Chapter 6

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Rachel POV

As I turn to open the door taking their smiles as acceptance to my proposal, I feel a pair of hands wrap around of my waist and lift me up. A hand opens the door as my capture Caspian carries me inside as I squeal in surprise. He kisses my cheek and nuzzles my neck. Theo behind us chuckles as he and Dean make their way into my living room.

"Do you guys need clothes to sleep in?" I ask. I start to squirm feeling self-conscious that I'm too heavy for Caspian to still be holding me bridal style in my living room and that I have three handsome men in my apartment that are spending the night.

"Stop squirming. You are fine, I can easily hold you and I intend to." Caspian scolds me

as he tightens his hold on me.

Theo and Dean take off their suit jackets and sit on my couch. I watch their muscles under their white dress shirts. The sleeves look like they could break if either one flexes their arms. "If you have any that would be great love." Theo responds sweetly.

I look at Caspian expectantly. He pretends to not notice and nuzzles into my neck making me giggle. I lightly hit his chest and he groans. "Fine, but I get you when you come back." He begrudgingly sets me down, but not without a kiss to my forehead. I roll my eyes at his cute antics and head towards my bedroom. I grab three pajama pants and three large shirts for them.

I come back into the living room to see all of them lounging on the couch with their ties off, shirts slightly open and jackets on the coat hanger. God they are sexy. I smile at them and hand them the clothes. Theo stands and says he is going to change, I point him towards the bathroom. Dean says he'll change in the bedroom and heads the direction I just came from and as I turn around Caspian is stripping right in my living room.

"What are you doing?" I squeak and I'm sure my eyes are bulging. He is already shirtless and ready to undo his belt when he looks up at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He stalks towards me like a predator stalking it's prey and I stood their like a deer in the headlights.

"I'm sorry baby, did you want to undress me?" He tilts his head to the side and smirks at me.

"Of course, baby." I respond as I reach for his belt. Two can play at that game baby. I hear a sharp intake of breath. I smile and grab his belt and pull him closer to me. I quickly undo his belt and start unbuttoning his pants. His breathing picks up and I look up at those hooded blue eyes through my lashes. I unzip his pants and slowly slide my hands to his hips. I squeeze his hips and he shudders with desire. I watch him lick his lips. Slowly I pull his pants down until he is just in his boxers.

I turn and bend down to grab the PJ pants for him and I notice Dean and Theo watching from the entrance of the room with desire in their eyes. I send them a wink and turn back to Caspian.

I get on my knees and have him step back out of his suit pants and open the PJ ones for him to step in. Slowly I stand up pulling the waist band with me. He was already tenting in his boxers. I lightly run my hand over him and kiss his chest. He shivers as I pull my lips away. I look up at him, wink, and walk out of the room leaving him and the boys speechless.

Fuck. That was unnecessary I was only teasing her. Now I'm ready to grab her and kiss her. Cas linked to the boys.

Well next time I wouldn't egg her on. She obviously plays to win Cas. She isn't going to play your games. Theo chuckles and responds as he makes his way back to the couch. He reclines back with his feet on the coffee table as Dean joins him.

I make my way back to the living room in my baggie V-neck shirt and some boxer style PJ shorts. They all turn towards me. Caspian is still in the spot I left him, while the others on back on the couch. I start to head towards the couch, but Caspian has other ideas. He runs over and lifts me up, to balance myself I quickly wrap my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He nuzzles back into my neck placing feather light kisses up and down my neck. I lean my head back to give him a better angle. I can practically feel the smile on his lips.

"Thought I told you I was going to hold you when you got back. Just because you distracted me for a moment doesn't mean that I forgot my promise to you baby." He whispers. I giggle as his lips tickle my sensitive flesh on my collar bone. Once I regain composure, I look into his eyes that are sparkling with affection and desire. I see his tongue wet his lips again and I lean forward to capture them.

He had the softest lips I'd ever kissed. I tangled my hands in his soft blonde hair and feel him tighten his hold around my waist as his other hand slides up my back into my hair to the nape of my neck in order to deepen the kiss. I moan into his mouth and feel him grin in pride at my desire for him. I break this kiss to catch a breath and remember I have two men on my couch. I blush and push out of his hold and he lets me slide down his body until by feet are on the floor. I quickly turn to look at Dean and Theo as Caspian pulls my back to his front as he wraps his arms around my waist again. I look at the floor as my cheeks flame bright red.

He puts his chin on my shoulder and he whispers in my ear, "Don't worry baby, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. They love it as much as you and I do." He kisses my neck again and pushes me towards the couch.

Dean opens his arms and I cuddle next to him on the couch. His strong arms make me feel better as I lay my head on his chest. I inhale his scent which reminded me of a fresh cut grass and rain in the forest. He nuzzles my hair and I look up at him for confirmation of Caspian's words.

"Cas is right little one. Our goal is to make you happy in every aspect of life. We want to fulfill every desire you have. We would do anything you ask of us." I nod at his words. I loved feeling his chest rumble under my palm as he reassured me. I felt Theo rub my back reassuringly and kiss my shoulder blade.

"Why don't we go to bed love. It's been a long day and I'm sure you're tired." Theo suggests. I nod and I feel Dean shift as he lifts me up to carry me to the bedroom. I see Theo stand to follow and a flash of blonde hair whizzes by us towards the bedroom.

"Twenty bucks he takes up the whole bed." Dean throws over his shoulder to Theo.

"Forty, I bet he kicks one of us off the bed at least once during the night." Theo chuckled in response winking at me as I peered over Dean's broad shoulders.

I feel Dean's chest shake while he chuckles and says, "You're on." I look up and he bends down to kiss my forehead. "Don't worry he won't kick you off the bed, he'll be clutching you for dear life." He laughs at my surprised look. I roll my eyes and we finally make our way into my bedroom. 

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