chapter 19

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Perez POV

Noell turned around as he heard us coming in. He scanned over me than looked at laura. Lastly he looked at Talia and a beam of happiness took over him

"Mommmaaaaaahhhh" he yelled. Running with wide arms toward Talia. Tears ran down her face as she embraced her son for the first time in years.

"Hey baby " she chocked out.

Noell pulled back and took in his mother's appearance.  "What took you so long mom I've been waiting for forever" they laughed in sync and embraced each other longer.

She look so beautiful and full of life. Her happiness made me feel alive.

"Hey mama , perez helped me find you did you know that?" He said cheesing hard.

Talia turned to me with a smile that made me blush.  All the while noell made kissy faces behind this mother and winked. Both laura and I laughed .

"What's so funny?" Talia asked unknowingly.

I shook my head in dismissal. It was clear to everyone but her. That I was falling for her. Deeply.

"Your ready to go home " I asked noell .

He was already out the door before his mom signed the release papers.

We all gathered in the car and stopped at 3 spoons for ice cream before we made it home. I payed for everyone's ice cream and then we prepared Noell for his new room

"Come with me to your new room noell" his mother said.

His little feet trailed behind talia and he went up the stairs to his room

From his laughter and awes we new he loved his new home.

For the rest of the night we all watched movies on the couch. We were just finishing transformers 2 when there was a knock at the door.

"I got it " I said as I got up to answer the door.

I opened the door and came face to face with Shawn's father.

"I came by to give talia my word of sorry for my sons actions. For her protection I set up a restraining order so that my son can be the least of her worries. "  I stared at him In total shock. His own father . .

Major respect was given to him from me I shook his hand and took the restraining order giving it to talia to sign.

Everything was going good. Now that I gave talia happiness. All I needed to do know was help her love herself .

She still doesn't eat and she still hides her true self

Its time for me to help her find who she really is.

Excuse errors if any

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