Silent treatment

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Kio came into the room I quickly shoved the white shirt in my luggage.
K: here you go vy.
I: oh thanks Kio.
K: hey what's wrong?
I: what uhhh...oh nothing.. just a bit worried about this whole pandemic thing...
K: hey you're with me you'll be safe.
I: yeah... I grabbed my phone and started to scroll on TIk tok.
K: hey vy could you help me with this TIk tok?
I: uhhh yeah sure what's up?
K: the TIk tok dance.
Kio started the count down.
I'm a savage
Classy bougie ratchet
Sassy moody nasty
I threw it back on Kio.
Why- I'm- Kio and I just laughed
But I could see Kio staring the entire time...
He posted the TIk tok and everyone kept commenting "couple goals".
I decided to leave the room for a bit. Kio Decided to stay in the room. As I made my way to the elevator I heard....
D: vy! Wait up.
I held the door open.
I: oh? Hey dylan what's up?
D: nothing it's just the last time I'll be seeing you. Cus after all this is where quarantine starts.
I: right.
D: hey what's wrong?
I hugged Dylan.
I: I think Kio and becca slept together.
D: woah woah woah? What? What makes you say that?
I: we were packing and there was a white shirt with lipstick on it. I know it's not mine.
D: why would he sleep with becca?
I: I don't know But I'm gonna find out.
D: woah wait what?
I: I'm gonna go talk to becca.
D: are you- well if you go I go.
I:what why?
D: because becca that girl will kill you if I'm not there.
I: fine.
We got to beccas floor and walked over to her room. I knocked on the door she opened it and I pushed passed her.
B: what the hell ivy?!
I: did you do it?!
B: did I do what?
I: did you sleep with Kio?
B: oh why do you think that?
I: I found a shirt with lipstick on it and it's not mine.
B: awww are you worried that your fake boyfriend cheated?
D: wait fake boyfriend?
I: what no Kio and I are-
B: faking? Yeah he told me.
I: so you-
B: oh yeah it was amazing. Him and I went all the way. Good thing I brought protection. He lasted quite long. But he couldn't keep his hands off me.
I: what are you talking about? Kio would never-
B: I'm sure if you ask the person next door they heard everything. He was quite good. Best I've ever had.
I: I don't believe this.
B: you don't huh? Check Kio then....on his right hip there's a tiny birthmark under the pant line of course.
I ran out of the room and becca started to laugh I was already crying. Dylan has try to catch up to me. I got in the elevator and back to the room. I unlocked the door.

K: vy what's wrong?
I: take of your pants!
K: what?!
I: Kio tell me she's lying. Tell me she's just trying to fuck with me!
K: what are you talking about?
I: you and becca you slept together!!!
K: no we didn't.
I: then pull your pants down and show me there isn't a birthmark on your hip.
Kio's smile turned into a frown.
I: I- I can't believe this.
K: vy! Would you just-
I: Kio just...leave me alone we have 2 more weeks of quarantine together. Then you can fuck becca all you want.
K: it wasn't like that.
I: what was it like then Kio? Huh? "Oh Kio- uhh ahhh ahh" is that's what she sounded like? Huh Kio?!
K: ivy! -
I: just shut up Kio. I'm gonna sleep on the couch and we leave for Florida in the morning.
I ran to the bathroom and closed the door and I cried. I stayed in the bathroom for hours. I couldn't stop thinking about what becca had said. How could he- he flirts with me then sleeps with another girl? Maybe I should've just told him.

The next day we were evacuated of the ship and into hotel rooms. I called my parents to let them know about our situation. Kio and I walked into the room. And I sighed.
K: look vy...I'll sleep on the couch okay.
I: I- okay.
Kio and I were in quarantine for a week.
I hadn't said one word to him. I missed him. We were given small privileges to leave the room. So Kio has left to get food. I need to talk to Kio. I missed him so much. He walked through the door.

I: hey...Kio.
Kio just turned around to look at me.
I: what now your ignoring me?
K: well if you don't recall oh just ignored me for 2 weeks already soooo...
I: Kio please. I miss you and I'm trying to apologize-
K: what do you expect me to say vy? You ignored me and didn't let me explain what happened.
I: Kio at this point I don't care what happened. I was mad at you. I miss you. My bestfriend.
I started to cry.
I: you know what Kio fine. I get it you like becca. But if you could just liste-
Kio grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him.
I: Kio...
K: apology accepted vy.
Kio put me down.
I: but Kio...
K: yes?
I: did you sleep with becca?
K: she came onto me that night.

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