Chapter 20

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Dean POV

My heart sinks as I hear her words. Theo and Cas stop instantly and whip their head in our direction. Well I never imagined these words to come out of her mouth. She looks up at me innocently.

What do we do? Theo asks in the link.

What do you mean? Let her meet our wolves. Its fine. Cas replies.

Begrudgingly Theo nods. I look down at my mate and wonder how this could go wrong. But her hazel eyes and pink lips were begging for us to cave into her request.

"Yes. But we will change one at a time." I tell her.

I pull her out of the pool, and we walk to the grass. Who is going first? I ask the boys.

I will, I trust my wolf the most, then I can protect her just in case. Cas tells us.

I nod and pull her to the side with Theo flanking her other side. I grab her hand as Cas moves several yards away from us. She stares at him excitedly.

He shifts into his wolf with loud bone cracking sounds. She winces at it but keeps her gaze focused on Cas. His wolf is larger than a normal wolf and has bright white fur. His blue eyes are even more striking in his wolf form. He tilts his head at Rachel who's face is in awe at the wolf in front of her.

She takes a step forward and Theo and I follow her closely. Cas lowers his head in submission to her. She walks several steps and places a small hand on his forehead. He makes a whining noise and she pets his head.

She leaned down and kissed his face and he yipped and licked her face. She giggles at him and looks up at me. Her eyes full of joy and my heart skips a beat. I want to feel her touching my fur like Cas'. I take several steps away from her and I shift into my wolf.

She stares in awe of my wolf. I was several inches taller than Cas and my fur was a brown that matched my hair. I looked down at her and my wolf wanted to run over and fall to her feet. I kept control and lower my head to her. She walks up and runs her hands through my fur, I shiver in pleasure.

She looks up at me and I lick her face. She playfully slaps my shoulder. As I'm teasing her, Theo shifts into his black wolf. She walks over to him and touches his fur as well.

"You're all so beautiful." She says looking between us.

Do you want to go for a run with us little one? I link to her.

Her face lights up on hearing my words. She shakes her head and flings her arms around my neck. I lower my body so she can get on my back. Cas steps forward and uses his head to help lift her on my back. She slides up and grips her thighs tightly as she leans forward to hold by my scruff.

Hold tight baby. We will follow close to make sure you don't fall. Cas instructs her.

Ok. Am I holding too tight Dean? She asks me.

Just perfect beautiful. I assure her. Her hands held my fur tightly and it felt so good. My wolf was over the moon at having her hold on to him. He was itching to show his mate how amazing he was.

Ok Dean. I'm ready. She tells me full of excitement. Her body was practically vibrating with it.

Go slow and then if she holds on well, we can start running faster. Theo tells us. We all nod.

I start to trot and Cas and Theo flank me while watching our mate intently. She grips tighter and leans forward so she is flush against my back and says, "Go faster Dean, I know you can."

Her words urge my wolf to show her how fast he can run. He takes off in a sprint and I hear Rachel laugh into my fur. She looks over her shoulder to see Cas and Theo catching up to us. We all run hard through the forest for half an hour before I lead them back to the clearing behind our house.

We walk up to the edge of the pool and I lower my body so she can climb down. She swings her leg over my back and slides down my side. She was panting hard from having to hold on and her skin was glistening with sweat as her cheeks were flushed.

Cas and Theo had already turned back, and I walked away to do the same. She goes and sits on the edge of the pool to put her legs in. She lays back and laughs. "That was amazing! What does that feel like for you guys?"

We all walk over and sit next to her. We are all breathing a little harder than normal, but this was just a simple run, usually we go for hours. I smile down at her and laugh, "It feels freeing, the shifting hurts for a second, but then you're in your wolf and it feels primal and relaxing. Nothing else matters as you run through the woods. You can feel more with your wolf." I explain as I slide in the water and stand in front of her pulling her legs around me.

"That's so cool. You guys were absolutely amazing and so powerful! I loved doing that with you. Can we do that again sometime?" she gushes to us as she sits up and runs her fingers through my hair.

"Yes, love we can take you on runs more often, especially since you know how to ride a wolf so well." Theo tells her with a wink.

"I have many talents my love you're only beginning to know them." She tells him and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Baby I know you're talented. That tongue, your mouth, your body, it's magical." Cas teases her licking his lips.

She has a shock expression on her face and splashes him playfully and he laughs at her. "You're such an ass sometimes." I shake my head at him.

"I know." Cas says with a smirk and a shrug.

We all laugh. God this felt so good, so natural here with her laughing with us. Playing with us. Loving us. She was so good at it too. I mean, I know mates are chosen for us and they are supposed to enhance us, but I never knew it could be this good. She was amazing, beautiful, caring, understanding, smart and I just can't get enough of her. She completed me in ways I was never knew I was lacking.

I lean into her and rest my head on her shoulder relaxing into my safe haven of her arms. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asks me running her hand soothingly up and down my back.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you." I tell her earnestly.

"I'm the lucky one. You guys have completely changed my life in a matter of days, and I can't believe I get to be with you. I can't believe you just bought this house for us. That I'm your mate for life. I'm so grateful and I could never repay you for how much you have done for me." She says pulling me close and placing a kiss on my shoulder. I tighten my arms around her smiling into her neck at her sweet words.

"I would do anything for you. I will spoil you the rest of our lives little one. I love you." I tell her my voice trembling with emotion.

"I love you too Dean. I love all of you." She says trying not to cry. I pull back and look in her hazel eyes that were brimmed with tears. I place my hands on her cheeks and run a thumb across to wipe away a stray tear falling down her face.

I kiss her soft lips and try to convey how much I love her through it. I push my love through the link. I pull back and give her a smile. Theo and Cas press against her sides and rub her back and thighs. She leans into our touch and relaxes.

We stay like that for a while and break away when Garrett links us that we need to deal with an issue with our headquarters. We decide to head back to the apartment and work from there. Rachel has to send stuff to Gianna anyway. 

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