Over it

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Kio and I drove home to sway LA I got out of the car and Kio came around and hugged me.
Kio: I'm sorry.
Ivy: no I'm sorry Kio...it's my fault.
Kio and I hugged for a good 2 minutes. Until we heard "Kio!" I let go of Kio and a girl ran up into Kio's arms and kissed him. I turned around and walked away. I walked into the sway house and straight to my room. I walked into the room to see another girls clothes. Which I can only assume was Kio's girlfriend.
I grabbed my luggage and moved into a different room. I decided to stay with Bryce. I knocked on the door.

Ivy: hey Bryce.
Bryce: what's up?
Ivy: could I stay here?
Bryce: uhhh sure but- but why?
Ivy: that.
I moved out of the way and Bryce and I saw Kio pushing Brynn into the room. I quickly shut the door to Bryce's room.
Bryce: yeah yeah you can.
Ivy: thanks Bryce.
Bryce and the rest of the sway boys were going out to a party. They invited me. I decided not to go. Yes it was awkward that I was probably the only person in the house while they were doing who knows what. I tried to fall asleep but I couldn't stop thinking about Kio. Fuck I need something to drink. I ran downstairs to get a drink and it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything the only light that I saw was when I opened the refrigerator door. I open the water bottle and turned the stove light on. I turned around and spilled the water all over the ground. Kio was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
Ivy: holy shit Kio.
Kio: woah sorry Vy I didn't mean to scare you.
I couldn't find a towel or anything. I took off my shirt. Yeah yeah getting risky. I know but I'm just- I need to clean up the mess. Kio came to help me.
Kio: just be glad it's not glass.
I laughed.
Ivy: I still have scars from that Kio...
Kio: I know.
Brynn walked downstairs and saw me and Kio and her stupid ass jumped to conclusions.
Brynn: Kio? Are you?
Kio: brynn no this isn't-
Brynn ran up the stairs I grabbed the shirt while Kio ran after her. I just heard shouting. And I started to squeeze the water out of my shirt. Brynn came down and saw me holding my shirt.
Brynn: watch your back bitch
Kio: it's not what it looked like.
Kio was right nothing was happening at all.
Brynn: then why is her shirt off huh?
Kio: oh my god you're being so-
Brynn: what ever Kio I needa go.
She swung the door open. The boys were coming home.
Jaden: hey bry-
Brynn: uhhh get out of my way.
She shoved passed all of the boys and left.
All the boys just went up to their rooms. And Kio just walked over to the dinner table and sat down. I put my shirt back on. Though it was wet. Kio's head was buried in his hands on the table. I walked over and sat next to him. I put my hand on his shoulder.
Ivy: hey.....what's going on? How are you?
Kio: I - I just don't understand. Like I moved to LA for her. I changed my entire life for her and she just...
Kio continued to talk about how the relationship between him and Brynn is but I couldn't stop thinking about when he said "I moved to LA for her"
Ivy: so- sorry ... could you repeat that for me?
Kio: what?
Ivy: you moved here for Brynn?
Kio: wh- what?
Ivy; you just said you moved here for Brynn.
Kio: I-
Ivy: how long have you been talking to Brynn?
Kio: uhhhh...I don't know a couple of months?
Ivy: how long is a couple of months Kio? 2 months 3 months? -
I could barely think. I was gonna cry...
ivy: so how long have you really been dating?
Kio: Vy...
ivy: how long have you been dating?!
Kio: five months...
ivy: you were dating while we were on the cruise.
Kio: Vy...
Kio put his hand on top of mine. I pulled my hand away.
Ivy: Kio...why didn't you-
Kio: I- I couldn't figure out a way to tell you that-
Ivy: that you were dating my ex best friend. Who took you away from me? Yeah got it. I walked out of kitchen.
Kio: ivy please.
Ivy: Kio I- I'm gonna leave.
Kio: no Vy. You live here you have a life here.
Ivy: Kio-
Kio: Damnit ivy could you just shut up and let me do something for you for once. Please.
Ivy: Kio...
Before I knew it Kio was out the door with his bags. He took his car and drove off. I tried to call him but straight to voicemail. I just closed the door and I cried. Nick called me.
Nick: hey ivy I need to talk to you about something.
Ivy: before you say anything... I need to say...
Nick and ivy: I'm breaking up with you.
Nick: wait what?
Ivy: wait why?
Nick: long distance is just...
Ivy: hard....
Nick: yeah...
ivy: nick truth is I never
Nick: saw me as a boyfriend? Yeah I know...
ivy: I'm- how did you?
Nick: ivy when you agreed to go on a date with me I was so happy. But when I hung out with you. I could see that you and I weren't meant to be that way.
Ivy: I'm sorry nick.
Nick: I'm sorry too ivy. Still friends tho right?
Ivy: I mean who else will bug the shit out of me?
Nick: hahaha bye Vy.
Ivy: goodbye nick.

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