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We left the beach around 7 pm. Kio and I didn't really talk the rest of the way home.

Ivy: sooo...brynn huh?
Kio: yeah I-
Ivy: shoulda told me?
Kio: well you didn't tell me about nick.
Ivy: yeah! Because you left me. And besides I told you about him when I was at YOUR house.
Kio was straight up silent.
Ivy: just tell me one thing Kio. Is your girlfriend Brynn Wilson?
Kio just looked at me and he sighed.
Ivy: you know what Kio. I'm done I can't- why the fuck are you dating Brynn? Huh? You could've had any other girl.
Ivy: wha- what?
Kio: I'm not in the mood to have this conversation.
Kio just looked away. I sighed.
Ivy: you know what Kio. You made your choice and now I've made mine. I'll be leaving tomorrow.
I got up and left. I left the sway house and walked out to this ledge on the top of the hill. It looked over LA. I heard foot steps.
Ivy: who's- who's there?
Bryce: hey...
Ivy: oh hi
I wiped my tears.
Bryce: are you okay...
ivy:no not really. I just- I don't understand. Why- why didn't he tell me.
Bryce: hey it's okay..
Bryce came and sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and I cried.
Bryce: why are you so upset that it's brynn Wilson?
Ivy: when Kio and I were in grade 4 brynn and I were bestfriends. I had, had a crush on Kio. But brynn did too. And she thought Kio likes me. So she told me to stop liking Kio. Then out first formal dance. She knew I was gonna ask Kio. But instead she asked him just before I did. And I never forgave her since. She was the only reason why I didn't end up going on a date with kio. She was the reason I didn't go to the first formal.
Bryce: but you have nick now?
Ivy: yeah I guess...
Bryce: something wrong?
Ivy: I guess it's just...
Bryce: you're still in love with Kio?
Ivy: Bryce! I'm not - I don't know...
Bryce: we saw you guys at the beach I don't know how you act with nick. But Kio was really happy. We know brynn makes him happy. But not the same way you do.
Ivy: I'm not quiet sure I understand.
Bryce: do you know if Kio ever liked you?
Ivy: uhhhh...yeah I think he did once.
Bryce: okay so think of it this way. Kio could've had a crush on you more than once. And maybe he didn't get over it.
Ivy: but I have a boyfriend Bryce isn't that bad?
Bryce: well yeah but being with someone you don't love is worse. Nick obviously loves you. But do you love him?
Bryce got up and left me to think. God do I love nick? Or do I just like him. I could never see myself with him. I've always seen nick as my brother. Not my boyfriend. Or husband. I love nick. But I don't think I'll love nick as much as I loved Kio. Wait loved? Or love? Fuck I am so totally fucked. I don't know what I'm doing. I got up and wiped my tears. I walked back into the sway house. I was determined to apologize to Kio.
Ivy: hey josh where's Kio?
Josh: I- I don't know he stormed off just after you left.
Ivy: what?! It's gonna rain tonight. Did he say anything about where he was going?
Josh: he just said he needed fresh air. And he said something about pebbles.
Ivy: I know where he is thanks josh I need your car.
I took joshs keys and to the creek I went. When Kio and I were kids we came to visit LA we found a tiny creek in the middle of the woods and we sat there for hours. Just skipping rocks. Kio taught me how to. It was a small perfect spot in the middle of the forest. Where the sunlight would come in the the moon light would peer through. I pulled up to the park. It was really dark. But I was determined to find Kio. I got out of the car and I heard splashes of water. As I approached the middle of the forest I saw Kio.

Ivy: All alone out here?
Kio: yeah...
ivy: mind if I join you?
Kio was sitting on a log he moved over so I could sit.
Ivy: pebbles? Really you couldn't think of anything else.
We both laughed.
Kio: I knew you'd find me.
Ivy: you know Kio this reminds me of that fight we had when we were kids.
Kio: which one?
Ivy: oh shut up we didn't fight that much.
Kio: yeah because I just let you win.
Ivy: I did not start that many arguments.
Kio: oh really grade 1 I stepped on your shoe in gym class and you cried. Grade 3 you were mad because I took your scrunchie and lost it.
Ivy: hey! That was very valuable.
Kio: why?
Ivy: it was my favourite. It had a little bunny on it.
Kio and I just laughed.
Ivy: I wasn't thinking about those ones...
Kio: oh yeah which one were you thinking about?
Ivy: grade 8 you and Susan McCain.
Kio: oh I had almost forgot about that one.
He chuckled.
Kio: what about the other one in grade 8?
Ivy: pft which?
Kio: you and Reese.
Ivy: oh that was a horrible date. I never got to ask how was yours?
Kio: with Susan? Probably not any better than yours.
Ivy: Hahahah why?
Kio: I don't know it's just every relationship I've been in... or every date and dance I've been to. It's just- I feel like i was always with...
Ivy: the wrong person.
Kio and I just looked at each other. He started to lean in. I was gonna kiss him but I pulled away.
Kio: sorry shit ummm...girlfriend.
Kio: you won't-
Ivy: have I ever told one of your dirty little secrets?
Kio: no but then again I don't know how many of my exes you've met.
Ivy: ha ha very funny. We should get going I already felt a little bit of rain.

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