Catching up

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Kio: vy? Vy wake up. We gotta get moving.
Ivy: uhhh kio...2 more minutes.
Kio: vy...cmon bebs lets go.
Kio pulled my vy arms. He made me sit up.
Kio: cmon Vy  .....
Kio: You've  left me no choice
Kio pushed me onto the bed and got on top of me and started to tickle me. Him and I both just started laughing I pushed him off me he grabbed onto my arms and pulled me with him. He fell off the bed and ended up on the floor.
I was on top of him. Out faces were like 2 inches away from kissing.
Kio: hey...
Ivy: hey...
Kio: you awake now?
Ivy: maybe...
Kio pushed me off him and he got on top of me on the floor.
Kio: good. It's gonna be a long day.
Ivy: let's get moving then Cyr.
Kio got off me and I started to grab my bags to bring them downstairs. Kio helped kinda.
Ivy: Kio are you gonna get off your lazy butt and help me?
Kio: woah wait what's that?
Kio walked over to me and looked at my knee.
Ivy: oh you don't rem-
Kio: is that from the glass?
Do you remember when Kio dropped the glass and made me clean that shit up? Yeah I have a huge scar on my knee.
Kio: I'm so sorry Vy.
Ivy: Kio it's fine. Don't worry about it.
Kio hugged me.
Ivy: what's this for?
Kio: it's just- I've missed you.
Ivy: why didn't you call?
Kio: didn't think you'd wanna talk.
Ivy: KIO CYR! You and I have been through too much for me just to abandon you.
Kio: next time I'll call.
Ivy: you'd better.
Kio: we gotta leave mom I love you. I'll come back soon.
Kio's mom: I love you too. You 2 love birds have fun.
Kio: mom...
Kio's mom: bye sweetheart.
I laughed.
Kio: shut up Vy.
Ivy: make me.
Kio looked at me and I laughed. I ran as he chased me around his yard. Kio and I are literally 4 years old. We got into the cab and we sat in the airport. We were supposed to leave but our flight got delayed due to rain.
Kio: Vy.
Ivy: Cyr.
Kio: let's catch up. What do I not know about you?
Ivy: oh uhh...I'm a model now. My parents are divorced. best friend left me. And i was supper depressed about it. I've been in a relationship for 3 months now. What about you Kio?
Kio: ahhh...well I stopped playing soccer. I'm living in LA with 6 roommates or house mates. I literally just make TIk Toks and sit on my ass. Meet a bunch of really cool people. A lot of hot girls lemme just say.
Ivy: okayyyy that's TMI.
Kio: right sorry. Uhhhh...anything else?
Ivy: where will I be staying?
Kio: shit right..uhhh are you okay sleeping with guys?
Ivy: uhhhhh...
Kio: shit I mean are okay with sleeping in a room with another guy?
Ivy: as long as they don't rape me yeah.
Kio: ha ha very funny.
Ivy: I know I'm hilarious.
Kio grabbed my Starbucks cup and took out the whipped cream and put some on my nose. Kio got some on himself too. But I had a lot of fun with Kio. We finally were boarded onto the plane.

Ivy: Kio?
Kio: yes Vy?
Ivy: I'm pretty pooped can I use you as a pillow?
Kio: for sure :)
I leaned over onto Kio's shoulder. I put my headphones in and started to listen to music. I played my playlist called "Kio" it was just of songs that we both liked or songs that reminded me of fun times. I have a slight fear of plane rides. The plane started to take off and I grabbed Kio's hand. He looked down at me. He used his thumb to make tiny circles on the back of my hand. I calmed down and I fell asleep holding Kio's hand. I hadn't told nick where I was at all. He knows I was in Washington but he doesn't know about me and Kio. And he doesn't know I'm gonna be living with Kio either. Nick loves me enough right? He won't be mad? Right? It's fine. Fuck I'm so fucked.

Kio: bebs...Vy.... wake up we're here.
Ivy: thanks Kio for the shoulder.
Kio: anytime love.
We got off the plane and headed out the airport.
Ivy: so where to now?
Kio: JOSH!
Josh: hey man. Oh- who's the girl?
Kio: this is ivy.
Josh: nice to meet you.
Kio: she's the -
Josh: you're the girl staying with us?
Ivy: hi yeah...
josh: man dude Kio...Bryce will live her.
Kio: don't even start with me.
Ivy: who's - who's Bryce?
Josh: oh- never heard of him then?
Ivy: n- no?
Josh: don't worry you'll meet him.
Who the hell is bryce? What did I just get myself into?

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