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🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I am so sorry for the last chapter... I was running out of ideas and someone suggested that... I am so sorry. 🥺

Kio and I woke up I could barely move...I couldn't help but think about last night...where did that leave Kio and I? We leave for Canada today...and Kio leaves. I didn't even tell Kio I liked him. Oh god that could've just been a one time thing? Oh god.

K: morning vy...
I: morning Kio...what's wrong?
K: oh mom got the house.
I ran over and hugged him. ( wait I was wearing clothes okay? Okey.)
I: that's great that's so great. Why look so bummed?
K: because vy...after we get back I leave the day after.
I: oh- I- uh-
I sat down in the bed. I didn't know what to do. I don't know how I was gonna live my life without Kio...I started to cry.
K: don't cry... ughhhh...
I: Kio about last night...
k: last night? Oh yeah I know it was-
I: yeah it was-
K: it was a mistake.
I: yeah...
Wait what? Kio thought it was a mistake? Oh god Kio doesn't like me the way I like him. This is gonna kill me.
K:'s the other thing... I'm not moving to Washington...
I: your not?
K: I'm moving to LA
I: what? Why?
K: I was invited to spend a couple of weeks there with sway la.
I: and you're going?
I wiped my tears pretending it didn't bother me. I sat up and started packing.
K: what are you doing?
I: what does it look like Kio? I'm packing. Well cmon you needa get to LA so you can fall in love with some blue eyed blonde-
Kio kissed me.
I: what was that for?
K: to make you shut up.
I: seriously you couldn't of thought of another way???
K: vy...I can promise you I won't fall for a Hollywood girl.
I: promise Kio...
k: I promise.
Kio and I finished packing and headed off to the airport. I didn't wanna leave. Kio wanted to get home but I didn't.
I: hey Kio do you guys need help with packing?
K: oh uhhhh...yeah we might?
I: could I help mom and dad probably won't be
K: right yeah uhhh...sure you can just come back with me.
After 4 long hours of travelling we were finally home. We hopped in a cab and he drove us to Kio's his mom wasn't home but she asked him to pack his room so I went up and helped.
The first thing I was in Kio's room was a wall of Polaroids. And they were mostly of us. Then I remembered the Polaroids we took I ran downstairs to grab them.
I handed them all to Kio.
I: here Kio
K: what no I can't-
I: so you won't forget about me :(
K: I would never for get about my best friend. You're like my sister vy. I'll always love you.
Shit Kio just said it "my sister " ughhhh this is why I should not be allowed to have feelings.
Kio and I finished packing up his room. He just needed one more box he went down to get one. I grabbed something from my bag. The little stuffed animal that Kio saved for me years ago. I put it in the box and sealed it.

Kio's pov:
I needed another box. I went downstairs and saw ivys bags...I took of my chain necklace that I've had for years. And put it in her luggage.
End of pov

I: hey Kio it's getting late could you me home?
K: oh uh yeah sure...
We got into the car it was really quiet I didn't know what to say.
I: Kio what time do you leave?
K: 5am.
I: oh...
Kio pulled up to my house Kio and I both got out.
I: so I guess this is goodbye...
K: vy...cmon don't say that... it's just a uhh-
I hugged Kio so tightly.
I: I'm gonna miss you Kio.
K: I'll miss you too vy.
I started to cry again...god I'm emotional. I let go of Kio. I kissed him on the cheek.
I: I'll see you on the other side cyr.
K: hey vy. Please don't hurt yourself anymore.
I: I'll think about it Kio. I grabbed my suitcases and walked into the house. I shut the door and fell to the ground. I didn't know what to do.

Kio's pov
She kissed me on the cheek? I don't understand? Wait oh my god she doesn't like me... I am so fucked. I got home and my mom was there loading boxes Into the truck. I went over to help. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Why wouldn't I just tell her at least. So she'd know that I like her. I went up to my room and grabbed the Polaroids. I grabbed one of my favourite pictures of us. From the cruise. They told her to kiss me on the cheek so she did and they took the picture.
End of pov

The next day. Kio left for Washington he told me that he would be in Washington for a couple days to help his moms settle then he'd move to LA.

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