Chapter 42

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Theo POV

Rachel walks back out to the pool and I take a moment to take in her beauty. She was so amazing. I loved the navy bikini she had on that barely covered her body. She smiles at me as she notices me staring.

I believe you and I have an appointment tonight. She links me with a mischievous look in her eyes. I chuckle and bite my lip. God she was incredible.

"Come here love." I tell her and she happily walks over to me. Once she stands next to me, I run a hand up her calf as I look up at her gorgeous face. Her pale skin was luminescent against the dark swimsuit and her dark hair that fell down her chest and back. Her pink lips and cheeks made her look so innocent and sweet, nothing like the sex crazed mate I know she was.

She steps in the water and I pull her into my lap so she is straddling my hips. She gasps in shock and it quickly turns into giggles. I rest my hands on her hips and her hands run up my chest to my shoulders.

"So, did you get anything else at the shop today?" I ask her thinking back to the emerald green lace bra and pantie set Jason sent us a picture of. She blushes and nods her head but doesn't elaborate. Cas laughs and Dean chuckles at her shyness or unwillingness to tell us.

"What cat got your tongue?" Cas teases her and slaps her ass playfully. She yelps and splashes him with water in retaliation. I laugh loudly at their antics.

"Settle down kids." Dean tells them as he moves out of the splash zone. "Seriously, what else did you get today little one?" Dean adds as he settles next to me so he can rub her thigh.

She looks at him and smirks but doesn't say anything. Why is she not telling us? I ask the guys.

I don't know. Maybe it wasn't for us? Cas says and Dean growls at that. I wasn't relishing the idea that she would sleep with Jason either, but the poor guy was also her mate, so he and she had every right to have sex.

No, I don't think she is comfortable with him yet. I haven't even seen them kiss or really touch each other. I reason. Dean nods and she starts rubbing my chest up and down and lightly letting her nails scratch my skin. I feel myself already getting turned on at her playful teasing.

"You know you could just ask me outright whatever you are linking each other and getting each other worked up about." She says as she lightly rubs her core over my hardening cock. I let my hands move from her hips to cup her ass.

"Did you get the lingerie for him?" Dean asks her as he grips her thigh. She smiles at the question.

"No. I got it for my mates. For my kings. But I was shocked to walk up and hear that Jason had sent you three a picture. Something innocent Jason would not do without one of you asking and I have two guesses which of my mates asked for it." She says as she pointedly looks at Cas and Dean. I laugh. She was not wrong and as always was a step ahead of us.

"So, it's for us?" Cas asks with a grin. She splashes him.

"Yes, but that is not the point of this conversation right now. You need to be nice, all three of you. Jason has never had a kiss much less sex, so please don't tease him or flaunt it in his face. Right now, I don't plan on having sex with him anytime soon, so I don't want you three flaunting our sex life in his face." She ends with a look at Dean and he grins. She hits his chest lightly and he grins wider. "Dean." She says in warning but smiles at his smile. She rolls her eyes and looks at me for help.

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