chapter 21

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Perez POV. ..

I pulled up into the mall parking lot and parked the car. I got out and then opened the door for talia helping her out.

In order to help talia feel more confident I had to break her shell. Thus, I was buying her a new set of clothes that showed arms and legs and that was fitting.

"What are we here for?" Talia asked. Annoyance already showing on her face.

"Shh and just follow me " .

I walked into rue21 straight to the womens section while pulling talia along.

I held up items and held them in my arms.   I had gotten a dress ,skinny jeans and a fitted shirt. I then walked in to the dressing rooms and turned to Talia.

"Go try these on"

She looked at me like I grew 2 extra heads.

"No" she said blanky.

I rolled my eyes. I needed patience for this girl. I grabbed her hands and walked us into the large dressing rooms. Locking the door I looked at talia.

"You need to be more confident , your a beautiful girl, I know your in there some where hiding it" I said , never breaking eye contact.

She huffed, deafeated , grabbing the clothes from my hands.

"Alright, I'll try them on"  finally she gave in.

I sat down patiently. She looked at me crazy once again.

"Ohhh you want me to leave?" I joked at her.

She nodded her head and continued to look at me.

I exited the room and waited for her to get dressed.

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