Chapter 50

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Rachel's Thoughts

Boy's thoughts and telepathic dialogue

"Dialogue between characters"

I walk down the stairs to find my mates in the kitchen. "Morning love." Theo says as I walk in. He scoots his chair back and makes room for me. I sit in his lap as his arm wraps around my waist and he continues to check emails on his phone.

"Morning." I yawn as I lean back against him. Dean hands me a big cup of coffee and kisses my cheek.

"You look tired sweetheart. Why don't you sleep more?" He says to me. I shake my head no.

"No I need to get my sleep schedule on track for school in a week." I mumble before I sip my coffee. The sweet taste slides down my throat and I sigh in contentment.

"Baby we have to go to the office today, but we will be back tonight for dinner." Cas tells me but looks frustrated by that fact.

"It's ok. I have some stuff I need to do here anyway." I explain and reach out and touch his hand. He groans and looks at Dean and Theo pleadingly.

"Cas no. We have to get used to not seeing each other all day. We all need to be ready for when her work starts. We can see each other tonight." Dean sternly tells him.

Cas groans loudly and I chuckle at him. He was the biggest baby sometimes, but I loved it. He hated being away from me and honestly I hated being away from them. I will probably go work with them after this year. Just so I could be close to them.

I run my fingers through his hair as he lays his head in defeat on the counter. "It'll be ok Cas. I promise." I tell him. He peeks up at me with his ocean blue eyes and I smile at him. He nods and sits back up.

Dean's alarm goes off and they all groan. "Time to go." Theo says. I slide off his lap and Cas quickly pulls me into his arms. He gives me a massive hug that knocks the wind out of me. I pat his back silently begging him to let go of me.

"Cas for the love of God you're crushing her." Dean growls at him. Cas releases me and I gasp for air. I look up at Cas and shake my head at him before I start laughing.

Dean pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead tenderly. "Have a good day." He whispers before releasing me and letting Theo wrap me in a hug. He kisses my lips before pulling away.

"See you tonight love."

"Bye." I say before I watch them turn and leave. I follow them to the door and I wave goodbye as I watch them drive away. As irrational as I know it was, the pain that filled my chest was horrible as I watched them leave. I stood there as their car disappeared in the distance. I felt my chest constrict as I felt their pain, sadness, and frustration flood the link.

Cas was the most potent. His sadness and frustration was overwhelming. I felt it ebb and flow in our link like waves crashing into cliff sides. It was almost in time with our shared heartbeat. Powerful and painful at the same time.

Dean was more subtle. He felt more like a longing. I knew he was the de facto leader of the three and had to be strong even when he didn't want to. This was one of those times. I could tell he didn't want to leave, just like I didn't want them to.

Theo was the most aware. As they disappear into the distance he links me, Love, it will be ok. I miss you already and I promise we will contact you during the day. I smile at his voice filling my head. I could hear the strain those words caused him but I know that they were true. The boys will constantly be talking to me.

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