Changed my mind

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After I kissed Kio...I just don't know what or how to feel. Like I like kio? But I like Quinton.
I think Quinton likes me back? I don't know...

Bryce: heyo ivy!
Ivy: what's up?
Bryce: were going to a formal party tonight. It's for like a social media influencer thing...
Kio: shit that's tonight?
Bryce: yeah we all just kinda remembered. By the way do you have a suit?
Kio: uhhhh...I might?
Bryce: well hurry up and find it limos pick us up in an hour.
Kio: aight.
Bryce left the room and Kio got up looking for his suit in the closet. I need to find my dress. Like I need to look equal my as nice as the boys. I went back to joshs room because that's where my bags were. I walk in and I saw Quinton. He had just came out of the shower and was just wearing a towel.

Quinton: oh sorry I didn't-
Ivy: no no that's my fault... I should've knocked.
Quinton: so why are you here?
Ivy: oh uhhh welll...I need to grab my dress. Quinton: oh yeah for sure...

I walked over to the closet and looked through the luggage. I had grabbed a navy blue dress.
Quinton started to take off his pants.

Quinton: staying for the show?
Ivy: oh uhh yeah I should...

Quinton grabbed my wrist my heart was pounding. He spun be around and grabbed my waist and kissed me. I kissed back.

Ivy: Quinton we shouldn't-
Quinton: shhhhh relax baby girl.

He continued to kiss me until I pulled away.

Ivy: Quinton I really should go...
Quinton: what your gonna run away to your boyfriend Kio? Why Vy? Huh? He left you. He dated your high school enemy. What's so special about Kio huh?
Ivy: Quinton...
Quinton: no nevermind just get out.

I left quintons room. I was so lost and confused I started balling my eyes out. I was trying to be quiet so that the boys wouldn't hear me but Jaden came out of his room and saw me crying.

Jaden: what's wrong?
Ivy: nothing just - Kio...
Jaden: that bitch I don't understand why you like him so much.
Ivy: jaden?
Jaden walked over to Kio's room and slammed the door open I heard Kio shout. I got up from the floor still crying. I saw Bryce and josh pulling them apart. Kio's lip was bloody and Jaden had a nose bleed. I was still sobbing I didn't know what to do. Kio looked at me confused. I just ran over to Kio and I fell into his arms.

Jaden: this is why we don't bring girls to sway Kio. Because do you see what it does to us?
Kio: what your just pissed off this has nothing to do with ivy.
Quinton: nah it has everything to do with her.
Kio: no it doesn't shut the fuck up quinton.
Quinton: awww what you're just pissed I'm closer to fucking her than you are.
Kio: you know what Quinton-

I grabbed onto Kio tighter to stop him from killing Jaden and Quinton. I knew he would stop if I was there. I started crying even more. The rest of the boys left the room. Bryce closed the door. All I could hear was shouting from downstairs.

Kio: baby shhhh shhhh shhhh....everything's gonna be okay.
Ivy: I'm- S- o-rry
Kio: vy. Look at me do I look mad?
Ivy: well you're bleeding.
Kio: I'm fine Vy...
Ivy: Kio...
Kio: cmon lets take you home.

Kio picked me up and carried me to his car. He grabbed my bag at the front door and robe me to my apartment. Kio had unlocked my door. And brought me inside. He brought me to my bedroom. He looked around my room at all the pictures and memories that were on my wall.

Kio: you- you kept all these?
Ivy: yeah...I mean they were ours.
Kio: you have this picture?
He held up the picture from our dance together.
Ivy: look kio...I- I need to tell you something...
Kio: what is it Vy?
Ivy: actually it's more of a question.
Kio: okayyyy what?
Ivy: will you stay with me?
Kio: stay?
Ivy: will you move in with me? I- I know we're not dating or anything but... I just wan-
Kio: yes. Yes Vy I will move in with you.
Ivy: you're really gonna move out of sway?
Kio: ivy. I've wanted to move in with you since we were 7. God the way your eyes sparkled every time something exited you. Or when you'd really concentrate you'd stick your tongue out. It was one of the cutest things ever.
Ivy: you know Kio I think I'm falling in love with you.

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