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Kio and I made our way back to the room. We decided on just ordering room service and staying in the room. I went for a shower. Kio went shortly after. I was trying to find a clean hoodie. After all my insecurities were getting worse. Kio walked out and put his hands on my waist as I was wearing a cropped tank.
I: Kio?
K: yes?
I: can I borrow your hoodie?
K: borrow as in you'll give it back or-
I: as in if you keep asking questions I won't give it back.
K: fine.
I grabbed one of Kio's Nike hoodies and put it on. It was wayyyy tooo big for me but ehh that's the point. I sat down on the bed. And Kio went back into the bathroom. He changed. He actually had his glasses on. He was - adorable with the glasses on..
K: what's wrong?
I: nothing?
K: why are you looking at me like that?
I:like what?
K: like- you know what never mind. Did you wanna watch a movie or something?
I: yeah what movie?
K: cars. It's literally the best movie in the world.
I: no it's not I prefer up.
K: no that movie is sooo sad.
I: no it's no-
K: how about this if you don't like cars we can watch up? Deal?
I: fine cyr this better be worth my time.
Kio put cars on the lap top and we laid down on the bed. I put the blanket on and Kio laughed.
I: what?
K: nothing you just look like a baby.
I: shut up :)
I curled up under the blanket and Kio joined me under the blanket. Shortly after I felt his arms grab my waist.
I: Kio?
I just got comfortable. Not that I didn't like it.
It's doesn't help with how I feel for Kio.
We didn't have service on the boat. But there was an announcement. " ladies and gentlemen this cruise has been put on hold. There has been an outbreak of a pandemic. Everyone you have been with for the past 2 weeks will now be in quarantine with you for 14 days. We will be docking in Florida and you all will be given a hotel. We appreciate your cooperation."

K: wait what?
I: I guess were stuck together for another 2 weeks.
K: yeah...well better make the best of it.
Kio and I finished the movie I looked over and Kio fell asleep. I tried to move but everytime I tried to move Kio's grip got tighter and tighter. I just gave up and I turned around and closed my eyes. I was facing him. I felt Kio place a kiss on my forehead. I smiled. And I just thought about how much I liked and cared about Kio. I knew he cared about me a lot but I DONT think he likes me the way I like him...oh god this self isolation thing with Kio's gonna be a bumpy ride....We were asked to pack out stuff and get ready to leave and that's what Kio and I did.
K: hey I'm gonna get some coffee want any?
I: uhhh...sure 2-
K: 2 sugars half creamer light ice.
I: yeah...
K: no problem vy.
Kio left the room. Holy crap Kio remembers my coffee order? That's not a big thing but
coming from Kio it is. I started to pack and grabbed Kio's things off the bed. I grabbed a white shirt and I saw a lipstick stain. Right on the bottom.
Omg Kio had sex on this boat? With who? Adeline? No...BECCA?!

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