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It's been around 3 months since Kio left. We lost touch after. I still follow him on Instagram looks like he's having fun.
N: hey sweetie
I: hey nick.
Yes nick and I are dating. We started dating a month after Kio left. I forgot to mention I found Kio's necklace in my luggage. It had "vy" engraved on the back. I always wear it. Nick always asks about it I just tell him it's from my parents. Nick and I were going to the mall.
Nick and I walked into the mall. And went to a couple of stores. When I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was a man.

Colton: hello darling let me just say you are quite beautiful. I am Colton brown.
I: Colton brown? As in-
N: who's Colton brown?
I: he runs the biggest teens modeling company in the world.
Colton: yes I am here in Canada to look for diverse canadian models. I was wondering would you like to be the face of the Canadian magazine?
I didn't hesitate. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Colton: wonderful. Here's my business card call them and book your appointment. And they will give you all the information.
Nick drove me home and I called immediately. The lady Over the phone said I'd be going all around the US. I leave tomorrow. I'll be in New York For 3 days. I said goodbye to nick. He'll be going to Europe for the tennis tour. He'll be back In 6 months so long distance...

I got to the airport and there was a girl standing there. She didn't look much older than me.
Avery: Are you miss Raynes?
She dropped all the papers and I helped her pick them up.
Ivy: hi yes ivy you can call me ivy.
Avery: oh ok ivy... I'm your assistant my names Avery. I'll be here to help you at all times. I was told to escort you to New York.
Ivy: oh alright.
Avery: she handed me all these papers to look at.
We boarded onto the flight. I was set to work right after we landed. We arrived into the studio and there were models and photographers everywhere. Flashing lights and hair spray. LOTS of hairspray. A red haired girl approached me with curlers in her hair.
Linda: hello darling oh your quiet beautiful. Your hazelnut eyes. Oh and that hair. It's to die for. Darling what colour? YOU!
Girl 1: oh me?
Linda: YES YOU! Get me the blue satin dress from section 4.
Girl 1: right away.
For at least 6 hours people just shoving me into Chang rooms and pulling on my hair I was finally done. We finished off the first couple of days in New York I had 2 weeks off.
Avery: anywhere you'd like to go? The company will pay for anything you just have to be in LA in 2 weeks.
Ivy: anywhere?
Avery: where'd you have in mind? Just so you know I won't be with you for a week. I need to go back to headquarters. I'll just be buying wherever your going and here is the company credit card.
Ivy: I'd like to go to Washington DC
I want to go visit someone.
They booked a plane flight for me. And I took a cab to Kio's house. Of course I knew Kio wasn't gonna be there but I wanted to go visit his mom. I knocked on the door.
Kio's mom: IVY?! Sweatheart how have you been?
Ivy: hi mrs cyr.
Kio's mom: you know Kio's not here.
Ivy: oh I know I came to visit you.
Kio's mom: oh that's so sweet what are you doing in Washington?
Ivy: I'm modeling here.
Kio's mom: oh that's wonderful dear come in come in.
I stayed for dinner .
Ivy: I should be going now.
Kio's mom: oh where are you staying?
Ivy: I don't know actually I'll-
Kio's mom: oh please stay here. I'm all alone here please.
Ivy: i hate to Impose.
Kio's mom: oh no darling I enjoy the company. You can stay in Kio's room. He won't mind.
I walked upstairs and into Kio's room.i walked into his closet and grabbed a sweater. And put it on. Kio's mom came to say goodnight and I laid down in Kio's bed. I saw the pictures of us on his wall. His room smelled like him. I hadn't heard or seen Of Kio.
I fell asleep I was just thinking about everything that was changing so fast. About 2 hours later I heard a scream.
Ivy: ahhhh who the hell are you?
He responded "vy?"

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