Chapter 10

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Rachel POV

I heard a familiar voice call out to me as I was eating.

"Rachel? What are you doing here?" My mom says from behind me.

I stiffen. Shit! What do I say? How does this look? I had my shoulder pressed against Dean's and Theo is causally sitting across from us. I turn around and give a surprised smile at her. I loved my mom she was short at just above 5 foot and had medium length blonde hair. She had a small waist and big thighs and butt. She was wearing a Mount Rushmore T-shirt and some jean shorts that when down to her knees.

"Mom. Hi. I was just hanging out with some of my new friends. They have never been to St. Louis so I was showing them our famous zoo." I nervously babble. She looks wary at the Dean and Theo. We are so close my parents know most of my friends. So seeing me with strangers would be weird, not to mention how comfortable I knew I must have looked around them.

Did she just say mom? How do we play this Theo sends while assessing the situation unfolding in front of him.

Let her guide us. She says friends that what we are for now. Dean reasons sliding a little further away from Rachel.

"Oh ok. Are you coming to dinner tonight? Your friends can come too." My mom says nodding at the boys.

Caspian walks over and hands me my drink. I smile up to him and before I can think of a response Theo blurts out, "That would be great. We would love to have dinner with you and Rachel. She has been so nice to us."

I turn and stare at Theo like he had grown three heads. I sent him a what are you doing glare and he just smiled at me. Asshole. I notice Dean discreetly kicks Theo's shin under the table. Serves him right. I nod my head and say, "Yeah that would be great mom. Text me the details and we will meet you there."

My mom nods and smiles at us. "Sounds great. Talk to you later." She waves goodbye and heads back over towards her friends that were waiting for her. I fall back in my seat and inwardly groan. What am I going to do? They can't all meet my parents, right? What would we even call this?

As I'm internally freaking out Dean puts an arm around me and pulls me close. I lean into his comforting warm touch and hang my head. "I don't know what to do." I whisper.

"That's ok little one. We will take the afternoon and come up with a game plan. We want you to be comfortable and this is a good thing believe it or not. Now we can figure out how this is all going to work, right?" Dean gentle says to me. His green eyes sparkling and his lips slightly upturned.

I nod at him and rest my head on his shoulder. I've lost my appetite and push my food forward. The boys sensing my turmoil suggest heading home to talk. We leave the zoo and get in my car. I pull out of the lot quickly and head in the direction of my apartment. We drive in silence. I notice they seem to be communicating without speaking as they steal glances at each other and me.

"What?" I ask looking in the rearview mirror at Theo and Dean raising an eyebrow at them.

"What do you mean what?" Theo asks as he leans closer to me from the back seat.

"What are you talking about to each other?" I asks glaring at Theo through the mirror.

"Well, we are discussing if you are alright? You're usually not this quiet. What are you thinking about love." His eyes soften as he says this to me. I slightly melt at his words but remember we are having dinner with my parents tonight. My conservative parents who will not take the news that I'm seeing all three for these gorgeous men in my car.

"I'm thinking about, how do I tell my parents I'm seeing all of you? Most people aren't seeing multiple people at the same time, or at least don't admit it. Wait, how were you all discussing that?" I babble at them.

"We were mind linking." Theo states matter-of-factly.

"Is that just a wolf thing?" I ask completely forgetting my other problems in that moment to understand how they talk to each other in their minds.

"No, it is a mate thing as well." Dean says as his eyes meeting mine in the mirror. He gives me a small smile.

"So, I can do it too? How?" I smile back at him and excitedly ask.

"Not yet, we have to do that mating bond first, then you will be linked with us." He replies.

"How do we complete the mating bond?" This is news to me.

"When we have sex, we will bite you to mark you as ours." Theo explains. I glance back at him and my eyes widen. Sex with all three of them?

"All three of you need to mark me? Like at the same time?" I squeak out.

"No, it can be one at a time." Dean reassures me and places a hand on my shoulder with a squeeze. I calm down almost instantly. That's a relief.

"Although, you could-." Caspian starts but gets cut off by Theo and Dean hitting him.

"I could have all of you if I wanted it. Is that what you were going to say baby?" I finish for Caspian, who's blue eyes light up at my words. A smile tugs at his lips and he slides a hand on my thigh while wiggling his eyebrows at me. I laugh at his antics. This boy will be the death of me.

"I love how you think babe."

"I'm sure you do. At some point yes, the four of us together is something I'm willing to do but I think to start one on one would be best. Ok?" I say and look at each of them. All of them nod at me and look away from my gaze with a smile.

We arrive at the apartment and head into my living room. The boys sit on my couch as I go to the kitchen to get a drink. I'm gonna need a drink to get through this talk. I grab an angry orchard bottle and open the top as I get ready for this talk.

I walk back into the living room and realize the boys take up the entire couch. Their broad shoulders slightly touching as the recline back looking relaxed in my living room. My heart fills with joy knowing I can have this view anytime I want. I love these boys.

I walk towards them and Theo opens his arms. I go and sit on his lap and the arm of the couch facing towards my boys. I lean into him as he relaxes even more into the couch.

"Well how should be start?" I ask no one in particular.

They all exchange a look with each other and Dean sighs. "Little one, we've been talking, and we think it might be best for your family if you pick one of us to be your boyfriend. It'll help in human events too. With the supernatural community everyone will know you are our mate. What do you think of that idea?"

I think it over in my head. Who will be my boyfriend? Won't that make the others upset? How will the Supernatural community know and not the rest? I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"That's probably the best for now at least. Maybe later we can get my parents to understand that we are all together. So, how do we decide who my boyfriend is?" I reason.

"We want you to decide. We will be fine with whoever you want. It won't hurt our feelings or anything. We know we will get to be with you at home and in our community." Theo explains to me while pulling me closer to him. I take a long drink of my cider. How do I pick one?

Caspian reaches over from his seat in the middle and pulls my legs, so they are going across his lap and starts to rub my calves. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. God that feels good. I need to pick. Fuck, who do I pick. 

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