chapter 13

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Perez POV.

There is only one adoption center here . furthermore, since talia was born here there Is a slight chance that noell might still be here. That is of he wasn't already adopted.

I got on Talia's computer and search antelope adoption agency.

The link immidiatley popped up and I clicked on it. I found the phone number to the agency and dialed there number.

While the phone rung I thought it would be better to just go up there and check it out myself.

I grabbed my keys and stopped by Talia's door. It was open so I casually walked in and she was laying on her bed watching TV

"Hey lia Ima head out, call if you need anything" I said while adding "have fun on your date".  I sighed. Its going to be so hard to go along with her giving him a chance but I walked into this one so I have to wait.

"Okay and thanks I'll try" she said

With that I went to my car and headed out to the center. It wasnt very far away just about a little bit over 30 minutes. It had the actual orphanage behind the center. I walked in getting greated by a gorgeous young lady. She was nothing compared to lia though.

"How may I help you?" The lady asked.

"Uh yeah I'm here to see if my friends child is still in the record of being here" I said .

"Do you know the child's name?"

"Yes its Noell Andrew Robinson. He is a male and should be 4 now"

I didn't even have to wait for her to search she immiadtley said .

"noell is actually still here at our orphanage.  he never wanted to be adopted by a family"

Curiously I asked "why is that"

The lady smiled and said "he would always say he is waiting for his real mom"

Tears came to my eyes when she said that.

"Is their a way that I can't file to get home back to his biological mother. ? "

" there sure is you would have to file and wait to be accepted in the mean time we will need  both biological mother and her parental guardian's information considering that she is still not legal age. "

I smiled from ear to ear excited that I would bring little noell home. I spoke with the manager and got everything settled. All I needed was Laura to come up here with all the information that they'll need about laura and talia.  As soon as that was covered noell would be home in 3-weeks to a month.

"Would you like to meet noell?" The manager asked . I nodded and agreed  as she led me to his floor.

"Nooeeellll you have a visitor"

"Oootttayyyyy" the little boy said as he walked towards us. He was a spitting image of his mother.

"Hello noell" I said

"Hi" he greeted back

He smiled brightly and took my hand

"Want to see my drawings" he said in the cutest baby accent.

"Of course " I said.

He talked and showed me many things . he also talked about meeting his mother and how he was waiting for her.

"Noell I know who your mother is"

His eyes grew wide and he smiled even bigger


"Mhmmm and you'll get to go home to her soon you just have to wait it out. Can you do that for me bud"

"Yes ma'am , what's your name" he asked


He then hugged me and said

"Thank you perez"

I left satisfied but then quickly turned down because I came home and  watched Talia get ready for her date.

Authors note.
I had accidently forgot to publsih chapter 9 so if you go back you will see and the story would be very much more understandable.

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