on what to say if he had to talk with Teru. But the only way he's going to get out of here without drawing attention to himself is by tricking Teru?

"Where's the fucking alcohol in this place?" Matsuda grumbled, opening the closest cupboard he could find and pretending to rummage through it.

"You're not allowed to be in here." Teru said, walking over to Matsuda, pulling him away from the cupboard before shutting it, "And you shouldn't be drinking here, this is a place of justice."

"Yea justice, where you judge innocent men for a crime they didn't commit? Sure, whatever you say" Matsuda said flopping down onto the nearest sofa, he needed to act like he wasn't planning on leaving, get on Teru's nerves then go. Matsuda's safe as long as Teru doesn't have the same eyes as Beyond and the second Merikh, which is unlikely since Beyond's alias is in the death note and not his real one. If that be the case, then the rest of them would be in serious trouble.

"I've seen the case against your boyfriend, there's a copious amount of evidence to convict him, but you don't care. Throughout the first half, you looked bored, like you had better places to be. You don't care if we convict your boyfriend of this crime," Teru said. It took everything in Matsuda to stop himself from flinching. He hadn't expected Teru to be watching him during the trial. Had he known, he would've acted up and looked angry at everything the Prosecutor said against B.

"Oh my, dear prosecutor, like what you see?" Matsuda smirked standing up from the sofa, walking over to Teru who took an uncomfortable step back.

"For your information, I have a partner that I'm happy with" Teru snapped. This was it, what Matsuda needed. This gave him a perfect reason to escape this room, which won't draw any more attention to him. Teru will remember this as an awkward conversation. He will be none the wiser that his identity as Merikh has been uncovered.

"Well, aren't you a spoilsport but fine if you're loyal to this partner, then I'll stop harassing you, after all, once my boyfriend is free I doubt we'll be leaving the house for the next month" Matsuda giggled pushing past Teru and walked over to the door. He didn't want to spend a second longer near Teru.

"And if we convict your boyfriend? What if Merikh kills him?" Teru called over his shoulder, making Matsuda freeze by the door.

"Merikh, oh please there no such thing. It's just the government killing criminals because they no longer want to deal with them" Matsuda scoffed walking out the room slamming the door behind him. His heart pounding in his chest as Matsuda darted down the corridor back towards the courtroom. Trying to put as much distance between himself and Teru as he could without running out the courthouse and returning to the task force.

"Matsuda, you need to find Naomi and tell her about Beyond's alias name is in Teru's death note. If Teru believes this notebook kills, then we're going to play along" Kira said over the comm, Matsuda nodded his head. If only now Kira spoke up. It must mean that the task force has hacked into all the courthouse CCTV and was currently watching him.

He took a second to get his breath back and fix his appearance, so he didn't look like he had just run through the courthouse. He didn't need to draw any more attention to him than he'd already had. Still, before he could find Naomi, Kira spoke up again, "Oh and Matsuda, well done for distracting Teru, that was quick thinking. I'm impressed".

Everything is set. Naomi knew about Ryuzaki Rue's death sentence at 3:15 pm. She informed Beyond, who seemed a little too excited to play the role of someone who's about to 'die'. The court went into session again, only stopping for an hour around one to let everyone have lunch before starting again at two. Then everything seemed to go slowly. Matsuda kept checking his watch every few minutes, waiting until it reached three fifteen and Beyond would pretend to die. Yet every second passed felt like hours going by. Matsuda was now passing the time by counting in his head from one to sixty. It would be an understatement to consider that Matsuda is anything but bored. He looked down at his watch: it's 3:14, only one minute remaining.

His eyes were glued on Naomi and Beyond as Naomi pulled out a small syringe from her pocket, the same one which Watari had dropped off during the lunch. Apparently, once injected into Beyond, it will mimic the effects of having a heart attack without killing the person. Anyone checking Beyond for a pulse will think he's dead and they could safely get Beyond out of there without Merikh realising that the death note hadn't worked until he realised that Ryuzaki Rue wasn't Beyond's actual name.

Matsuda watched as Naomi stabbed the needle into Beyond's leg, injecting its contents into his bloodstream. He glanced at his watch again, 3:14 56, 57, 58, 59. His digital watched changed to 3:15.

"Gah" Beyond gritted his teeth, his chest felt like someone was pressing down on it, squeezing his heart tightly like a lump of play-doh.

"Ryuzaki!" Matsuda screamed, jumping to his feet as he darted out of the public gallery. Only for the nearest guard to grab hold of him. Holding him back whilst Naomi checked over Beyond who had now fallen from his chair laying on the floor still. From the little Matsuda could see, he looked dead, "Get off me! Ryuzaki! Ryuzaki!".

As the guard dragged Matsuda from the courtroom, he watched Teru stand with a small smirk on his face as he looked down at Beyond, but that wasn't the only thing which caught Matsuda's attention. It was the large black creature standing behind him. It looked nothing like Amane's with its grey skin, spiky black hair, and yellow eyes. Still, there wasn't any doubt in Matsuda's mind; this creature is Merikh's Shinigami. A shiver went down Matsuda's spine as the Shinigami looked over at him and grinned like it knew Matsuda could see him.

Light knew this was a bad idea. After going with Watari to drop the toxin off, which will replicate a heart attack to Naomi and Matsuda, Light asked Watari to drop him off in town as he wanted to get something. Well, he wanted to go somewhere. L knew he's here; it wasn't like he could keep anything from his husband, L would only track him down when he didn't return with Watari, so there wasn't any point hiding it from him.

Even after all these years, nothing had changed. His childhood home looked exactly like it had the day he left. Maybe there is a reason for that like his family wanted him to recognise if he ever came home. Not like Light could really forget with his photographic memory. However, Light couldn't help feeling a little touched that maybe his mother still cared; she eventually wanted him to come home. He's here, standing at the gate ready to push it open and knock on the front door but he couldn't summon up the courage to do it. It's been ten years since he left, his life changed so much, he wasn't that seven-year-old anymore. He's married to the world's famous detective; he is Kira, the second-best detective in the world. Mello and Near are his babies. Did he still have the right to turn up on their doorstep out of the blue after all these years? Only to avoid the subject of why he ran away in the first place and where he's been all this time. It's not like he can disclose the location of Wammy's. Maybe it's best to leave it, Roger and Wammy had often said that he could reach out to his family if he wanted to and he had always refused. For the last years, Light had the means to travel to Japan and reunite with his family, yet he still decided against it. Did he really have the right to crawl back after ten years? He couldn't because when Merikh is caught, Light will leave Japan with L and his mother will lose him all over again.

Light stepped away from the gate, turning his back on his childhood home and started walking away. He's no longer part of the Yagami family. He gave up that right when he ran away and took on a new name. He's happy with his life now; he loves his husband; he loves his best friend and brother-in-law, and he loves Matt, Mello and Near like they are his biological kids/ son-in-law. He shouldn't crave for a life he gave up when he has all this waiting for him back at the task force and Wammy's, it's about time he stopped holding onto the past and started living for his future.

"Wait!" a voice said, and Light felt his heart soar. Even after all these years, he'd never forget that voice; he'd always remember his mother's voice. Light slowly turned around to see his mother come barreling out the front door, swinging the gate open hard that it smashed against the wall. His mother stopped in front of him, her hands cupping his cheeks as her eyes scanned his face as if to confirm something she already knew, "It's you, oh my god it's really you. My baby has come home".

Light felt like that seven-year-old again as his mother wrapped her loving arms around him, "I'm home, mum". 

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