Chapter 49

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"Dialogue between characters"

Dean POV

I look up from the crowd of people around me and see Rachel standing there talking to her parents. Her long brown and reddish hair gently swayed as she talked and hugged them. Her parents' faces were filled with joy for their daughter that was beaming up at them.

She turns and looks over her shoulder towards me and gives me a shy smile as she blushes. The red against her pale skin always made her look so delicate. I feel a push at my shoulder and I turn to see Theo nodding towards Rachel. I shake my head yes and walk over to her.

Navigating the crowd between us was harder. Most people stopped me and were congratulating me on the engagement. Julian steps in my way and holds out his hand to me. "Congrats Alpha. She is an amazing Luna."

I feel my chest swell with pride as I look over his shoulder and see his wife and son walk up to Rachel. She hugs Jessica and picks up Jackson. His little arms wrap around her neck as he places a kiss on her cheek before snuggling in for a tight hug. Her parents stand there and watch with interest as Rachel introduces them to each other.

"She is." I simply state as we watch our mates talk and mine get all the affection in the world from Jackson.

"Might want to get our mate or Jackson might steal her." Cas says as he walks up to us. Julian lets out a laugh and nods his head in agreement. We walk over and she turns as Jackson yells out that I am coming.

I felt the air go out of my lungs seeing her breathtaking smile light up her face as she turned and looked at us, more specifically me. When I close the distance between us leaving only a few feet she whispers to Jackson that she will see him later. He pouts and glares at me.

I feel Julian and Jessica tense at their son's behavior but I stared back and chuckled. The little punk had a crush on my mate. He was adorably cute but also pushing his luck. Rachel nudged his shoulder and said, "Manners." He gives her puppy dog eyes and she shakes her head no until he turns back to me and says, "Sorry I kissed her and she liked it." He gives me an innocent smile with a devious glint in his eyes.

"It's ok Jackson, she likes when I kiss her too." I said and he gasped before looking at Rachel for confirmation. She bites her lip and nods sheepishly. I reach out and grab her hand before bringing it up to my lips and placing a quick kiss on it.

"That's not a real kiss." The five year old tells me confidently, "I kissed her on the cheek." He gloats. I smirk at him before pulling her closer and kissing her cheek.

He glared at me and I glared back at him. This boy was really pushing it with his Alpha King. I was so focused on him I didn't notice my devious mate until she pulled on my shirt turning me and wrapped a hand around my neck pulling my head down to hers. Her lips tenderly touch mine before pulling back.

Stop fighting with a five year old. She sends me. I nod as she places another kiss on my lips. This time I let my hands rest on her waist and I chase her lips with mine as she tries to pull away.

She breaks away giggling as I pull her into my side. Jackson stares up at her in disbelief that she would betray his love. "Him?" He asked and she nods her head.

"What about Alpha Cas and Alpha Theo? You love them too right?" The little boy said confused and we all stared at him as she looked up to see her shocked parent's faces.

"Don't you? You kissed them the other time I was here." He said and she turned back to look at him and then at us. I was watching her parents to see their reaction. They looked shocked but also not fully believing a five year old. They had already wondered about our relationship and I am sure this was fueling their suspicions.

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