Chapter 3

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It has taken nearly a year to lead up to this date, with both L and Light working on cases they hardly had any time to work towards planning their wedding. Neither L nor Light wanted to have a big wedding all they needed was the residents of Wammy's house and someone to officiate the wedding and that was it. All they need was one last guest – he was late.

"I'm back baby" Beyond shouted as he threw open the front door. Near and Light were currently waiting in the hallway for Light to be called for the start of the wedding. The wedding was being held outside and whilst L and the guests were already outside, Near and Light were waiting for the bridal march to start playing.

"You're late" Light glared at his best friend. He had expected Beyond to break out of jail nearly two months ago however, he seemed to stick around until literally the day before Light was due to get married.

"How did you know I was coming here?" Beyond pouted, he has hoped that he could surprise his twin and best friend with his sudden return but then again did anything get past L.

"Please, like you would willingly stay in jail. I expected you to break out months ago. Now we don't have much time, we need you to get changed" Light said before thrusting a suit into Beyond's arms. The black and red-eyed man looked down at the suit then back up at Light. He was confused.

"What's happening?" Beyond asked looking at his best friend, who was wearing a black tuxedo. Did something happen whilst he was in jail, hell ever Near was wearing a suit and that was seemingly impossible to ever happen.

"L and Kira are getting married in like 10 minutes" Near said glaring at his mother's friend. He had tried to talk his mum out of waiting for Beyond to turn up. He really didn't expect the serial killer to ever turn up yet here he was.

"Really, Lawlipop grew the balls to propose well consider me impressed" Beyond whistled, he was impressed with his brother, he never expected that L would ever propose. He had been talking about it for a while now telling Beyond how he couldn't live without Light however no matter how much Beyond tried to encourage L to go through with it, he never seemed to go through with it.

"Yes, and I want you to walk me down the aisle considering you are his only living relative and my best friend" Light said glaring at his best friend.

"Right yess. I'll quickly change" Beyond said before darting into the closest room throwing his stolen clothes off and hurrying to dress himself in the suit. Suits weren't his thing (well no one at Wammy's liked them) but this was his best friend and brother's wedding so if his best friend wanted him to wear the damn suit then he was going to wear it.

Light wrapped his arm around Beyond's, his heart was pounding in his chest as he approached the top of the aisle, his eyes were focused directly on L who stood in front of the vicar (Wammy wanted them to have one) with Mello and Matt as his groomsmen. Light had to thank Beyond after the wedding because he had promptly forgotten how to walk, and he would have collapsed if Beyond was practically holding him up. L and a white suit was a combination Light didn't know he needed until he saw it. L was hot in a suit. L reached his hand out once Light had reached him and gently pulled Light up to the altar.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of L Lawliet and Light Yagami, if anyone does not wish for the couple to be together, speak now or forever hold your peace" the vicar spoke, Light couldn't help but feel nervous, his eyes scanned the crowd hoping the no one would dare speak up. No one did.

"L, do you take Light to be your lawfully wedded husband" the vicar said.

"I do".

"Light, do you take L to be your lawfully wedded husbands" the vicar said.

"I do".

"Now it is the exchanging of vows and rings" the vicar spoke, and Matt stepped forward presenting the wedding rings on a red silk pillow.

"L you may go first" the vicar said as L picked up Light's wedding ring from the pillow and turned back to face his future husband, his heart was pounding in his chest.

"Light Yagami, you are everything to me. My boyfriend, my rival, my future. When I first met you all those years ago, I never expected that you would become someone so important to me. You have supported me throughout my career and still are by my side even when we both know I can drive anyone up the wall with my personality and sweets obsession" a wave of laughter went through the congregation, even Light had a large smile on his face as he tried to force back any tears which tried to escape. L continued "I love you Light, my Kira with all of my heart" L finished before sliding the ring onto Light's ring finger. Light stared at his gold wedding band on his hand, it was like he was currently in a dream. He couldn't believe that this was happening, but it was, there was a wedding ring on his finger.

"Light it is your turn" the vicar said as Light took L's wedding ring.

"When I ran away from home, I never expected to let anyone into my heart as I have with you. I was expecting that I was going to live on my own but then I met this child who I thought was secretly a Panda and suddenly I had someone who wanted me for who I was for the first time in my life. I promise to always love you even when you drive me up the wall. L you will always be one to best things to ever happen to me and I will never take you for granted" Light spoke to L as he slid the wedding ring onto L's finger.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you wedded husbands, you may now kiss" the vicar said, L didn't wait any longer to pull him husband into a passionate kiss.

Light only stayed for the reception because they had to, he wanted nothing more than to take L to their room and peal that suit off L's body however, Light knew that L would never leave without having the dessert or at least trying the wedding cake which was L's 'pride and joy'. Light never realised that he could be jealous of cake. Once the dancing (geniuses trying to dance will forever be the funniest thing that Light ever witnessed) had started. Light had pulled his husband... Light smiled; he liked the sound of that. He pulled his husband from the reception tent and straight towards their room.

"Eager are we Mr Lawliet" L teased as he was pushed onto their bed.

"Only for you Mr Lawliet" Light replied before pressing their lips together.

~4 days later~

Light pushed the bedroom door open; a packet of crisps and a slice of strawberry cake was in his hands. L had been working non-stop on a potential new case where criminals were dying from heart attacks.

"How's the case going?" Light asked as he kicked the door shut and walked over to his husband who was crouched on their bed.

"From what I can tell, the first case was Kurou Otoharada he was hold up in a nursery with the children and staff as hostages however he suddenly died of a heart attack when he had no medical history of heart problems. It was only broadcasted in Japan which means that is at least a 95% chance that the killer is in Japan" L replied his eyes looked up from his laptop to his husband and instantly noticed the cake which Light was holding.

"Does that mean you will be leaving to Japan soon?" Light asked taking a seat beside L and handed him the cake.

"Probably. I don't like the idea that I'm leaving you so soon after getting married" L answered. He knew the first few weeks were important to ensuring that a marriage was a success and they had only been married for four days and he might potentially already been leaving. Does that mean that their marriage was going to be doomed from the start?

"L listen to me. We have spent plenty time apart throughout our relationship and we have still kept in touch. Our marriage is not going to fail just because you need to leave to do your job. I love you L and that is not going to change. So, go to Japan catch this killer and then come back to me. We can talk everyday or every other. I'm not going to give up on us this soon" Light said trying to reassure his husband, Light cupped L's face with one hand before leaning down and pressing their lips together.

"Okay the sooner I leave the quicker I'm back" L whispered before pushing his husband down onto the bed and climbed on top of him, he then added "I'll just have to give you be best going away present I can".

"I like the sound of that" Light murmured wrapping his arms around L's neck and pulling him closer.

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