Chapter 38

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's Thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"dialogue between characters"

Theo POV

We walk out of the school and get into the SUV. Garrett pulls out as we silently sit there. "What do we do?" I ask them. I run my fingers through my hair as I try to figure out how to say sorry to my mate.

"About which thing?" Dean chuckles angrily. His hands were in tight fist in his lap and he was staring out the window. I shake my head at him.

"About our fucking mate being mad at us you asshat!" Cas yells from the front seat. He bangs his hand on the dashboard and then crosses his arms over his chest.

"Oh, I thought Theo was asking do we kill the pup that thinks he is our mate's other mate now or later!" Dean yells back sarcastically.

"Just stop both of you! She is mad we didn't believe her when she said that she didn't feel the mate pull with him." Why the fuck didn't I believe her? The link proved her words were true and we still didn't fully believe her.

"I say we call him in." Dean says next to me.

"He is already at the house Majesties. He requests an audience with you." Garrett tells us. I look up shocked. This kid had some fucking nerve.

"Well great. I can't wait to talk to him." Cas growls. I stare out the window. I pull out my phone and open up my contacts. I find her number and text her.

Love, I am so sorry. I do believe you and I am sorry I doubted you. I'm here when you are ready to talk. I love you.

I wait and within a minute I feel my phone vibrate in my hand. I look down and see her name on my lock screen and I smile. I open my phone and read her text.

I know you are. It just hurt my feelings I will be home in thirty minutes. I love you too.

I smile at her text and know that she will be ok by the time she gets home. "She is on her way home as well." I let them know and they both look at me.

"What did she say?" Cas asks worriedly.

"That she understands, it just hurt her feelings and she loves me." I say and he growls. I roll my eyes. I see him whip out his phone and I can only imagine he is texting her as well. I look over and Dean was just putting his phone away before it chimed. We were all whipped, and we didn't care if she knew it or not.

We pull up into our driveway and head to our office. After we sit down Garrett walks in and looks at us uncomfortably. "Can I escort him in?" He asks. I nod my head and Garrett leaves and quickly comes back in with Jason. Jason stands there confidently with a smirk on his face.

"Alphas." He says in greeting. I gesture to the chair between our desks. He walks to it and sits down. Garrett leaves and closes the door. "Thank you for seeing me." He tells us. Dean scoffs and Cas rolls his eyes.

"What do you want to discuss?" I ask him. He turns to face me and smiles.

"I want to discuss our mate." He says and all three of us growl. He doesn't seem fazed at all by our anger.

"Funny, she denies feeling the pull to you." Dean tells him. Jason's face remains neutral at that information.

"She hasn't had enough time around me to feel it." He tells us. I laugh at that.

"It was pretty instant with each of us." I tell him with a smirk.

"Maybe. I know she is my mate and I will be a part of her life. I am fine sharing her with you three, but I want to be able to be with her." He tells us and our wolves are ready to fucking come out. Mine was clawing and biting at the bit to get him.

Before any of us could say anything, I smell her scent approaching quickly. The office door opens, and she stops the second she sees Jason. He turns and faces her with a smile on his face. Their eyes meet and they quietly stare at each other. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest watching her. Trying to figure out what is happening.

"Go and sit in my office now." She tells him. She steps out of the doorway and he quickly follows her instructions. She closes our office door and faces us. "You will stay here and let me handle this."

"What are you going to do?" Dean asks her. Anxiously we wait for her answer. She sighs and comes over towards us. She stops and sits in the chair Jason had.

"I am going to talk to him." She says to us. "I don't want to hurt you but I need to talk to him and get this whole mess straightened out."

"What if he is your mate?" Cas asks her in a small voice.

"You tell me. I don't know how any of this is supposed to work. I love the way things are now. I truly could not picture a more perfect life, than what I have with you, but I also don't know what rejecting him would do to him or me. If he is my mate." She tells us. I can feel her confusion and know that she truly is not wanting to confirm Jason's claims.

"We know how you are feeling baby. We don't want you to hurt either, especially if you reject him, it will hurt you too. We will figure this all out once you talk with him." Cas tells her. She nods and heads to her office. She closes the door and the three of us stare at it.

"What do we do?" Dean asks us.

"We wait." I say somberly. 

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