Chapter 51

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"Dialogue between characters"

Theo POV

"Talk to us. Why are you so angry and upset?" I ask her. She sits in a chair across the room from our desks and couch. She looked flighty and ready to fight. The anger rolling off of her was palpable.

She takes a deep breath and then looks up at me. "I'm upset that there are no boundaries with your moms. My parents would never walk into this house uninvited, much less go to our bedroom and then critique you. Neither would Jasons." She adds as she glances at him. He nods and stares at us as he moves to stand close behind her chair. He still gives her space but is staking out who's side he will be supporting in this argument.

"I am not comfortable with how they interact with me. If they want me to act like a Queen then they need to treat me like one. There needs to be boundaries put into place or I can't do this." She says as she continues to hold my gaze.

Did she just say she can't do this? As in us? Cas whimpers in the link.

Yeah, Jason's right she isn't playing. They have crossed the line so far she is ready to leave. You can feel her anger. Dean replies as he glances at us.

"We agree. What would you like in place." Dean asks her as he steps closer to her. She gives him a warning look and he stops.

"First, this is our house. They cannot show up and run around it like it is theirs. Secondly, I need to be treated with respect. Third, they need to respect Jason's presence. He covered today but they need to not push it or I will tell them he is my mate. They need to prescribe to normal in-law rules." She finishes and we all nod quickly.

"Agreed love. We are sorry they showed up. We had no idea they were coming and we understand why you are mad." I tell her. She seems to soften at that. "Let's call them in and explain the new rules." She nods and stiffens in her seat.

In a few minutes our mothers file in. We go to sit at our desks and they sit on the couch. Sophia stares down my mate while my mom and Belinda have the goodsense to look sheepish.

Dean growls at her and she looks at him in surprise. Did she honestly think we would pick her over our mate? Before this goes on much longer I take the opportunity to begin the discussion.

"Ladies thank you for coming in. We need to discuss some important issues that have come up. First and foremost, we understand that you are excited to spend time with our mate but you need to be a lot more respectful of her and her space and time. You can not just show up here and run free through our house. That will not happen again. If you want to visit you need to request it and it has to be approved by Rachel. When you are here you cannot just walk into whatever rooms you want. This is not your house, nor will it ever be your house." I explain to them.

My mom and Belinda bow their head in submission while Sophia looks surprised by this turn of events. "You are making your mothers schedule appointments to see you? Did we not raise you better?" She asks us with a disappointed tone.

"No mother, you did a fine job at raising us. The problem is you seem to think that the manners and respectable way you make everyone else live by don't pertain to you. We are protecting our mate and our house. You do not get to do whatever you want. You are not Queen. Which speaking of, if I ever hear that you have berated my mate again and questioned her as Queen I will cut you out of our lives. No one, hurts my mate and gets away with it. She is allowed to fill her days as she seems fit. Did you ever think to wonder why she would be doing the laundry? Why she wasn't ready for the day as you called it? Today was the first day we were really separating since we met. She was in pain and she missed us. She did the laundry so she could rub our scent on herself subconsciously. We are struggling as much as she is with the fact that we have to separate for work soon and we are all trying to navigate it in our own ways. No one, especially you, gets to judge her or us on how we behave the next couple of weeks." Dean lectures her.

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