Chapter 15

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Rachel POV

We open the bathroom door and I see a sad Theo sitting on my bed. His head immediately snaps up when I walk in. Concern etched across his face. I walk over to him and sit next to him on the bed. Taking his big hand in mine I send him reassurance that I am ok.

His face goes from concern to confusion. He looks at Caspian who is standing closely beside me waiting to protect me in case their wolves take over.

His eyes land on mine and I smile at him. I'm ok Theo. I send him.

His brown eyes widen at my words. He looks at Caspian again who nods and Theo cocks his head to the side looking at me in wonder. His free hand strokes my cheek as he takes in my words.

I'm so sorry my love. I never meant to hurt you. I'll never do that again, I promise. He sends me his voice full of sorrow.

I lay down into his chest I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I forgive you my love. Let's just move past it. I reassure him. I hear his fast heart flutter at my words.

His arms envelope me in a tight embrace as he pulls me into his lap. My head now rest on his shoulder and I nuzzle his neck. I'm so glad you are ok. He sends me as he kisses my forehead.

I sigh in relief at his actions and words. I'm glad he is ok. I know he didn't mean to hurt me. I look up at Cas and ask him Where is Dean?

He's pacing like a wild animal in the living room. He sounds irritated.

I knit my eyebrows together and look at him. What? Why is he doing that? Then I realize he must still be upset about the marking. I pull away from Theo and walk towards the living room. I feel Caspian close behind me. I stop abruptly and send him Stop. Let me handle it.

I can't let him hurt you again. He is struggling with his wolf right now and I can't see you hurt. Please let me come with you. He pleads to me. He grabs my arms and lightly rubs them. I lean back into him and feel him relax against me. Please. He sends again. I almost let him but I need to handle this. Dean is my mate. 

Stay back but close enough that you can help if I need it. I tell him. I don't wait for his confirmation. I walk in and see Dean pacing back and forth across my living room. He is moving so quickly and is so distracted he doesn't even notice my arrival.

He looks grief stricken and a little wild. Fear runs through me at his actions. Maybe I should let Cas be closer. I shake my head No. I can handle it. He is my mate.

I mentally reach out to him. I send him love through the link. Dean. Sweetie come here.

He stops suddenly and looks around. His head faces me and our eyes meet. His were still his wolf's golden brown. Oh shit, maybe this isn't a good idea. I take a deep breath and link him again.  It's ok. Come to me sweetie. I hold my arms open for him. His eyes widen as he finally realizes I'm the one calling him.

He quickly strides over and pulls me close.His arms were like steel cables. He held me so tightly it almost knockedthe wind out of me. His head was nuzzled into my neck, next to his mark. He wasdeeply breathing in my scent. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and try to letmy actions convey how much I love him. I'm so so so sorry. I'll never do something like that again. Tell me you are ok. Please be ok. He cries through the link.

I tighten my hold on him and lovingly stroke his back. Sweetheart I'm ok. I need you to calm down though. Look at me. See? I'm ok. I reassure him. I send him more of my love and I feel him relax against me.

Let's go to bed ok? Cas sends both of us. It's been a long day and my mate needs rest. I smile at his words. I pull back from Dean looking into his eyes. I kiss him softly and grab his hand so I can lead him back to the bedroom.

We walk in and climb into bed with Theo. Dean climbs in on my other side and Cas takes his position on top of me. All of my boys wrap me in a tight embrace as the snuggle into me. Theirwarm bodies and their feelings of contentment, happiness, and love quicklyrelax me.I slowly start to drift off as I feel them all relax around me.

Goodnight my love I hear Theo say in my head.

Goodnight Theo I reply smiling contently at him nuzzling my neck.

Goodnight beautiful. Sweet dreams. Dean tells me.

Goodnight sweetie I send back as he kisses my cheek.

I love you baby. Thank you so much for being my mate. I will always protect you and keep you safe that's why I have to hold you so close. Sweet dreams baby, I'll be dreaming of you. My heart overflows at Cas's words to me. I feel his love and sincerity in his words through our link. A tear rolls down my cheek.

I love you too Cas. Thank you for everything today. I'll be dreaming of you too. I send back letting him feel how much his words filled my heart. God, I loved these boys. I thought as I drifted off to sleep. 

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