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Ivy: Kio?
Kio: vy?
I got up from his bed and ran into his arms.
Kio: what are you doing here?
Ivy: I'm well I got a modelling job I'm the cover.
Kio: that- that's great. But what are you doing in my house?
Ivy: I came to visit your mom.
Kio's mom: oh my goodness would you two shhhhh I'm trying to sleep.
Ivy: mrs cyr why didn't you tell me Kio was coming?
Kio's mom: oh that must've slipped my mind?
Kio: ahh ok sorry mom go back to bed.
Ivy: so what are you doing here Kio?
Kio: well vy... A it's my house. B I needed some stuff and C I came to visit my mom.
Kio turned the light on.
Kio: oh-
Ivy: what?
Kio: you- you look great.
Ivy: not to bad yourself Cyr. I'm sorry are you staying the night?
Kio: oh uhhh-
Ivy: it's okay I'll be leaving.
Kio: no no no it's fine. You can stay here.
Ivy: are you sure I'd hate to impose. You know I -
Kio: it's fine vy. How long are you in town?
Ivy: umm...just a couple of days.
Kio: then where are you off to?
Ivy: I'll be off to LA
Kio: where are you staying?
Ivy: ummm...I- I don't know I'll need to-
Kio: why don't you stay with me?
Ivy: Kio I don't think-
Kio: no seriously we probably have and extra room in the sway house. The boys would love you.
Ivy: fine but if they don't want me there I'll leave?
Kio: deal vy.
Kio and I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning my phone was ringing. Kio was still sound asleep. I picked up the call. And left the room I stood outside Kio's door.

Nick: hey babe
Ivy: hey nick
Nick: how's your tour?
Ivy: it's good. Kinda tiring tho...
nick: yeah...hey look I love you. I - I gotta go.
Ivy: bye nick I love you too.
I looked at the wall next to me. There were pictures of Kio and I. Kio opened the door.
Kio: "I love you too"?
Ivy: I uhhh- yeah I'm uhhh-
Kio: you're dating? Who?
Kio leaned against the door frame shirtless and did the look.
Ivy: do you remember nick?
Kio: white boy. Blue eyes blonde hair?
Ivy: yeah...
Kio: oh that's interesting. Anyways I'm
Off to the mall today. I'm gonna meet up with a couple of friends you wanna come?
Ivy: Kio I don't wanna you know.
Kio: it's fine vy I get it. When do you leave?
Ivy: well actually I'm leaving tomorrow.
Kio: oh? Well I'll leave tomorrow then too. Anyways I gotta go out so I'll see you later.

Ivy: okay see you later Kio.
I spent my day out in a little market place that
Kio's mom suggested.
I got back to Kio's house. Nobody was home so I decided to shower. It was kinda weird to shower it Kio's house. I got out of the shower and started to dry off as I was wrapping the towel around me the door swung wide open.
I dropped the towel and I tried to grab it.
Kio: oh shit sorry vy-
Ivy: oh no no it's it's fine...
Kio: sorry I thought you were my mom.
Ivy: oh uhhh-
Kio: right right unmmm...I'll see you later.
Kio closed the door. But I realized I forgot his necklace. I thought maybe he won't notice?
Ivy: hey Kio?
Kio: yeah what's up vy?
Ivy: could you grab my necklace off your nightstand ?
Kio: yeah for sure.
Kio came back and knocked on the door.
Ivy: come in.
Kio opened the door and handed me the necklace.
Kio: nice necklace...where'd you get it?
Ivy: oh uhhh parents.
Kio: hmm funny...
I finished up in the bathroom and walked back to Kio's room. I was looking for pyjamas. The problem was I didn't wanna have to end up walking around in Kio's house in short ass shorts but that's all I had left. So I put on the shorts and a hoodie and walked downstairs. Kio was on the couch watching tv.
Kio: hey vy wanna watch a movie?
Ivy: oh uhhh sure? What movie?
Kio: well remember when we were on that cruise?
Ivy: yeah of course what about it???
Kio: well we never got to watch up. That's still your favourite movie right?
Ivy: oh...no actually...
Kio: Damn vy I leave for what?-
Ivy: 3 months...
Kio: and what all of a sudden your a different person?
Ivy: same girl Kio same person. Just my favourite movie is cars.
Kio: your kidding?
Ivy: no... after we watched it i really liked it.
It didn't help that I missed Kio like crazy so I would just watch it over and over again.
Kio:let's watch up since it's my favourite movie.
Ivy: well then I guess a lot has changed.
Kio: I guess so...
It was really awkward to talk to Kio. I guess I didn't know what to expect but it wasn't this. I guess I was just hoping that everything would be normal...and we would be like we used to.
Kio: well we have about 4 hours to catch up tomorrow:)
Ivy: sounds like fun.
Kio put on the movie and I leaned on his shoulder. Yeah yeah...I have a boyfriend. I was expecting Kio to move but he just made himself more comfortable.  We were watching the movie and I started to fall asleep but i didn't wanna fall asleep on Kio. I tried really hard to stay awake. By the end of the movie ivy was passed out and Kio brought her to his room. But before he did he just watched her sleep. 
Kio's pov
Holy shit why is vy here? Like I don't mind or anything but like...she's changed so much. She's like 20000 times more gorgeous than she used to be. Now she's a model? What the hell? She has a boyfriend? Nick? I knew I should've worried about that boy. Does she still like me? She is wearing my necklace. Ughhh I don't know. She's so cute when she sleeps.
End of pov

Kio sighed
Kio: fuck. I'm so fucked.

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