I love you.

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I woke up and I saw Kio he fell asleep too...
Damnit Kio you were supposed to wake me up. I couldn't be Mad at him though he was too cute sleeping there. I sighed I got up and someone knocked at the door.
A boy was there he looked around 16-17
He was standing at my door and he handed me a piece of paper.
D: hi I'm Dylan I saw you get on the boat and you're really cute. Sorry that's kinda straight forward but did you wanna hang out sometime?
I: uhhhh I-
K: she's fine thank you.
D: oh and who's this your boyfriend?
K: let's just say I'm the guy who has a chance.
So could you and your white boy attitude bother some other cute girl? Thanks.
Kio slammed the door shut.
I: what the hell kio?
K: so you wanted to hang out with him?
I: well no..
K: oh so I did help.
I: Kio...
K: and may I ask why you didn't wanna Hang our with him?
I: Kiooooo...
K: what I'm just curious.
I: Kio I like someone else.
K: bro wait who?
I: now that. That is a secret.
I was thinking about telling Kio I liked him before we left but I was to scared.
I checked the time.
I: oh shit we have dinner in 20
K: oh ok
I: your not gonna like this....
K: what?
I: it's a black tie event.
K: I have to wear a suit....
I: yeah...
Kio got up from the bed and grabbed his suitcase unzipped it and pulled out a suit. He ran to the bathroom to change. I started my hair. I knocked on the door and Kio was struggling to tie his tie.
I: need help?
K: ughhh...no...yes
I walked over to Kio and helped tie his tie.
K: where'd you learn to tie a tie?
I: I did drama club remember. I helped costumes for a living. I'd think I'd know how to tie a tie.
K: thanks vy.
I: now go wait downstairs please I need to change I'll meet you there.
Kio left the room and I changed I decided on a purple satin dress. I zipped up the back did my makeup and headed out. I got into the elevator and got to the main floor... I walked down the steps and there Kio was. He smiled at me as a reached the bottom step he grabbed my hand.
K: shall we?
I: we shall.
Kio walked me towards the dining room. We were seated in the minors area because it was supposed to be a parents and children cruise but my parents couldn't join us. We sat down and 2 more families joined us. Rather a group joined us. 
A: hey I'm adaline. Nice to meet you and you are?
I: ivy my names ivy.
A: and is that your brother?
I could see adaline practically drooling over Kio. Another boy walked up.
J: hi I'm Jordan adaline brother. Damn you're fine.
D: hands off Jordan. She's mine.
I rolled my eyes.
I: yeah okay sure.
A: what is wrong with boys? Treating a girl as if she's a piece of meat. Uhhh it's disgusting.
Kio just sat there looking at me. I thought something was wrong. I leaned over and whispered in his ear.
I: Kio why are you staring?
K: nothing why?
I: you looking at me makes me worry that I look ugly or something.
K: you look beautiful vy I-
Kio was interrupted by...
R: oh shit I'm so sorry...how clumsy of me.
K: it's fine.
Kio grabbed the napkin off the table to wipe off the grape juice of his white shirt and pants. The girl bent down to her knees and took the towel from Kio. She started to get awfully touchy. She started to wipe around his area.
Kio stood up really fast.
K: okay that's enough...I'll be back in a sec vy.
I: okay...
The girl sat down In Kio's place.
She shook my hand.
R: hi my names rebeca.My friends call me becca.
I: my names ivy. And uhhh...kio only calls me vy.
R: Kio huh? The handsom devil. Is he your boyfriend?
I: well uhhh.
R: oh he's not? Well I hope you don't mind me moving in.
Omg I do mind if you look at becca it looks like she's the girl who sleeps with the entire football team. 
I: I'm gonna go check on him.
Maybe he needs help.
R: oh he'lol definitely need help.
She leaned over and whispered in my ear.
R: his member became awfully large after that little incident.
I was gonna puke I needed to get out of here.
I: nice to meet you all.
I walked out of the restaurant and up into the elevators. I walked over to our room and unlocked the door. I saw Kio trying to rub the stain off his shirt.
I: Kio... Kio stop!
K: what?!
I: what is the matter with you?!
K: well what did you not see those guys just eyeing you?
I : so what Kio?
K: didn't it bother you?
I: of course it did Kio. But like I said I'd never be into them so they could drool all they want.
Why are you so upset by this?
K: I'm- ughhh..nvm let's just go back downstairs and finish the dinner.
I: no Kio tell me what's wrong?!
K: vy I'm not Into having this discussion with you at all right now.
I:Try me Kio. You and I have so much history together you can tell me anything.
K: that's why I can't tell you.
I: why what's wrong Kio? Why can't you-
Kio grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. I felt my body just relax and calm down in his arms.
K: that's why I can't tell you vy. You don't understand the way you feel about that guy you talk about that's how I feel about you. Ever since we were kids vy. I've always thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. Like on the semi formal dance. I had Lauren as my date but I kept thinking why didn't I just ask you? I couldn't stop staring at you that night. I couldn't tell you vy. You had a huge crush on zack and he was my bestfriend. But so were you. I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I was gonna tell you before this trip but I got too nervous. And the first time I stayed over. You fell asleep on my chest. All I could think was how come I can't have you?
Kio started crying I was at loss for words like...I didn't know what to say...
I: Kio...
K: I know you don't feel the same way vy.
I: Kio...
K: I need som fresh air.
Kio walked out the door and grabbed his hoodie and left. I fell to the floor crying.
"But Kio...I love you."

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