Chapter 43

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Rachel POV

I wake to my three mates getting dressed in their suits. I watch them adjust their ties and belts as they dress, their long fingers make quick work of the knots and buckles. I smile at how handsome they looked in their matching black suits.

Cas finally notices I am awake and gives me a cocky boyish grin. "Morning baby." He says and I roll over in bed on my stomach and look up at him as my other two mates turn and smile at me.

"Morning." I say as I yawn still trying to wake up fully. Dean walks over and gives me a quick kiss.

"How did you sleep little one?" He asks me as he moves for Theo to kiss me.

Once Theo pulls away, I reply, "Really good, like always." I say and turn so Cas can kiss me. "Do you have an early meeting?" I ask.

"Yes, we have to go into the office today and will be back this afternoon love." Theo says. I hop out of bed and we all head down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. They make my plate and set it in front of me. I quickly eat it and they finish theirs' as well. I walk them to the door and kiss them goodbye before they leave.

I aimlessly walk upstairs to our bedroom and let myself walk in the shower. The warm water cascades over my skin as I stand there. I let myself think about everything going on in the next few weeks. I have Jason moving in today, in a week I have my mating ceremony and my birthday and school starting the week after that. This next month would be so much change. The girls have so many interviews and photo shoots set up and I was honestly overwhelmed.

I finish my shower and get dressed. As I head downstairs, I see one of the butlers open the front door as Jason walks in with a bag over his shoulder and his family. "Hi guys, come in." I say as I quickly run down the stairs to meet them. The second Jason sees me he lights up. He walks toward me and opens his arms and I throw myself in his hug. "Hi." I say into his chest nervously. I feel him chuckle against my cheek. His lips brush against my head and I feel sparks shoot down my body.

"Hi kitten." He says as he pulls back. I look up at his family and they watch us with interest. I am sure they are having a hard time with this, just like I am.

"It's nice to see you all again." I tell them and turn back to Jason. "Do you have more stuff outside?" I ask him. He nods and I turn to the butler Brad. "Brad, could you get a group of guys together to help move Jason's stuff in. He is in the opposite wing as the Kings, in the blue room." I say and he nods to me and disappears to get some helpers.

"Why don't we head to your room and your stuff will arrive in a moment." I say and look at him and his family. He grabs my hand and lifts his other in a lead the way gesture. I head back upstairs and lead them to his room. I had picked it out last night. It was on the same floor as me and the kings but on the opposite wing. He shouldn't be able to hear us but could easily get to me if there was ever a problem.

"Where are the Kings?" Jason asks me as he looks around.

"They are at the office. It's just us today." I tell him. I glance out of the corner of my eye and notice how nervous he is. I'm sure this is a big change. I open the door and lead him into his spacious room with a king size bed on the opposite wall. The light blue walls and white bedding were very neutral and calming. There was a dresser, desk, a few chairs next to a couch with a TV on the wall and French doors that opened out to his own balcony. He had a bathroom like my bathroom but slightly smaller. "Here you are." I say and let him and his family look around.

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