Chapter 28

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Theo POV

After the meeting with our teams we were all on edge. We found our mate talking with her team and Gianna about finishing touches to several rooms. "I think it looks great. I am so glad this move is almost over." Rachel says.

We let Dean touch her as Gianna is still here. He places an arm around her waist, and she leans into him. "I think the house looks great. Thank you, Gianna. I think that is all we need." He tells her politely. She looks shocked to be dismissed by him. She nods and faces me and Cas with a smile. Oh, no. I could already scent her desire and I knew the boys and girls could too.

"I am going to give both of you my card in case you ever need anything. It has my personal number so you can call me anytime day or night." She pauses before the last word to emphasize her point. She wanted us to call her.

I shake my head and don't take the card. I had no reason to even indulge her idea that I would call her. Cas does the same. She pouts at us. "Come on you'll need me when you get your own place." She tells us.

We laugh. "Gianna, we have everything we need right here." I say and look at my mate who is smiling at us.

"Caroline, could you please show Gianna out." Rachel asks her. She nods and waits for Gianna at the door of the room. Gianna huffs and leaves quickly.

"I love you boys." Rachel says laughing. We laugh and are happy she was not upset. I get girls hitting on us in front of her was annoying and frustrating. If someone hit on her in front of me, I'd want to kill them. It was one of the reasons we made sure she saw us public rebuke these advances, because we wanted her to do the same otherwise our wolves would take over.

"We love you too." Cas tells her as he steals a kiss from her.

We help her and her team with the final touches and then it was time for dinner. We go down to the kitchen and Maria our head chef was finishing dinner. It smelled amazing. She had made chicken parmigiana and it was one of my favorites.

We sit at the informal dining room off the kitchen where we could see her work with her team. Rachel excitedly watched and asked Maria questions. They talked about food and different places in town to shop. Rachel had visited many local specialty stores for food by the sounds of her stories.

She is definitely interested in good food. Cas says laughing and watching her intently.

Yes, she seems to really like certain things. Like only getting Italian deli meats from certain vendors. Dean links.

Seems like her dad is a foodie and that's how they like to spend time together. Good to know, we could scout out good restaurants to take them too. I suggest. They both nod.

Our food is served and we make sure she has a full plate before ours gets made. It was a wolf thing. Male's feed and take care of their mate's needs. So we always feed her first. Even at the restaurant we didn't eat until she did. She didn't notice then but she is starting too.

"Thank you." She says as I spoon pasta onto her plate. She digs in and we make our plates. It was so good and she agreed as she continued to make sounds of pleasure at the food.

"Maria, this is amazing." She tells her. Maria bows and looks excited to make something our mate likes.

"Thank you, my Queen. We can make it anytime you want." She says. Rachel nods excitedly and continues to eat. She honestly was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

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