Make up

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This is a warning for a sexual smutty chapter. You can choose to read this or not.
This entire chapter is basically sex. I'm so sorry.

I: my head isn't in the gutter Kio...
k: fine.
It was already 1am I got up and grabbed water and chips.
I: tell me the mind of a typical teenage boy...if becca massaging your area turn you on what does?
K: you really wanna know?
I: yes.
K: promise you won't get all horny and whatever.
I: shut up cyr that'll never happen.
K: okay...
Kio proceeded to tell me everything that turned him on. Not gonna lie I was pretty turned on myself which is kinda tmi but uhhhh...Kio then asks me...
K: so spill...
I: spill what?
K: what turns you on vy?
I: what- no.
K: vy I just exposed my ass so tell me.
I: I am not having this conversation...
I got up off the bed and walked over to the bathroom Kio came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He started to breathe really heavily and moved slowly down the side of my face.
K: well there's a start
I tried to push Kio off but the more I resisted the harder he grabbed. His hand moved my hair from my back off to one side. Kio's hand moved down my body to my pants. Kio untied my sweatpants and moved his hand in down slowly.
I: Kio I don't think we should-
Kio started to kiss my neck and I started to moan. Kio moved his hand into my panties and felt it.
K: soaked.
He pulled his hand out and stopped kissing my neck.
K: well I just turned you on. So thanks for telling me vy.
I didn't know what to say...Kio had just turned me on so badly and now he's just leaving me to die this way? I don't think so. I turned Around and pushed Kio onto the bed.
I: you don't get to do we gotta make it even.
I got on top of Kio and started to grind on him. I could feel his dick get hard. He grabbed my waist and flipped me over. He pinned my arms above my head. I could feel all the blood and energy rushing down to my pussy. Kio started to kiss my neck leaving dark hickies. He started to move slowly down my shirt and in between my boobs... he moved slower and slower.
He moved back up and started to kiss me passionately. He let go of my hands and I pulled down his pants and he took of his shirt. He took off my pants and just looked at me for a second. And continued I took of my hoodie and Kio took of my panties.
K: do you know what you do to me vy? You know on Halloween when you wore that school girl uniform? And you walked into warens party? My god I wanted to have you right then and there. And you walking around on that cruise in those tight shorts. You were practically begging me.
I: Kio I-
He kissed me passionately. He moved down to my pussy and started to eat me out. Oh my god I felt so good. He was just so perfect. He knew how to tease me tho he went really slow at first.
I: cmon Kio please-
K: be quiet baby
I started to moan and Kio just started going faster and faster. I was about to cum but he stopped.
I: k- Kio?
He smirked and looked at me wiping his mouth...
K:you know for a girl who has quite a bit of boyfriends you don't last very long.
I: your my first.
Yes I'm a virgin and the only reason why was because I never felt right with anyone...But Kio.
K: vy you're telling me a beautiful girl like you had never.
I: no.
Kio got on top of me and started to kiss me and my neck.
K: a girl like you should be cherished.
I had just about enough. Kio wasn't done teasing so I pulled down his boxers.
K: are you sure?
I: yes Kio.
Kio pushed in slowly. I started to scream from pain that pain shortly turned into pleasure.
I: are you in yet?
K: almost
Kio was huge...he started to go slowly and the moans kept getting louder...I reached my climax pretty quickly...
I: oh Kio - your so- omg I'm gonna cum
K: come for me baby
I could feel my walls tighten around Kio's dick and I came. I was shaking...but Kio didn't come so I told him to keep going. He kept going and shortly after his thrusts got sloppier and he quickly pulled out of me. I started to stroke his dick and he let out a moan. He had came into my mouth. I looked at him and swallowed it.
K: good girl.
Kio pushed me back down and moved back down to my pussy. He started to eat me out again. I came once but he kept going I started to tremble my legs were shaking. I started screaming and Kio put his hand on my neck and started choking me.
I : please daddy
K: I hate you so much vy
"Daddy" turned on Kio or that's what he told me.
I came again and he finally stopped I was still shaking.
K: you taste good vy
I: so do you cyr...
Kio Laid down next to me and I sat up and made my way down to his dick.
He was at least 9 inches... I started to suck on him. He pushed my head down to give me rhythm. He leaned his head back. And I felt a twitch Kio came in my mouth again. I looked at him again and swallowed.
I: thank you daddy.
K: your welcome baby girl.

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