Hi i'm ivy

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I woke up at 4 am Kio was just getting out of the shower. He was wearing a towel. But he walked out I pretended to sleep. As I was staring at him. His abs were distracting me.

K: rude to stare love.
I: I wasn't staring.
K: so you are awake.
I: I'm sleep talking.
Kio changed into a really nice outfit. He was wearing black jeans and the white button down shirt.
K: sleep talking huh? Soooo...if I were to
Kio ran over and jumped on top of me and started tot tickle me again. I tried to push him off. I was distracted by the laughing. Both Kio and I were dying of laughter. I used my hand to push him off me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head.
K: you don't wanna do that vy
I: and why not cyr?
K: cause you'd never win.
I: well Hopefully one day I'll find out.
Kio smiled and got off me.
K: get moving vy we leave in a couple hours.
I got up out of bed and walked into the bathroom I started to take off Kio's hoodie and slowly closed the door I knew Kio was watching. I showered and I spent maybe an hour. I would've spent more time but we were already gonna be late. I curled my hair and just put mascara on. I walked out of the bathroom mind you I'm still naked. Kio was laying on the bed watching TIk toks.
I: cyr can you leave for like 2 seconds while I change?
K: don't flatter yourself. Don't worry I'm not looking.
I: Kio...please...
I'm really self conscious about my body. Well like not completely I just don't like people seeing me completely naked. I've been told my whole life I need bigger boobs or bigger butt. That has really downed my self confidence.
K: fine vy.
Kio got up out of bed and walked out the door. I had put on black shorts and a white tshirt.
I: Kio you can come back in now.
Kio came in pouting.
I: what's wrong Kio?
K: I was comfortable and you made me move.
I: awww I'm sorry baby Kio but we needa get going Uber will be here soon.
K: but I didn't eat.
I: are you done being a baby?
K: no!
I: kiooooo...ughhh if I make you something then can we get going?
I ran downstairs and started to make him a milkshake. Yeah yeah it's not good but it's the easiest to clean. I started to pour it into a cup and suddenly I felt something cold on my hips. Kio's hands had found there way to my waist. I was trying not to show him I enjoyed it. My first instinct.
I: HOLY CRAP KIO! Your hands are cold!
I pushed Kio off me though I'd didn't want that to end. I could bear him finding out how I felt. I grabbed the cup with the milkshake and handed it to Kio.
I: here cyr. Now hurry up cars almost here.
I ran up the stairs and I tried to carry my huge heavy suitcases down the stairs. I was 3 steps from the ground. I slipped and Kio caught me. His eyes were so beautiful. They were light but dark. I couldn't help but get lost in them.
K: you okay there vy?
I: huh? Wha- yeahhhhhh
I got up and proceeded to grab all our bags.
K: ok vy seriously you needa chill I would've gotten the suitcases.
I: what are you just saying that because I'm a girl?
K: well no...but yes...
K: well vy if you could do all the same things we could do how would we impress you?
I smiled I swear I was blushing but I was surprised Kio didn't say anything. He just smiled and pushed the bags outside. I had grabbed everything else I locked the door. Kio was standing by the Uber car door.
K: after you.
Kio opened the door and put his hand out.
I laughed.
I: thanks Kio.
Kio got in after me. 30 minutes later we arrived at the doc. We finally got on the boat. They gave us our room key and we walked the long way there. As soon as we got there I plopped down on the bed I was so tired. Kio sat down at the edge of the bed on his phone. I took off the scrunchie that was on my wrist and threw it at Kio.

K: ouch.
I: seriously you little baby. (Said in baby voice)
K: says the one talking like one.
I: I'm tired. Come here.
K: vy...
I: now.
K: and you say I'm the baby.
Kio grabbed my scrunchie off the floor and put it on his wrist.
K: mine now.
I: nooo kiooooo...Gimme
K: nope
I: gimme it's mine Kio
K: you'll have to earn it back.
I:ughhhh I'm to tired for this...
I grabbed kios phone from his hand I had expected him to grab it back from me. But he didn't. He let me take it.
I: Kio what's your password?
K: ok you taking my phone is one thing you asking for my password is another. Let me just unlock it.
I: what Kio you don't trust me?
K: vy...
He handed the phone back to me and I just started to scroll and go through everything on his phone. I was surprised he hadn't stopped me.
K: well since you have my phone give me yours.
I: are you crazy I have so many personal things on there.
K: you're literally going through my life.
I: Uhhh fine...
I handed him my phone.
K: password?
I: the date we met.
K: the day we met?
I: yes Kio do you not know the date?
K: I do but why would you use that as your password?
I: because it was always easy to remember.
Kio typed in 22304
That was the day when our moms introduced us. We became extremely close right then and there. All because of colours.
Kio started snooping I honestly could care less there wasn't anything to hide. Or that I thought of at least? I started to curl up next to Kio.
I: I'm cold.
Kio sat up and took off his jacket and covered me in it.
K: get some rest vy. I'll wake you up in a bit.
I: promise cyr.
K: promise raynes.

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