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The next day at around 6 am I heard my parents talking downstairs. They were loud so naturally I went downstairs. To see what was going on. I looked like shit just so you know. I was wearing sweats and a hoodie and messy bun couldn't have looked better. I saw Kio's mom standing in the doorway.

KM: oh sorry dear did we wake you?
I: huh? What oh no... I would totally be awake right now..at 6 in the morning...
M: Ivy!
KM: oh don't worry about it. I'm sorry dear. We're just trying to get him settled. I promise you can go back to sleep soon.
I: get who settled?
Kio walked through the door. Man he looked cute I've never seen him like that. By that I meant messy hair and pyjamas. He's always well dressed. And Kio had glasses?!
K: hey vy...you look....nice?
I: geeez thanks Kio I can always count on you to be nice...
I walked back upstairs.
M: honey why don't you grab one of Kio's bags?
I: mom...
K: oh don't worry about it-
I: Kio it's fine I've got it.
I was already annoyed and tired I wasn't in the mood to argue.
KM: well I'll be off then...bye Kio I love you.
Kio walked over to hug his mom she kissed him on the cheek.
K: bye mom I love you too please be safe:)
Kio's mom left. I walked up to my room and put Kio's luggage in the corner.
Kio came in maybe 5 minutes later. I was trying to go back to sleep it was already 7am. Kio was trying to make less noise but I could hear him.
I: ughhh fuck it.
K: I'm sorry?
I: nothing it's just it's already 7 I have a class today.
K: why don't you just go back to bed?
I: well because there's a Kio in my room making noise...
K: I'm sorry vy...I'm gonna go to sleep tho so you can sleep too.
I looked at Kio I was so tired it was so blurry. But I saw Kio pull out a pillow and a blanket and sat on the floor.
I: Kio? What are you doing?
K: going to bed vy.
I: why are you sleeping on the floor?
K: because-
I: just come sleep on the bed.
K: won't that be awkward?
I: well you saying it's awkward it will be...
K: sorry...do I have to change?
I: I honestly don't care right now Kio I'm just super tired...
Kio got up off the floor and got into the bed he didnt come under the blanket with me. All though I wanted him to...
I: well the least you could do is keep me warm after all you woke me up...
Kio smiled and got into the blanket with me he was so warm. I felt so safe and happy. I turned around and leaned on his chest I could hear his heart pounding. I drifted off to sleep.

K: vy...vy wake up...
I: no...
K: but we need to have breakfast...
I: no! I'm comfortable. ( I'm baby voice)
K: vy...cmon your parents have been calling you...
I: uggghhh fine...
I rolled out of bed but I fell...
I: ouch...
K: jesus ivy are you okay?
I: does it look like I'm okay?
Kio got up and helped me stand he saw I had a bruise on my knee. Kio sat me on the bed and looked at me for a good 3 minutes. He started to massage my leg. He didn't break eye contact.
K: better?
I: no...
I'd didnt want Kio to stop.
Kio bent down and kissed my knee.
K: what about now?
I: yeah...
K: good:) now hurry up vy I need to go to the store today so you have to come with me.
I: why should I go?
K: to keep me company. Cmon you know you want to;)
I: ughhhhh...fine cyr but I need coffee I'm tired as shit.
K: your wish is my command.
Kio left the room to walk downstairs and eat breakfast. I needed to fix my hair at least. I took it out of the bun and brushed it.
I walked downstairs my parents were just about to leave the house.
D: hey sweetie.
M: darling your father and I have a huge case today we don't know when we'll be back.
My parents were big time lawyers for the rich and wealthy. However they were great parents.
I: okay by mom and dad love you. Be safe❤️
I sat down across from Kio. He was on his phone watching TIk toks.
I: whatcha doinnn???
K: nothing...
I: Kio cyr! What are you doing???
I tried to grab his phone he grabbed back we were playing tug of war with his phone. Soon after I was on the table trying to take his phone. Finally I got his phone and I ran.
K: ivy rayne get back here!!!
Kio came chasing after me I ran up the stairs and into my parents room. He caught up to me he pushed me onto my parents bed. And I still didn't give up his phone. He got on top of me trying to get it back. I resisted. Kio started to tickle me and I started laughing.
I: ahhhh kioooooo stoppppp!!!
K: give me my phone then
I: never!!!
K: then I guess I won't stop tickling you.
He continued to tickle me I couldn't take it.
I: fine here take it take it
Kio stopped tickling me but he was still on top of me. He was looking straight into my eyes.
K: hey...
He said in a soft tone almost whispering
I: hi
I smiled back at him.
I: we should get ready...
K: yeah right...
Kio got off me and I got up and went to my room. I took a shower and changed. I decided on a navy blue polo shirt and light blue ripped jeans. I grabbed my phone. I went downstairs and saw Kio.
I: I'm ready :)
Kio turned around and looked at me for a long time.
I: what's wrong? Do I look bad? Oh god?
K: Jesus Rayne who are you tryna impress? ;)
I: nobody Kio but I need to look nice at least if I'm going somewhere...
K: you look fine vy I'm gonna go change. Kio left the room and went upstairs to change.
I was sitting on the couch and then I remembered. Shit my hat. I went back upstairs into my room I opened the door and Kio was standing there naked practically.
I: oh shit I'm so sorry Kio. I need to get used to knocking.
K: yeah it's fine...it's your room and all.
I: right I'm just gonna wait outside.
Kio finished changing and I went in. I was looking for my hat till i saw it on the top of my closet... I tried to reach it but I'm too short.

Kio's pov
Ivy and I had at least 3 moments since I got here she fell asleep on me... we were so close to kissing earlier...I don't know what's going on.
I looked over and saw her trying to reach for the hat on top of the closet.

K: need help vy?
I: I'm fine thankyou...
I struggled for 2 mins and Kio just stood there.
I: yes I need help...
Kio laughed.
K: that's what I thought vy. How tall are you? Rather how short are you?
I: cyr shut up...I'm 5'2
K: awww wittle baby
I: shut up cyr.
I shoved him and he grabbed my hat and held it above my head.
I: seriously Kio...this isn't funny...
K: what try and get it
I: kioooooo....
I pouted and Kio dropped the hat on my head and it covered my eyes.
I moved it off my face Kio was smiling. My heart began to melt.
I: okay cyr if you're done teasing me We should get going.
K: sure thing shortie
He patted me on the head.
I glared at him he grabbed his sweater and closed my bedroom door. Kio and I walked out the door and I locked it. I got into the car and we drove to the mall.
K: okay so I need new shoes.
I: what's wrong with the ones your wearing?
K: nothing but YOU ruined my black vans...
I: I dunno what you're talking about...
Kio looked down at my shoes.
K: I don't know why you wear them their too big for you.
I: I don't care I wike them.
K: ok no need to throw a fit.
We both got out of the car and walked into the mall Kio held the door open for me.
I: thank you.
K: no problem:)
I: I need coffee!
K: right I promised okay ummm...Tim Hortons?
I: yesss I've been craving the ice cap.
We grabbed some coffee and Kio and I were off to the shoe store. Kio picked up a pair of black vans like the ones I was wearing. As we were walking a group of guys passed us and they checked me out I know they did...I smiled at them and looked away. I looked up at Kio he looked mad.
I: Kio you okay?
K: yeah I'm fine. Let's just go.
I: oh okay...
We walked back to the car. I started driving. At the stop light I took my hat off and put it in the back seat. I drove us to the park.
K: why are we here?
I: I need pictures!!!
K: oh that reminds me thanks for last night...
I: what are you- oh shit I'm so sorry Kio I forgot...
K: it's okay but now you owe me like 2000 Instagram pictures and TIk toks...
We got out of the car and Kio started to take pictures of me and he was just staring and smiling the whole entire time. My heart was just pounding. This lady passed by and saw us.
L: hey do you want me to take a picture of you two?
K: sure if your okay with that.
L: for sure :)
She took my phone from Kio and Kio stood next to me. He put his hand around my waist. She took the picture.
K: couple more?
L: for sure!
Kio started to hug me and the lady took more pictures.
I: thank you :)
L: no problem! You two love birds have a good day!
She walked away but all I could think about was how she called us love birds...

1788 words 💗

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