Mr and Mrs Cyr

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Years past. Kio and I are living in this house in LA. Sway and Kio made up. Though it's kinda awkward knowing I've kissed almost all of them. Kio and I are going on a date tonight I don't know where though?  Kio pulled up to the forest where he ran away to. I sat down on the log listening to the sound of water. I turn around to see Kio down on one knee.

Kio: Ivy  Grace Rayne will you marry me?
Ivy: y- yes yes yes...
I kissed Kio.

Wedding day:

My palms were sweating I was so nervous. My mom and dad were so exited. So was I.
I started to walk down the aisle. I saw Kio standing at the front. He was crying. And so was I. I see all the sway boys as his grooms men. And Nessa, avani, charli, dixie and Brynn were my brides maids.
The priest started to say his final words.
Priest: do you take ivy Rayne to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Kio: I do.
Priest: do you ivy raynes take Kio Cyr to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Ivy: I do.
Priest: by the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.
Kio and I kiss. I whisper to Kio.

Ivy: I knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes.
Kio: I know you are but what am I?

I just smiled and that was our story.

"Mom....why didn't you marry Quinton?"
Ivy: well Emily Quinton wasn't my type.
Emily: and dad was?
"Of course he was idiot she would be with him if he wasn't."
Ivy: Carter I don't like that language tone it down please.
Carter: sorry mom...
ivy: goodnight my beautiful angels.
I kissed them on their foreheads and turned off the lights.
Emily: mom?
Ivy: yes sweetly?
Emily: do you regret anything you did?
Ivy: no baby...I never have and never will. Now goodnight.

I closed the door and walked down into our bedroom.

Kio: what was the story tonight?
Ivy: ours.

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