Chapter 5

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Light wouldn't say he was excited when his husband sent him the link to watch the confrontation between the fake L and Merikh. He would be lying if he didn't say that the Merikh case wasn't interesting, the possibility that Merikh could kill without being in the same room as his victim was bone chilling. Light watched thought his laptop as Lind. L. Tailor took the stand, people from the NPA and broadcasters rushed around putting the final bits in place until the broadcast began.

Panda: (4:30 pm)

Are you ready for the show baby? I'm curious to see whether Merikh will take the bait.

Kira Lawliet: (8:30 am)

Of course, he will! He's stupid, he will be thinking that he could get rid of his competition early on. There is like a 94% chance that it will happen in the first few minutes of the broadcast.

Panda: (4:31 pm)

I would say 92% but the point still stands. Well the show is about to begin. I can't wait to show the disbelieving police officers that I'm right.

Kira Lawliet: (8:31 am)

I'm here routing for you Panda!

Light looked back at his screen.

"I head up an international police task force which includes all member nations. I am Lind L. Tailor, otherwise known as L" Lind L. Tailor started, Light had to applaud this guy's acting skills, he definitely sets the scene. Light could see those idiots in the NPA believing every word this guy was saying after all they had never met the real L and Light assumed this was the type of man they expected to be the world's greatest detective.

Lind L. Tailor continued "Criminals around the world are being murdered by a serial killer. I consider this crime to be the most atrocious act of murder in history. I will not rest until the person or persons responsible are brought to justice. Merikh, I will hunt you down. I will find you".

Kira Lawliet: (8:41 am)

He sure is convincing

"Merikh, I've got a pretty good idea what your motivation might be, and I can guess what you hope to achieve. However, what you're doing right now is evil" and the penny dropped. Light couldn't waited to see what Merikh reaction would be, the man obviously had some type of god complex and to be called evil on national TV must have hit some sore spot.

Light gasped when he saw Lind L. Tailor clasp his chest in pain before slumping forwards onto the desk dead. Before Light could even comprehend what had happened his screen had changed to a white background with a gothic L in the middle – L's logo.

"Ah. I had to test this, just in case, but I-I never though it would actually happen. Merikh... it seems you can kill people without having to be there in person. I wouldn't gave believed it if I hadn't just witnessed it. Listen to me, Merikh. If you did, indeed, kill Lind L. Tailor, the man who you just saw die on television, I should tell you that he was an inmate whose execution was scheduled for today. That was not me. The police arrested him in absolute secrecy, so you wouldn't have heard of him on TV or through the internet. It appears not even you have access to information about these types of criminals. But I assure you, L is real. I do exist. Now... try to kill me". Light had never wanted the power to travel through a computer to slap his husband silly – the idiot trying to provoke Merikh in such a manner.

"Can't you do it? Well Merikh, it seems you can't kill me after all. So, there are some people you can't kill. You've given me a useful hint. A dealer to a saver. I'll tell you something that I think you'll find interesting. Although this was announced as a worldwide broadcast, the truth is, we are only broadcasting in the Kanto region of Japan. I had planned to broadcast this message around the world until we found you, but it looks like that won't be necessary. I know now where you are. The police treated your first killing as an unrelated incident, but in actuality, the first of your victims was a suspect in Sinjuku. Of all the criminals that recently died of heart attacks, this one's crime was, by far, the least serious. Furthermore, his crime was only ever reported inside Japan. I used that information to deduce this much. You are in japan and your first victim was little more than an experiment, which means you haven't been killing for very long". Light had to applaud his husband for figuring all that out so quickly considering this those deaths weren't consider the work of a serial killer until now. But then again this was L and L had proved time and time again that he was able to make the hardest cases seem so easy. It was something that Light loved about his husband.

"We decided to broadcast in Kanto first because of its large populations, and, luckily, we found you. To be completely honest with you, I never expected it would go this well... but it won't be too long now before I'll be able to sentence you to death. Naturally, I am very interested to know hoe you're able to commit these murders without being present... but I don't mind waiting a little bit longer. You can answer all my questions when I catch you... Let's meet again soon, Merikh".

Light's screen went blank when the broadcast ended and Light just stared at his screen for a while just trying to get his head around what just happened. Merikh had fallen for L's trap hook, line and sinker.

~3 days later~

Panda: (14:05 pm)

I think there might be a leak in police. We suspected that Merikh could be student and suddenly the times of deaths for criminals have changed to have a death on the hour.

Kira Lawliet: (6:07 am)

Are you going to investigate the task force relatives?

Panda: (14:08 pm)

I've already contacted the FBI. They are flying in 12 agents to set up and start investigating in the next three days.

Kira Lawliet: (6:10 am)

Have you had any leads on who this Merikh individual might be? I've been thinking about it and if there is a leak then the person could either be a police officer and/or a member of their family but also someone working in a court might have access to this type of information when a case is going through the court.

Panda: (14:13 pm)

I'm still looking into possible connections to the police. There is a 45% chance that Merikh is a police officer, there is a 23% chance Merikh is a family member. I hadn't thought of a court connection, I'll start looking into suspects.

Kira Lawliet: (6:14 am)

If you want I can have a look at this angle, I'm only working a case with Near at the moment. He just wants me to look over the case information and I don't have any other active cases.

Panda: (14: 15 pm)

That would be appreciated. Thank you Light

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