Chapter 23

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Rachel POV

I walk with Darcy and wait in the line forming outside the women's restroom. "So, do we have to be quiet when we are alone? That isn't very normal to not talk with the person standing by you." I whisper to her.

She chuckles. "Yes, we can talk My Qu-Rachel." She says realizing, calling me the Queen isn't normal.

I ask her about herself and she tells me about being in the army and then working for the boys. She moved up the ladder quickly. I was impressed. We make our way in and I go to the restroom. I finish and she quickly appears at my side at the sink.

We exit and I hear a group of girls giggling. I look over and see no other than Cas surrounds by a group of fawning girls as he is in the concession line. I raise an eyebrow. I head over that way with Darcy close behind and I hear the girls trying to get Cas's attention, but he is intently studying the menu board in front of them.

"What are you going to get handsome?" A skinny blonde asks him, twirling a piece of hair around her finger. She bites her lower lip and I feel anger flood through my body. She's hitting on him!!

"I'm getting whatever my baby girl wants. There's my girl. Hey baby!" He says with a smile as he turns and points at me. He holds his arms open and I don't hesitate to walk into them. I breathe in his scent and immediate calm down.

"What would you like baby girl?" He asks me his voice lowering and eyes full of mischief. Desire pools in my core and I look up at him and smile. I hear the girls huff and I feel Cas's chest rumble at their upset feelings.

"Have you ever had Italian ice?" I ask him. He shakes his head no.

"Lets get the strawberry one then, the lemon is really tart and you might not like that." I explain scrunching my nose at him.

"Ok baby, you know I only like sweet things like you." He teases and the girls grow madder in front of us and shoot me a glare. We giggle and move to the front of the line. Cas orders several things and we carry them back to our seats.

We sit down and pass out the ice cream and Italian ice treats to the group. I open my strawberry Italian ice and begin eating it. I enjoy the coldness with the sweet and tangy flavors. I give a small moan at how good it tastes and look up to see three sets of hungry eyes on me.

I feel their desire through the link, and it makes my own flare up. I take another spoonful but instead of bring it up to my lips I hold it up for Dean. He's eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly takes it in his mouth and closes his eyes as he tastes it. When they open they are burning with lust.

The look alone takes the air out of my lungs. He laughs at my response and puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me towards him. He kisses the top of my head as he sends, I'll take care of you later little one. I can smell your desire and it's making me and the boys hard for you right here.

I gulp. That just made me wetter. Fuck. I want them now.

Please? I send him.

Oh, don't worry sweetheart you don't have to beg just yet, you can save that for later tonight. He replies as he laughs.

Fucker thinks this is funny. I nod and turn away to finish my ice before it melts. The music starts again, and I begin to watch closely. I loved this musical. It ends too quickly, and we say goodbye to my family and head to the car.

"Ready to go home?" I ask.

They all reply at once, "Yes."

We quickly make our way home and once inside the apartment Theo picks me up and heads towards the bedroom. He sets me down in front of the bed and begins to undress me slowly leaving a trail of kisses all over my body. Each kiss sends sparks across my body and down to my core.

I bite my lip and close my eyes as Dean comes up behind me and starts kissing my neck. I reach out and grab a handful of Theo's shirt, and pull him against me. I snake a hand around his neck and pull him down so I can kiss his lips. As soon as our lips touch, I let out a small moan.

I quickly undress him as Dean continues to lay kisses and soft caresses down the back of my naked body. Theo is already hard and ready. I take him into my palm and stroke him as he watches me with hooded eyes. He lets out a moan as I stroke him and that alone is my undoing.

"Please?" I beg looking in his eyes. He quickly obliges and lifts me up and sets me on the edge of the bed as he stands between my legs. He positions himself in front of my wet entrances and teases my folds. I growl in frustration.

"Theo, please." I cry. In one quick motion his slides into me and I arch my back as pleasure racks through me. He moves in slow, hard, deliberate strokes. His eyes watch me intently as I come apart under him moaning at the pleasure.

"Cum for me love." He says as he moves a hand to my clit to gently tease it. I don't last long as it all becomes too much. My pleasure explodes through my body as I climax. My body shakes uncontrollably as he continues finding his climax. He leans down and kisses me deeply. I tangle my hands into his thick hair and playfully bite his lower lip.

He pulls out of me and my body already misses him. He playfully smacks my ass before leaving to the bathroom to shower. Dean comes up next to me and pulls my back to his front, so we are both laying on our side. He lifts my leg over his thigh and is quickly inside me. God, I feel so full. He puts his arm under my neck and wraps it around my chest.

He rolls my nipple with his thumb and forefinger eliciting moans from me. He pumps into me quickly, holding me close with one arm around my chest and the other around my waist. He kept kissing up and down my neck, every once and awhile he would nip my skin with his teeth. Every time he did that, I arched my back as pleasure radiated from that spot.

His arm around my waist moved to my clit as he teased my already sensitive bundle of nerves. I throw my head back against his shoulder and come apart again. He quickly follows with a loud growl as he cums in me.

We lay there for a minute catching our breathe. He whispers, "I love you." In my ear. I melt against him and turn my head so I can place a gentle kiss on his lips. "I love you too Dean." I tell him.

Theo comes out of the bathroom and Cas holds his arms out to me as he stands next to the edge of the bed. I go to him and he picks me up and carries me into the bathroom with the still running shower. The room his full of hot steam.

Cas walks us into the shower. He turns me so I'm facing him with my legs around his hips and arms around his shoulders. He gives me a mischievous look and reaches down to position himself. I feel him at my entrance, but he doesn't go in. I look back up at him and when our eyes meet, he thrust inside of me. He leans me against the side of the shower, so my back is against the wall. The water sprays down on both of us as he thrusts in me slowly.

"God, baby you feel so fucking good." He moans into my neck and kisses it. I tangle my hands into his wet hair. I moan as he continues to pump into me.

"Cas please baby." I beg as I'm getting close to my next release. I gently kiss and nip at his neck. He shudders at my actions.

"What do you want baby? Tell me." He teases me. I can practically hear the smile in his voice. I lean back and look into his gorgeous face.

"I want you to make me cum." I tell him begging him with my eyes. He moans at my words and picks up his pace giving me the friction I needed. "That's it, Cas." I urge him on. I cum as pleasure explodes through me again. He follows me quickly and kisses me. He sets me down and begins washing me. I let him take the lead as extreme fatigue takes me.

"Ok let's get you into bed. I can feel your exhaustion baby." He tells me stopping the shower and wrapping me into a towel. We go to the bedroom and Theo and Dean are waiting for me with their spots. They pull back the covers and I climb into my spot as Cas climbs up my body too. They pull the covers over us and snuggle into me.

I feel sleep quickly taking me, but I tell them, "I had an amazing day with you guys. I love you." I drift off before I can even hear their response. 

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