Chapter 29

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Near marched to the elevator, his mind brimming with thoughts. His mum is alive, and they're going to save him. Near with the help of Matt, Mello, and L along with the Merikh Task Force will save his mother, the man who's looked after and protected Near when he needed it. When Near arrived at Wammy's still covered in the filth he'd been living in that past year, his parents only acknowledged his existence when their friends came around, forcing him to dress up and act like a happy family before discarding him once more to shed at the bottom of the garden, filled with dirt, rubbish and spiders. Near wasted his days drawing in the dirt, coming up with games to play, equations to solve and anything else which could keep his mind occupied until night-time fell where he'd forage through the bins for something to eat, Near couldn't risk stealing directly from the house, scared of what his so-called parents might do if they realise their neglected son was taking food at night. Even though he'd survived as long as he has, Near was still knocking on death's doors when Wammy found and rescued him.

When he arrived at Wammy's a place, that is a haven for him. A home where he didn't need to fight every day to survive. He still couldn't accept that this was real. For him, even time he closed his eyes, he prayed that when he woke up again, he wouldn't be back in the shed, that these last few days hadn't been a dream brought on by an illness. And as days turned into weeks and those weeks became months, Near woke up every day at Wammy's. Wammy's is his home, Light is his mother (Near was still debating whether or not he saw L as a father figure) and he would do anything to get him back, to return home and pretend these last few days never happened.

Near bypassed the door, even though L had stayed put for the last four fours, Near highly doubted that he actually went to sleep but to his surprise he found L curled up in a ball his head buried in a pillow (Near could only assume it was Light's). A part of him didn't want to wake him up, everyone knew L slept poorly, his insomnia keeping him up most nights and the small moments of rest were precious to him, but Near knew that L would go mental should they leave him out of it. After all, one look at L and you could see how badly he took Light's kidnapping. Near wouldn't want to be left out of this, and whilst most would consider him cruel, Near didn't have it in his heart to turn around and leave him.

He walked over to the bed and gently shook L's shoulder. The detective woke up instantly, like a switch flicking from asleep to awake in a matter of seconds.

L opened his mouth to speak but Near beat him to it, "We've found mum."

Beyond felt himself practically vibrating in his own skin as he and Matsuda rushed back to headquarters. They'd found Light, they'd found his best friend! He could hardly believe it, after how hectic the past days had been to know that they were finally one step closer to saving Light and getting him far away from the grubby hands of Merikh. The task force was all congregated around the main computer desk when they arrived. On one screen was a live video of Light.

He looked, well, worse for wear is putting it kindly. His skin's black and blue, there were bags underneath his eyes, his complexion was now pale instead of the usual caramel colour it normal is and looking closely Beyond could see broken bones pressing against Light's skin. Beyond felt sick, seeing his best friend in such a horrid condition. Beyond has seen the horrors of this world and it never affected him before, hell he's murdered people and attempted to end his own life and it's never affected him. Yet seeing this, looking at his best friend in this state. It set something off inside Beyond, an overwhelming urge to throw up.

No one should ever treat Light Lawliet like this, no one at all. When Beyond gets his hands on Merikh, he'll kill them. Beyond doesn't care about justice; he doesn't care about giving the families of Merikh's victims closure. He wants vengeance; he wants to force Teru and Higuchi to experience everything they've put his best friend through. He wants to prologue their suffering and when they beg for death, Beyond wouldn't give it to them until they experienced everything his best friend experienced and then some more. When it's time to end their pathetic existence Beyond wouldn't kill them quickly, he'd prologue it as long as he could, forcing them to watch the other man die slowly and painfully. Beyond Birthday wants Merikh to realise that they messed with the wrong man.

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