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I: Kio godamnit could you get off your lazy butt and help me?
K: holy- I'm sorry mom.
I: shut up cyr you know your moms gonna be home soon.
K: so?
I: Your house smells like shit. You look like shit. And your house is as dirty as shit.
K: why do you care bebs?
I looked at Kio he was pouting.
I: because I don't need you getting in trouble for me anymore.
K: so your telling me you'll take the claim for everything you do from here on?
I: yes.
Kio grabbed a glass and dropped it. I turned around to hear glass shatter.
K: you said you'd take the blame this cup doesn't even make up one eighth of the stuff I covered you for.
I: KIOOOOOO!!! I have to clean this mess.
I got down on my hands and knees and I didn't see the glass piece and it cut right into my hand.
I: ouch....
Kio: Oh I'm so sorry bebs
He was freaking out until I noticed I was kneeling on glass. My knees were all bloody. I stood up and Kio saw my knees.
Kio: what are you doing sit down.
I: I'm fine
I started walking and started to shake and I fell to the ground. Kio was there to catch me. When I fell into his arms he was looking into my eyes.
He moved a piece of hair from my face to behind my ears.
K: you know you're prettier when you're quiet.
I: shut up cyr.
I slapped his arm not hard but enough for him to hurt. Kio carried me upstairs and I felt kinda dizzy. I didn't lose that much blood but...I dunno. I passed out. I woke up in Kio's bed I heard screaming from downstairs. I tried to listen. I got out of Kio's room and stood at the top of the stairs.

KM (Kio's mom)
KM: KIO YOU MAKE SUCH A MESS IN THIS HOUSE. Look at this shit! There's glass all over the floor. And what the rest of the house is nothing?!
K: mom calm down. I'll clean the mess.
KM: no go to your room you've done enough.
K: Fine. I try to help you and this is my response? Whatever.
I heard Kio come to the stairs I ran as fast as I could and got back into Kio's bed and pretended to sleep. Kio came in and sighed he payed down next to me. He put his arm around my neck. He started to play with my hair. Then he leaned down and Placed his head on mine.

( in ivys head)
Fuck. Godamnit Kio. You can't do this to me. You must know that I've liked you since we were kids. But I know you don't like me. How- I don't want this moment to end.
(End of ivys thoughts)

I felt Kio's head get heavier he fell asleep. I did too. Around 7 o'clock the next morning I woke up. Kio was sleeping he was so cute. I got up. I grabbed my clothes and walked out the front door. Kio's mom had already left. I walked over to the lake and I sat. I just needed to think. I sat there for an hour.

(Ivys thoughts) I really like Kio? I dunno. Just last night he fell asleep on me...I could feel my heart racing last night. Plus the moment in the kitchen.
(End of ivys thoughts)

Then I felt someone touch my back.
K: all alone out here?
I: oh? Hey Kio. I thought you were sleeping.
K: I was. So why are you here all alone?
I: I needed time to think.
K: about?
I: Kio it's really not your problem...
K: I know but I wanna help.
I: okay well there's this boy.
K: there always is...
I: shut up ok so I might like this guy. But he probably likes another girl or something and I dunno what to do...
K: vy why do you think he doesn't like you?
I: because of his type I've seen the girls he's dated their gorgeous-
K: you're gorgeous vy...
I: wha- what?
Kio turned away from me to hide his embarrassment.
K: nothing never-
I: Kio cyr it wasn't nothing....
K: nothing nevermind let me take you home.
I: okay...
I got into the car with Kio and he drove me home. All I could think about was what he said. The car ride was awfully quiet. Kio didn't say one word to me. We arrived at my house. I got out of the car. As I was walking up to the door Kio came after me.

K: hey vy?
I: yeah?
K: you wanna go out tonight?
You wanna do something fun?
I: I uhh-
K: cmon please. Do it as a favour. It's either that or I get yelled at.
I: fine
K: pack a bag of clothes tho.
I: why?
K: so we can take a photo shoot?
I: uhhhh...okay?
K: see you later vy I'll be here by 5.
I walked into my house and my parents were there

M: vy where were you?
I: Kio's
D: we have news.
I:what's up?
M : were going on a cruise.
I: that's great!
D: you're coming and so is Kio
I: wait what?
M: Kio's mom is gonna be gone for a year to go back to Thailand. So she asked if he could stay with us.
I: and you said yes?
D: of course but...
I: butttttt...???
M: he's gonna have to stay in your room...
I: what why? Can't he just-
D: as much as I don't like the fact a boys gonna be in your room he has to stay there.
I: so I don't get a say?
M: you and Kio are bestfriends I thought you'd be happy.
I: Yeah well I guess you thought wrong.
I ran up the stairs and into my room. I wasn't upset that Kio was gonna live with us. I'm just worried he'll find out how I feel. After all we're really close I wouldn't be surprised if he could see right through me.

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