What are we?

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Kio's pov
Did she just say love birds?
Ha I wish but vy doesn't like me. Cause if she did she wouldn't have flirted with those guys in the mall...ughhh I need to stop liking her I need to get my mind off her...but her smile and her laugh...ughhhh

I: Kio! Earth to kiooooo!!!
K: oh yeah?
I: we should get going I have practice tonight remember?
K: sure thing vy. Hey vy?
I: yes?
K: could I come watch your practice? It's okay if you say no. It's just I don't like being alone...
I: yeah sure
Kio and I drove home. I ran upstairs to grab my tennis clothes and my bag I asked Kio to grab my water bottle. I had to change tho...I grabbed my white tennis skirt and matching tank top and changed. Be mindful these are short and tight...I walked downstairs and grabbed my tennis shoes.
I: Cmon cyr let's get moving!!
Kio walked over to me and he would not stop staring.
I: Kio if you don't mind drooling over my ass later that'd be greatly appreciated.
K: who said I was looking at your ass?
I:  we don't have time for this let's go!
Kio's pov
She came running down the stairs and like I know she's already gorgeous but seeing her wearing the uniform I'm- she's gorgeous. And yes I was staring at her ass but we will never tell her that.

I was driving particularly fast to get to class it was already 5 it starts in 15 minutes. We got there just as they started warming up. I ran in and scanned my key card Kio ran after me. I got to the court and my coach was there taking attendance.
TC/ tennis coach
TC: rayne nice of you to join us.
I: sorry coach I had an accident.
She saw Kio sit down on the benches.
TC: who's your friend rayne? Boyfriend?
I: him no oh no he's not my boyfriend just a friend who's living with us for a bit.
TC: keep running nick if you stop they all run 3 more laps!!!
I threw my bag on the floor to catch up to nick.
N: so who's that your boyfriend?
I: omg why does everyone think he's my boyfriend?
N: so he's not?
I: no
N: So your single?
I: yes nick do you need to rub it in?
N: no it just like to see you smile.
I: shut up nick.
I ran faster and passed him. Class was over and I could see Kio on the bench he looked sad I wasn't sure why. I ran off the courts and sat next to him in the bench.
I: hey Kio... what's wrong?
K: hmmm...? Oh what? Nothing. I'm just uhhhh...tired
Kio's pov
Damnit I knew it she doesn't like me she likes that nick guy...man I'll never be good enough. I mean he has blue eyes and blonde hair and he's rich. Literally ivys type...I'm gonna give up on this I can't keep running after a girl who'll never see me the same way.

I drove us home.
I: oh shit I forgot about dinner...uhhh
K: it's okay I'll just make ramen.
I: oh okay...I don't think my parents will be home tonight. So you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep in my parents room.
K: what why?
I: so you can have space for at least one night.
K: ivy you don't have to-
I: it's fine Kio...I needa go shower right now tho. I'm extremely tired and I'm not feeling well.
K: ok ivy.
I ran upstairs as fast as I could I was gonna start crying I just thought to myself "what did I do wrong? Why is he mad at me? How could I be stupid enough to thinks someone like him could ever like me?"
I got in the shower and turned it on I felt the hot water touch my back. The bathroom became really foggy from the steam. I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around me. I walked into my room to see Kio. He was sound asleep. I felt bad I didn't wanna make noise. So I grabbed a hoodie that was on my bed and my underwear and shorts from the drawers. I walked out of the room and closed the door. I walked over to my parents room. I changed and got ready for bed. As I was falling asleep I was just looking at the pictures from today. Feeling Kio's arms wrapped around me I felt safe like nobody could hurt me. Damn I don't know how long I can go on without telling him how I feel... I turned to my side and started to fall asleep. As I was drifting off to sleep I felt someone's arms wrap around me.

I: Kio? What's wrong?
K: I need company to sleep.
I: awww little baby Kio
K: shut up vy....vy?
I: yes?
K: what would you do if I told you I like you?
K: no no no not now I meant when we were kids I had a huge crush on you I figured were so close now there's no harm in telling you right?
I: of course Kio...
I sighed...he USED TO like me not anymore...I don't know what to do...I could feel my eyes start to water they fell from my eyes...Kio had fallen asleep hugging me. I felt safe but I was really sad. I was torn. I need to get over Kio. Or I need to tell him I like him. Just so that he knows and I can move on with my feelings...
I don't know what I'm gonna do. I felt my eyes close and I fell asleep.

What am I? | Kio cyr fan fic Where stories live. Discover now