Chapter 24

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He's scared, terrified in fact. L's never felt so scared in his life as he did in this very moment, staring down at the crushed phone, which once belonged to his husband. L's relieved that there isn't any blood, so it's more likely Light has been kidnapped then murdered, but by who L wasn't sure. Actually, that's a lie; he has a list of potential suspects. Still, they either weren't in Japan, in prison or dead, which left his only suspect Merikh. Somehow Merikh had figured out Light's involvement with the case and has taken him. To gain information on the case, to force Light to reveal L's actual name or something much worse. The only way Merikh could've tracked down Light is because he saw the footage of him at the second Merikh's arrest. Merikh must have stumbled across Light when he went to his childhood home and took him when he left.

L knew it been a terrible idea to let Light leave headquarters before the Merikh case had been officially closed. Still, once Light had an idea in his head, there's no stopping him, and it wouldn't matter how much L would argue, Light's mind was set. He wanted to see his childhood home, and that's what's he's doing. L could only wish he tried to change his mind, come up with a compromise where Light could go only once they had Merikh in custody. They were so close, and now, Light's missing and deep-down L knows without a doubt Merikh is behind it.

What made it worse is Chief Yagami came with him. During his first wave of panic, L didn't consider the consequences of shouting Kira's actual name in his father's presence. Now, Chief Yagami refused to leave his side, badgering him with questions trying to draw out an answer to explain why L had said the name Light. He didn't mean to let the name slip, but for now, L couldn't care. His priorities landed with finding Light. L picked the destroyed phone up and carefully dumped it into a bag he'd brought with him before handing it to Watari. Destroyed or not, it's still risky to leave a phone connected to his personal network lying around especially if Merikh returned to retrieve it.

He then stood to his feet, uncurling from his usual slouched position, hearing the bones in his back click before walking over to the Yagami residence and knocked on the door. Again, he ignored Chief Yagami, hopping from one foot to the other as he waited for the front door to open. When it did, L froze. This woman was just like Light, from the shape of her face to her nose, lips, and eyes. L's heart ached for his husband.

"Soichiro, um... what's wrong?" Light's mother asked, looking up and down at L's appearance, unsure what she should make of him.

"Mrs Yagami, I'm sorry to disturb you, but recently you had a visitor when he left did you notice anything odd. Someone else following your visitor or was the street empty,"

"How did you..." Mrs Yagami said, looking at her husband with a suspicious look on her face. Interesting, it looks like Mrs Yagami doesn't trust her husband with the news that their child has returned.

"Mrs Yagami, Light has gone missing, and I need your help to find him," L said. On any other circumstance, he would keep all his cards close to his chest, not telling anyone what he's looking for until he's found it, but this is about Light. He doesn't want to waste another second in this neighbourhood when he could be out there searching for his husband.

"W-what," Mrs Yagami said, her eyes weird in horror, "You better come in".

L stepped into the Yagami Family home, slipping his bare feet out of his battered trainers, following Mrs Yagami as she stepped walked into the lounge/ kitchen.

"Mrs Yagami, I need you to tell me everything that happened from Light arriving to him leaving," L asked, sitting down at the kitchen table whilst Mrs Yagami sat opposite him.

"I was about to go shopping when I noticed through the window a young man standing outside the gate. I recognised him instantly even after all these years; he still looks the same. I wasn't sure what to do, whether I should wait until he knocks on the door or go out to greet him. For a while, Light didn't do anything, just stared at the door before turning around and walking away, I couldn't bare losing my son again without trying to talk to him. So, I ran out after him shouting wait, and he stopped, I hugged him before bringing him inside. He sat down at the table where you are sitting, and we talked for a bit, then he got a message and had to leave. I saw him out the door, and he left," Mrs Yagami said.

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