Chapter 12

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The task force had taken Naomi joining them well, after losing Ukita, they really needed all the help they can get, and considering Naomi is an ex-FBI agent who had previously worked with L on a case seemed to boost Matsuda's spirits at least. The diary entries on the other hand just confused Light.

"These entries are from last year," Light said. Why would the Second Merikh send some diary entries from the year previously, they couldn't have had Merikh's power for over a year without deciding to use them, could they?

"The entry for the 30th is definitely interesting, don't you think Kira" L said moving to stand beside his husband and pointed to the last entry on the page.

"Huh, confirmed our Shinigami at the Tokyo Dome... this makes no sense if this was shown on TV it clearly shows the second Merikh intention, if the home game went ahead then there would be an increase in police officers looking for someone acting suspiciously and from what we know about the first Merikh is that he's intelligent, there is no way the first Merikh would willingly go there, it's like he's asking to be caught," Light said, this couldn't be right. The second Merikh must have some self-preservation and intelligence. They wouldn't willingly turn up at the Tokyo Dome, hoping the first Merikh would show up with police around. No, there must be something to this. Could there be another message hidden within this?

"My thoughts exactly Kira. I believe there is a secret message hidden within this that something only the first and second Merikh could understand. We can't rule the 30th out completely, but I believe it would be wise to investigate the other dates. According to this, he is meeting a friend in Aoyama on the 22nd and another friend in Shibuya on the 24th. We have to be prepared for the possibility that all of our efforts will be fruitless but we can't risk this opportunity to catch Merikh, even if we get only one of them, we will be one step closer to apprehending the other," L explained.

"But you're suggesting that we air this message, we can't do that it would create panic and the game would surely be canceled," Chief Yagami protested.

"We have no other choice Mr Yagami unless you can think of any other ways we can find and catch Merikh?" L said, looking over at his father-in-law, challenging him to come up with some other way. Mr Yagami's silence told him he couldn't.

"Ryuzaki, you can't expect that Merikh would turn up to the Tokyo Dome," Aizawa said, the Merikh they had been searching for didn't seem like someone who would easily fall for something like this and they had no proof that the first Merikh would even want to meet/ work with the second one.

"All we can do is place more surveillance cameras in Aoyama and Shibuya, hoping we might capture something. We should also have undercover officers on both locations on these days to keep an eye out for anyone acting strangely" Naomi suggested, she had remained quiet throughout the interaction, as she wanted to see how the task force interacted with one another and it was easy to see there was an already building tension between Mr Yagami and the leading detectives L and Kira. The remaining officers, whilst they had a better relationship with the two world's greatest detectives, they still preferred their chief over them.

"I should probably go to Aoyama and Shibuya since I blend in with the crowd there," Matsuda said.

"I'll go too, I'd blend in there," Light said. He was still young enough to blend in with the others, even if he hadn't been a proper teenager in years.

"Wouldn't that be risky? You're the world's second greatest detective, can we really risk Merikh finding you" Aizawa said. He knew everyone was prepared to put their lives out on the line but isn't this kind of like the second Merikh incident? They lost Ukita they couldn't risk losing someone else and someone as important as Kira.

"I'll be fine, the second Merikh will search for the first, not the police, and other than Naomi, I'm the only person who could look the most natural hanging out with Matsui and we can't risk Naomi just in case Merikh turns up and recognises her as Raye Penber's fiancée and targets her. And no one here other than L, Watari, and a small group of people know my actual name and I'm sure you can guess that it's not Kira. So unless Merikh is a former associate of mine which is extremely doubtful, I'll look like another ordinary teenager hanging out with a friend," Light said, the only people who knew his real name was those at the orphanage and his biological family and considering his own father didn't recognise him, it was doubtful that his mother or Sayu would. And even if Sayu was in Aoyama the same day, she was two when he ran away. She probably wouldn't recognise him, if she still knew about him. Light wouldn't be surprised if he became a family secret, someone they didn't talk about.

"Are you sure Kira?" L asked, but he could tell from the determination in Light's eyes that he had already made up his mind.

"Yes, if anything me being there increases the chance of us noticing someone acting strangely," Light said. He didn't become the second greatest detective for nothing, his observational and deductive skills were on par with L.

"Then it's decided. Matsuda and Kira will go to Aoyama and Shibuya whilst the rest of us observe on the CCTV cameras," L said before turning to face Watari, "Watari would you be able to prepare the arrangements for the extra cameras and get them set up. Oh, and whilst you're at it get us some earpieces,".

Light felt his phone buzz during the investigation but he decided that after the argument he had previously with his father, it probably wasn't a wise idea to piss the rest of the task force off by sitting on his phone when they were trying to come up with a plan to deal with the recent diary entries and the potential chance that they might capture the second Merikh in the next couple of days. Light pulled his phone out of his pocket and pulled up his messages. He couldn't help the small laugh which escaped his lips as he read Beyond's message.

Strawberry Jam Kink: (18:27 pm)

I'm Back Lightie!

"BB's here," Light said, looking up from his phone to his husband.

"As in the serial killer" Naomi gasped, her eyes wide with horror as she stared at Light. L's shock was much more masked, but Light could still tell, from the small drop of his mouth, L hadn't expected Beyond to come to Japan whilst technically he was still on the run from breaking out of jail not that long ago. Light let a smirk spread across his lips as he turned to Naomi, looked her dead in the eyes, and nodded.

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