Chapter 14

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Caspian POV

I lock the door and set her down gently on the sink. I turn to her bathtub and start the hot water. I pour in some of her body wash as bubbles start to line the water. I'm so mad at them. She could've been hurt. They were being reckless with her.

I feel my shoulders tense as anger rolls through me. As you mark your mate not only to you claim them, but you share a part of your soul that has always belonged to them. You can then sense their emotions as if they were your own, as long as the person allows you too.

The pain radiating from her neck was killing me. Not just Dean's mark but Theo's too. Both of their wolves got over-zealous with her and now my baby girl was in pain and trying to lie about it to make their dumbasses feel better. Not on my watch. I watch the water fill the tub while I try to calm down.

I feel her hand on my shoulder and I feel her fear and uncertainty. I turn to look at her and her hazel eyes are full of unshed tears. My heart sinks. No. No. No. baby no don't cry. I pull her to me and run my hand through her hair and down her back.

"What's wrong baby?" I plead.

"What did I do wrong?" She asks looking up at me. What?

"What do you mean? You didn't do anything wrong." I tell her brushing the tears off her cheeks that had slowly started to fall.

She looks down and whispers, "You're mad. I can feel it. Theo and Dean are upset, I can feel that too. What did I do wrong?"

Of course, she can sense our emotions now too. I mentally face palm myself.

Hey assholes cut your emotions off for her, she can sense something and thinks she has done something wrong. I instruct them

Is she ok? Dean asks in an anxious tone through the link.

I still need to check her out but can't when she is crying because she doesn't understand the emotions yet. I reply sharply.

I don't cut mine off. She needs to understand some of this and know that I'm pissed they hurt her.

"Baby, some of what your feeling is our feelings. Now that we have marked you as our mate you can feel our feelings and thoughts if we want you too. You can also project yours to us. I've asked the boys to cut their emotions off for you right now so you can slowly get used to it."

"I am still letting you feel mine though. You feel my anger?" I ask her. She nods looking up at me feeling nervous.

"That's because I can feel the pain in your neck from their marks. I'm mad at them for not being gentle and not protecting you." I reason to her. She nods understanding I'm not mad at her. She slips her hands around my waist and lays her head on my chest.

She sighs in relief. All the tension leaves my body. I pull back and turn the water off. I get in and pull her hand, so she follows. We sink down, her in front of me, and I begin to wash her body with the washcloth hanging next to the tub.

She leans back against me and I feel her contentment. I swell with joy and love at a moment as simple as this. She gasps and looks up at me. "Is that you?" She asks.

"Yes, that's what I'm feeling holding you right now." I explain kissing her head.

A blush colors her face and neck. A rush of love comes through our link and I'm knocked breathless. I rest my cheek on the top of her head as I hold her close.

"Baby." I say.

"Yeah?" she replies

"Are you ok? Can I see your neck?" She moves forward and nods her head. I pull back her hair and see Dean's mark on her right side. It looks swollen and angry. I do the same to the left side to look at Theo's. His was the same. Damn they bit her hard. That would take a couple days to heal, whereas mine should be healed by tomorrow morning.

"It hurts but I had an idea what marking would entail from my books. I just was surprised at how much it hurt. Yours' didn't though, why?" She tells me.

"Well you don't need to bite someone hard to claim them with your mark. I wanted my mark to be pleasurable for you because I never want to cause you pain. The boys let their wolves take over and they tend to not know their own strength." I explain to her as I continue to wash her body.

She nods thoughtfully and lets me finish washing her. I stand up and get out of the tub. I hold out a hand and help her stand. She was beautiful like this. Her pale skin slick with water. She had curves that I found unbelievably sexy even if I could sense her insecurities, I didn't see anything to be insecure about.

Her hair clung to her wet body. Her breast were slightly covered by her hair but the were still round and full and perky. I pull a towel down and hold it out for her. She steps into it and thanks me. I dry her off making sure every inch of her is dry.

She smiles at me and takes the towel from me doing the same to me. Once I was dry enough for her she goes to the mirror to look at her new marks.

"Will they always be this noticeable?" She asks.

"No, they will fade soon. But to a supernatural they will be very visible always. It is a way for others to know you are ours." I tell her as I wrap my arms around her. She glances at me in the mirror and then to the door.

"Are they ok?" she asks me.

"They are worried about you. They did not mean to hurt you but that doesn't mean they didn't." I tell her my voice turning hard as new anger builds up.

"Baby I need you to calm down. I'm ok. See? I'm fine I'm right in your arms safe and sound." She tells me as she sends reassurance and happiness through the link.

She is too good at that already. My wolf calms at her emotions though. I nod and release her as I walk to the door. I decide to try something before I leave this bubble with her.

I love you. I send to her.

I sense her confusion, recognition, then joy and love as she figures out that I've mind linked with her. Her face breaks out in a huge smile as she walks over and pulls me into a tight embrace. Her lips find mine and I let my hands rest on her hips.

I love you too Caspian. She sends me. I feel the love radiating from her and my heart skips a beat.

We break apart and open the bathroom door. 

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