Chapter 1

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Rachel's Thoughts
Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue
"dialogue between characters"

Rachel POV

There was quiet footsteps and whispers all around me as I sat in front of my favorite painting. Most people were respectful of each other here. It was one of the reasons I came here so often. I loved all the history each exhibit had and there was always something new to learn. Today I was in the Renaissance wing of the Art Museum.

A couple sat next to me on the bench and smiled while looking at The Annunciation by DaVinci. I smiled at them. What it would be like to have someone walk around the different galleries with me?  I stand up to give them more space. I slowly start to walk towards the modern art addition where I parked my car in the garage a couple hours ago. As I get closer, I notice the faint sounds of classical music and chatter.

As I draw closer, I notice everyone is wearing suits and cocktail dresses. What is going on? I see the elevators which lead to the garage across the party taking place in the lobby and put my head down trying to get there quickly before someone notices I'm just in jeans and a simple blouse.

As I make my way through the crowd, some ladies in dark beautiful dresses move and glare at me. Obviously, I'm party crashing at this point according to them. I roll my eyes. Whatever. Fuck off. I'm just trying to get out of here. I pick up my pace towards the elevators.

I make it almost all the way to the elevators when security in nice black suits and earpieces block my path. I look up at the two solid looking guards and tilt my head. These guys aren't the regular security guards for the museum?? Wtf?! Just let me through and I'll leave! As if they notice my confusion the one with blonde hair chuckles.  "Ma'am this is a private event." He stated.

"I'm sorry. I parked in the garage. I'm trying to get out of your way. The attendant didn't tell me there was an event today otherwise I would've parked on the other side." I say in an overly sweet and sorry tone. I do my best to pout my lips a little and give him my puppy dog eyes at him and his partner. This is my go-to when I'm trying to get out of a situation. His partner smirks and his brown eyes light up a bit as he takes in my words and actions.

Just as he was about to say something back to me, their demeanor completely changes. They snap to attention and look as if something is being said in their earpiece. They fix their eyes back on me as the nod to whatever command they just received. Oh My God. What is happening. Please let me out. My hands start to get sweaty and I peek over my shoulder to see if others are watching our exchange. Of course, it's only the group of women I walked past earlier that want me out of here. They have smug looks on their botox faces as they drink their watered-down cocktails. Well this isn't embarrassing? I did the only thing I learned in all those years of basketball to intimidate my opponents. I half-smile at them and chuckle to myself and pretend they look stupid. All of them immediately look confused and self-conscious and begin looking around avoiding my gaze. Haha it always works

I glance back to the wall of security in front of me and they look stiff and pale. If I didn't know any better, I would say that they look scared of me. What that's crazy?  "Boys could I please take the elevator down to the garage? I'll leave the party I swear. I just want to go home." I tell them. They look over my shoulder and I turn to follow their gaze.

Standing at the other side of the party was a gorgeous man in a tailored black suit. He had to have been 6'5 and had the broadest shoulders I had seen in real life. It reminded me of a pro-wrestler. I could tell he had muscles all over his body. He had his dark brown hair cropped short close to his head with it slightly sweeping to the right of his round face. He had a strong jaw and sun kissed tan skin. He had the most vibrant green eyes, it was like the color of a forest. As my eyes assessed him I couldn't help but smirk and blush. Damn, he is hot. But, then our eyes met and his flashed a gold tone and I swear my world stopped and my heartbeat pounded out of my chest. I felt this pull in the pit of my stomach calling for me to run to him. He said a word and there was no way that I could be able to hear it across this room, but I swear I heard the word "Mate" in a deep breathy whisper that felt like it was caressing my skin.

He smiled this mega-watt celebrity smile that flashed his perfect straight white teeth at me and I blushed even more. For whatever reason I took a step forward towards him and his smile widen.

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